Builders in Flutter Event Calendar (SfCalendar)

6 Jun 202324 minutes to read

The calendar allows you to create a responsive UI with conditions based on a widget’s details, to design and create your custom view to the month cells and month header of schedule view in the calendar.

The calendar has two builders to create and assign your custom view:

  • Month cell builder
  • Schedule view month header builder

Month cell builder

The MonthCellBuilder allows you to design your custom view and assign the view to the month cells of the calendar by returning an appropriate widget in the monthCellBuilder of SfCalendar.

MonthCellDetails - returns the details of the month cell.

  • date - returns the month cell date.
  • appointments - returns the month cell appointments.
  • visibleDates - returns the current view visible dates.
  • bounds - returns the month cell bounds.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: SfCalendar(
            view: CalendarView.month,
                (BuildContext buildContext, MonthCellDetails details) {
              final Color backgroundColor =
              final Color defaultColor =
                  Theme.of(context).brightness == Brightness.dark
                      ? Colors.black54
                      : Colors.white;
              return Container(
                decoration: BoxDecoration(
                    color: backgroundColor,
                    border: Border.all(color: defaultColor, width: 0.5)),
                child: Center(
                  child: Text(
                    style: TextStyle(color: _getCellTextColor(backgroundColor)),
            showDatePickerButton: true,
            monthViewSettings: MonthViewSettings(
              showTrailingAndLeadingDates: false,

Month cell builder

Schedule view month header builder

You can design your custom view and assign this view to the month header of a schedule view in the calendar by returning an appropriate widget using the scheduleViewMonthHeaderBuilder in the SfCalendar.

ScheduleViewMonthHeaderDetails - returns the required details of the schedule view month header.

  • date - returns the header date.
  • bounds - returns the header bounds.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
    home: Scaffold(
      body: SfCalendar(
          view: CalendarView.schedule,
          dataSource: _calendarDataSource,
          scheduleViewMonthHeaderBuilder: (BuildContext buildContext,
              ScheduleViewMonthHeaderDetails details) {
            final String monthName = _getMonthDate(;
            return Stack(
              children: [
                    image: ExactAssetImage('images/' + monthName + '.png'),
                    fit: BoxFit.cover,
                    width: details.bounds.width,
                    height: details.bounds.height),
                  left: 55,
                  right: 0,
                  top: 20,
                  bottom: 0,
                  child: Text(
                    monthName + ' ' +,
                    style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18),
          showDatePickerButton: true),

Schedule view header builder

Appointment builder

The CalendarAppointmentBuilder allows you to design your custom view and assign the view to the appointment UI of the calendar by returning an appropriate widget in the appointmentBuilder of SfCalendar.

CalendarAppointmentDetails: Returns the details of the appointment view.

  • date: The date associate with the appointment view.
  • appointments: List of appointments associated with the appointment view.
    *bound: Returns the appointment view bounds.
  • isMoreAppointmentRegion: Determines whether the widget replaces the more appointment region.
class MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  CalendarController _controller = CalendarController();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
          body: SfCalendar(
            dataSource: _getCalendarDataSource(),
            appointmentBuilder: (BuildContext context,
                CalendarAppointmentDetails details) {
              final Appointment meeting =
              final String image = _getImage();
              if (_controller.view != CalendarView.month &&
                  _controller.view != CalendarView.schedule) {
                return Container(
                  child: Column(
                    children: [
                        padding: EdgeInsets.all(3),
                        height: 50,
                        alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
                        decoration: BoxDecoration(
                          shape: BoxShape.rectangle,
                          borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(
                              topLeft: Radius.circular(5),
                              topRight: Radius.circular(5)),
                          color: meeting.color,
                        child: SingleChildScrollView(
                            child: Column(
                              mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
                              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                              children: [
                                  style: TextStyle(
                                    color: Colors.white,
                                    fontSize: 12,
                                    fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
                                  maxLines: 3,
                                  softWrap: false,
                                  overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                                    ? Container()
                                    : Text(
                                        'Time: ${DateFormat('hh:mm a').format(meeting.startTime)} - ' +
                                            '${DateFormat('hh:mm a').format(meeting.endTime)}',
                                        style: TextStyle(
                                          color: Colors.white,
                                          fontSize: 10,
                        height: details.bounds.height - 70,
                        padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(3, 5, 3, 2),
                        color: meeting.color.withOpacity(0.8),
                        alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
                        child: SingleChildScrollView(
                            child: Column(
                              mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
                              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                              children: [
                                    padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 5),
                                    child: Image(
                                            ExactAssetImage('images/' + image + '.png'),
                                        fit: BoxFit.contain,
                                        width: details.bounds.width,
                                        height: 60)),
                                  style: TextStyle(
                                    color: Colors.white,
                                    fontSize: 10,
                        height: 20,
                        decoration: BoxDecoration(
                          shape: BoxShape.rectangle,
                          borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(
                              bottomLeft: Radius.circular(5),
                              bottomRight: Radius.circular(5)),
                          color: meeting.color,
              return Container(
                child: Text(meeting.subject),

Appointment builder


  • For recurring appointments, this will always return as Appointment, even for the custom business objects.

Time region builder

The TimeRegionBuilder allows you to design your custom view and assign the view to the time region view of the calendar by returning an appropriate widget in the timeRegionBuilder of SfCalendar.

TimeRegionDetails: Returns the details of the time region view.

  • date: The date associate with the time region view.
  • bound: Returns the time region view bounds.
  • region: The Region detail associated with the time region view.
List<TimeRegion> _getTimeRegions() {
  final List<TimeRegion> regions = <TimeRegion>[];
  DateTime date =;
  date = DateTime(date.year, date.month,, 12, 0, 0);
      startTime: date,
      endTime: date.add(Duration(hours: 2)),
      enablePointerInteraction: false,
      color: Colors.grey.withOpacity(0.2),
      text: 'Break'));

  return regions;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
    home: Scaffold(
        body: SfCalendar(
      view: CalendarView.week,
      specialRegions: _getTimeRegions(),
          (BuildContext context, TimeRegionDetails timeRegionDetails) {
        if (timeRegionDetails.region.text == 'Lunch') {
          return Container(
            color: timeRegionDetails.region.color,
            child: Icon(
              color: Colors.grey.withOpacity(0.5),
        } else if (timeRegionDetails.region.text == 'Not Available') {
          return Container(
            color: timeRegionDetails.region.color,
            child: Icon(
              color: Colors.grey.withOpacity(0.5),
       return Container(color: timeRegionDetails.region.color);

Time regions builder

Resource view header builder

The ResourceViewHeaderBuilder allows to design the custom view, and assign the view to the resource view header of the calendar by returning an appropriate widget in the ResourceViewHeaderBuilder of the SfCalendar.

ResourceViewHeaderDetails - returns the required details of the resource view header builder.

  • bound: returns the resource view header bound.
  • resource: returns the display name, color, id and image.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: SfCalendar(
            view: CalendarView.timelineMonth,
                (BuildContext context, ResourceViewHeaderDetails details) {
              if (details.resource.image != null) {
                return Column(
                  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
                  children: [
                    CircleAvatar(backgroundColor: details.resource.image),
              } else {
                return Container(
                  color: details.resource.color,
                  child: Text(details.resource.displayName),

Resource View Header Builder in Flutter Calendar

See also