Resource view in Flutter Event Calendar (SfCalendar)

6 Jun 20237 minutes to read

The timeline resource grouping is a discrete view integrated into our Event calendar widget that allows you to group the appointments based on the available resource in timeline views of the calendar. Using this feature, you can group the appointments and time regions arranged in a row-wise order based on the allocated resource in the timeline views. This rich feature set includes customization and you can assign unique styles to the available resource view.

You can create a resource view by setting the displayName, color, id, and image property of the CalendarResource.

List<CalendarResource> resourceColl = <CalendarResource>[];
      displayName: 'John',
      id: '0001',

You can add resources that can be assigned to the appointments and time regions using the resources property of CalendarDataSource.

class _AppointmentDataSource extends CalendarDataSource {
      List<Appointment> source, List<CalendarResource> resourceColl) {
    appointments = source;
    resources = resourceColl;

Resource view

Assigning events for resources

You can associate resources to the appointments by adding id of a resource to the resourceIds property of Appointment. The appointments will be displayed in the row associates with the resource in the event calendar timeline views.

      startTime: DateTime(2020, 08, 25, 14, 0, 0),
      endTime: DateTime(2020, 08, 25, 14, 30, 0),
      subject: 'General Meeting',
      resourceIds: ['0000', '0001'],

Assigning custom business objects for resources

You can associate resources to custom business objects using the equivalent field of resourceIds in the custom business object class.

class _AppointmentDataSource extends CalendarDataSource {
      List<Appointment> source, List<CalendarResource> resourceColl) {
    appointments = source;
    resources = resourceColl;

  List<Object> getResourceIds(int index) {
    return appointments![index].ids;

For more about custom appointments, refer to this link.

Assigning time regions for resources

You can add time regions to the resources by adding id of the resource in the resourceIds property of TimeRegion.

List<TimeRegion> _specialTimeRegions = <TimeRegion>[];
        startTime: DateTime(2020, 08, 20, 13, 0, 0),
        endTime: DateTime(2020, 08, 20, 14, 0, 0),
        text: 'Lunch',
        recurrenceRule: 'FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1',
        resourceIds: <Object>['0001', '0001']));

Visible resource count

You can customize the number of visible resources in the current view using the visibleResourceCount property of resourceViewSettings in the SfCalendar. By default, the value of this property is set to ‘-1.’

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
          body: SfCalendar(
        dataSource: _dataSource,
        resourceViewSettings: ResourceViewSettings(
          visibleResourceCount: 2,

Visible resource count


Show avatar

You can disable the user profile image and the circle representation of the resource by setting false to the showAvatar property available in the ResourceViewSettings. This will display each resource with a resource name and the color assigned to the resource.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
    home: Scaffold(
      body: SfCalendar(
        dataSource: _dataSource,
        resourceViewSettings: ResourceViewSettings(showAvatar: false),

Show avatar

Display name text style

The display name text style for the resource view can be customized by setting an appropriate text style to the displayNameTextStyle property available in the ResourceViewSettings.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
    home: Scaffold(
      body: SfCalendar(
        dataSource: _dataSource,
        resourceViewSettings: ResourceViewSettings(
            displayNameTextStyle: TextStyle(
                fontSize: 11,
                color: Colors.redAccent,
                fontStyle: FontStyle.italic)),

Display name text style

Resource panel size

You can customize the size of the panel that displays the resource views in the calendar by setting an appropriate value to the size property available in the ResourceViewSettings.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
    home: Scaffold(
      body: SfCalendar(
		dataSource: _dataSource,
        resourceViewSettings: ResourceViewSettings(size: 120),

Resource panel size

See also