RunTime Features in Windows Forms Calculator

4 Feb 20251 minute to read

This section elaborated keyboard support for the control.

Keyboard Support

Essential® Tools Calculator control does the functionality of a normal calculator, using the Mouse or Keyboard, at run time. The control provides Keyboard equivalents for the Calculator buttons. They are listed in the below table.

Button Description Keyboard Equivalent
Backspace Deletes the last digit of the displayed number. BACKSPACE
CE Clears the displayed number. DELETE
C Clears the current calculation. ESC
MC Clears any number stored in memory. CTRL+L
7 Puts this number in the calculator display. 7
8 Puts this number in the calculator display. 8
9 Puts this number in the calculator display. 9
/ Divides. /
sqrt Calculates the square root of the displayed number. @
MR Recalls the number stored in memory. The number remains in memory. CTRL+R
4 Puts this number in the calculator display. 4
5 Puts this number in the calculator display. 5
6 Puts this number in the calculator display. 6
* Multiplies. *
% Displays the result of multiplication as a percentage. Enter on number, click , enter the second number, and then click %. For example, 50 * 25 % will display 12.5.You can also perform operations with percentages. Enter one number, click the operator(+, -, *, or /), enter the second number, click % and then click =.For example: 50 + 25% (of 50) = 62.5. %
MS Stores the displayed number in memory. CTRL+M
1 Puts this number in the calculator display. 1
2 Puts this number in the calculator display. 2
3 Puts this number in the calculator display. 3
- Subtracts. -
1/x Calculates the reciprocal of the displayed number. R
M+ Adds the displayed number to any number already in memory but does not display the sum of these numbers. CTRL+P
+/- Changes the sign of the displayed number. F9
. Inserts a decimal point. To use a different character for the decimal point, click start, point to settings, and then click control panel. Double click Regional Options and then click the Numbers tab. . or ,
+ Adds. +
= Perform any operation on the previous two numbers. To repeat the last operation, click = again. Enter