Keyboard support in WinUI ComboBox (SfComboBox)

28 Dec 20212 minutes to read

This section explains the shortcut keys that are supported in ComboBox.

Keyboard behaviors

The following table explains shortcut key for opening and closing drop-down.

Key or KeyCombinations Non-editable mode Editable mode
F4 To open or close the drop-down. To open or close the drop-down.
Alt+Down To open or close the drop-down. -
Enter Single selection To open or close the drop-down. If the drop-down is already open, pressing the Enter key item will update the selected item and close the drop-down.
Multiple selection To open the drop-down when it is closed.
If the drop-down is already open, pressing the Enter key will update the selected item and close the drop-down.
Up, Down - To open the drop-down when it is closed.
Escape Single selection If the drop-down is already open, pressing the Escape key will cancel the selection and close the drop-down.
Multiple selection If the drop-down is already open, pressing the Escape key will close the drop-down.
If the drop-down is already open, pressing the Escape key will cancel the selection and close the drop-down.
Tab, Shift+Tab Single selection If the drop-down is already open, pressing the Tab or Shift+Tab key will update the selected item and close the drop-down.
Multiple selection If the drop-down is already open, pressing the Tab or Shift+Tab key will close the drop-down.
If the drop-down is already open, pressing the Tab or Shift+Tab key will update selected item and close the drop-down.

The following table explains shortcut key to navigate and highlight the items in drop-down list.

Key or KeyCombinations Single selection mode Multiple selection mode
Up, Ctrl+Up, Shift+Up Moves the focus and selection to the previous item from the current focused item. Moves the focus to the previous item from the current focused item.
Down, Ctrl+Down, Shift+Down Moves the focus and selection to the next item from the current focused item. Moves the focus to the next item from the current focused item.
Home Moves the focus and selection to the first item. Moves the focus to the first item.
End Moves the focus and selection to the last item. Moves the focus to the last item.
PageUp Move the selection up on the first fully visible item on the current page. If the first fully visible item is selected, move the selection on the first fully visible item on the previous page. Move the focus up on the first fully visible item on the current page. If the first fully visible item is focused, move the focus on the first fully visible item on the previous page.
PageDown Move the selection down on the last fully visible item on the current page. If the last fully visible item is selected, move the selection on the last fully visible item on the next page. Move the focus down on the last fully visible item on the current page. If the last fully visible item is focused, move the focus on the last fully visible item on the next page.