Leading and Trailing View in WinUI ComboBox (SfComboBox)

28 Jun 20225 minutes to read

This section explains about the leading and trailing view support available in ComboBox. The LeadingView appears before the ComboBox selection area, and TrailingView appears after the ComboBox selection area. Any content, such as an icon, image, button, or control, can be displayed in the LeadingView and TrailingView.

Leading View

The below code shows how to include the LeadingView in ComboBox.

<editors:SfComboBox Header="ComboBox with Leading View"                
                    PlaceholderText="Search a country">
                <Viewbox Height="16"
                    <SymbolIcon Symbol="Find" />

WinUI Combobox control with icon in leading view or front view

Trailing View

The below code shows how to include the Trailingview in ComboBox.

<editors:SfComboBox Header="ComboBox with Trailing View"
                    PlaceholderText="Search a country">
                <Button BorderThickness="0"
                    <Viewbox Height="16"
                        <FontIcon Glyph="&#xEBE7;" />

WinUI ComboBox control with button in trailing view or back view

Leading and Trailing View

The below code shows how to include both the Leadingview and Trailingview in ComboBox.

<editors:SfComboBox Header="ComboBox with Leading and Trailing View"
                     PlaceholderText="Search a country">
                <editors:SfComboBox Margin="0,4,0,4">
                        <editors:SfComboBoxItem Content="Asia" />
                        <editors:SfComboBoxItem Content="Africa" />
                        <editors:SfComboBoxItem Content="North America"/>
                        <editors:SfComboBoxItem Content="South America" />
                        <editors:SfComboBoxItem Content="Europe" />
                        <editors:SfComboBoxItem Content="All Countries"
                <Viewbox Height="16"
                    <SymbolIcon Symbol="Find" />

WinUI ComboBox control with combo box in leading view or front view and button in trailing view or back view