- Automatic columns generation
- Manually generate columns
- Adding columns efficiently
- Resizing columns
- See also
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Columns in Xamarin DataGrid (SfDataGrid)
10 Jan 202514 minutes to read
The SfDatagrid allows to create and add columns in the following two ways:
- Automatic columns generation based on the underlying collection.
- Manually defining columns in XAML or C#.
Automatic columns generation
The SfDataGrid creates columns automatically based on the bindable property SfDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns.Columns are generated based on type of individual properties in the underlying collection which is set as ItemsSource. For example, GridNumericColumn is added for int type property. Below table shows the column type created for the respective data type. For remaining types, GridTextColumn will be created.
Data Tye | Column |
string, object | GridTextColumn |
int, float, double, decimal and it’s respective nullable types | GridNumericColumn |
DateTime | GridDateTimeColumn |
bool | GridSwitchColumn |
enum | GridPickerColumn |
ImageSource | GridImageColumn |
You can refer the sample from here to get to know the codes for defining properties in the Model class and populating data for generating different types of column automatically.
AutoGenerateColumns with different modes
The auto generation of the columns in SfDataGrid is based on the SfDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumnsMode property.
decides a way to create columns when SfDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns
is set to true
. It also decides to retain grouping and sorting when the ItemsSource changed.
The SfDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumnsMode
is of AutoGenerateColumnsMode type which has the following five options:
Modes | Description |
Stores only the columns that are defined in SfDataGrid.Columns collection. When changing the ItemsSource, the grouping and sorting for explicitly defined SfDataGrid.Columns alone will be retained. |
Retains the columns defined explicitly in the application level and creates columns newly for all the other properties in a data source. When changing the ItemsSource, the grouping and sorting for explicitly defined SfDataGrid.Columns alone will be retained. |
When changing the ItemsSource, the columns for the previous data source are cleared and the columns will be created newly for the new data source. Even when columns are explicitly defined it does not consider the defined columns and creates the column based on the underlying collection. Further when changing the ItemsSource, the grouping and sorting for all the columns will be cleared. |
When changing the ItemsSource, creates columns for all fields in a data source when the Grid does not have any explicit definition for columns. When columns are defined explicitly, then the defined columns alone are retained and new columns are not created. Similarly when changing the ItemsSource and when the Grid have any explicit definition for columns, the grouping and sorting are retained as it is. |
Retains the columns defined explicitly in application level and the columns with MappingName identical to the properties in the new data source. Creates columns newly for all the other properties in the data source. Similarly it retains the grouping and sorting of the columns that are defined explicitly in application level and the columns with MappingName identical to the properties in new data source. |
The default value of SfDatagrid.AutoGenerateColumns
property is true
and SfDatagrid.AutoGenerateColumnsMode
is Reset
. By default, SfDatagrid creates columns automatically for every non-explicitly defined public property in the underlying collection bound to its ItemsSource
When you change items source for the SfDatagrid during run time, then the columns are generated on the basis of option set for
Auto generate columns for custom type
By default columns are also auto generated for custom type properties and for parent properties of complex properties in the data object. To prevent such columns from being auto generated set the SfDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumnsForCustomType property as False
In case of complex properties, use the SfDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumnsModeForCustomType to auto generate columns for either parent property, inner properties of the parent or both parent and inner properties.
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
ItemsSource="{Binding OrdersInfo,Mode=TwoWay}"
this.dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumnsForCustomType = true;
this.dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumnsModeForCustomType = AutoGenerateColumnsModeForCustomType.Both;
Customize automatically generated columns
When SfDatagrid.AutoGenerateColumns
is true
, the SfDataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn event is raised for each GridColumn. This event receives two arguments namely sender which is the SfDatagrid and the AutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs.
The AutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs
object contains the following properties:
- Column: This property returns the created column which can be customized.
- Cancel: This property cancels the column creation.
- PropertyType: This property provides the type of underlying model property for which the column is created.
You can skip generating a column by handling the SfDataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn
event as shown as follows:
dataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn += GridAutoGeneratingColumns;
void GridAutoGeneratingColumns(object sender, AutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
if (e.Column.MappingName == "EmployeeID")
e.Cancel = true;
Formatting for auto generated columns can be applied as follows:
void GridAutoGeneratingColumns(object sender, AutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
if (e.Column.MappingName == "Freight") {
e.Column.Format = "C";
e.Column.CultureInfo = new CultureInfo ("en-US");
} else if (e.Column.MappingName == "ShippingDate")
e.Column.Format = "dd/MM/yyyy";
You can perform any desired operation based on the property type of the underlying model object as follows.
void GridAutoGeneratingColumns(object sender,AutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
if(e.PropertyType == typeof(string))
// Here we have hidden the columns if the underlying property type is string.
e.Column.IsHidden = true;
You can also customize header text, sorting, alignment, padding, etc., of a column by handling the SfDataGrid.AutoGeneratingEvent
Manually generate columns
The SfDataGrid also allows to define the columns manually by adding the GridColumn objects to the SfDatagrid.Columns collection. If you want only the manually defined columns to be in view, you can achieve it by setting the SfDatagrid.AutoGenerateColumns property to false
. There are different types of columns available. Any column can be created based on the requirements from both XAML and code.
The following code example illustrates about creating columns manually:
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
ItemsSource="{Binding OrderInfoCollection}">
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid.Columns x:TypeArguments="syncfusion:Columns">
<syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Order ID"
MappingName="OrderID" />
<syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Customer ID"
MappingName="CustomerID" />
<syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="Customer" />
<syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Ship Country"
MappingName="ShipCountry" />
dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
GridTextColumn orderIdColumn = new GridTextColumn ();
orderIdColumn.MappingName = "OrderID";
orderIdColumn.HeaderText = "Order ID";
GridTextColumn customerIdColumn = new GridTextColumn ();
customerIdColumn.MappingName = "CustomerID";
customerIdColumn.HeaderText = "Customer ID";
GridTextColumn customerColumn = new GridTextColumn ();
customerColumn.MappingName = "Customer";
GridTextColumn countryColumn = new GridTextColumn ();
countryColumn.MappingName = "ShipCountry";
countryColumn.HeaderText = "Ship Country";
dataGrid.Columns.Add (orderIdColumn);
dataGrid.Columns.Add (customerIdColumn);
dataGrid.Columns.Add (customerColumn);
dataGrid.Columns.Add (countryColumn);
Adding columns efficiently
Adding/removing columns to/from SfDataGrid.Columns
collection updates the UI (for each add/remove) which negatively impacts the performance.
You can improve the performance while adding/removing columns by suspending all the UI updates using SfDataGrid.Columns.Suspend and resume the updates after adding columns using SfDataGrid.Columns.Resume methods. You can then finally refresh the UI using SfDataGrid.RefreshColumns
// Add or Remove More columns
Resizing columns
The SfDataGrid allows to resize the columns by tapping and dragging the right border of the column headers. Resizing can be enabled or disabled by setting the SfDataGrid.AllowResizingColumn property. A resizing indicator is displayed while resizing a column.
Resizing considers GridColumn.MinimumWidth and GridColumn.MaximumWidth of the column and will not resize the minimum and maximum width constraints.
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
ItemsSource="{Binding Orders}" />
dataGrid.AllowResizingColumn = true;
The column width can be changed by tapping and dragging the resizing indicator.
The resizing indicator appears while tapping the right corner of the column header.
To interactively hide a column, set the GridColumn.MinimumWidth
property to zero. Resize the column to a width less than 0.
Resizing modes
The SfDataGrid allows two modes of resizing by setting the SfDataGrid.ResizingMode property. The resizing modes are as follows:
- OnMoved: The resizing indicator is moved based on the touch point. The width of the column is updated as the resizing indicator moves.
- OnTouchUp: The resizing indicator is moved based on the touch point. However the width of the column is updated only on a touch up operation.
The default resizing mode is OnMoved.
The following image shows resizing mode OnMoved:
The following image shows resizing mode OnTouchUp:
Resizing events
Based on the requirement resizing operation can be handled using the SfDataGrid.ColumnResizing event. The SfDataGrid.ColumnResizing
event is fired while resizing a column. It will be continuously fired till the resizing operation ends.
By handling the SfDataGrid.ColumnResizing
event, the resizing of a particular column can be canceled.
The SfDataGrid.ColumnResizing
event provides the following properties through GridResizingEventArgs.
- Index - Returns the index of the column currently being resized.
- NewValue - Returns the current width of the column being resized.
- ResizingState - Returns the current state of the user-interaction through a value from the ProgressStates enum.
- Cancel - A Boolean property to cancel the event and the resizing operation.
Cancel resizing for a column
To cancel resizing a particular column, use the SfDataGrid.ColumnResizing
event. Based on the different arguments provided in the GridResizingEventArgs
, the resizing operation of a column can be canceled.
To cancel resizing a column using the SfDataGrid.ColumnResizing
event using the Index
value, follow the code example:
this.dataGrid.ResizingColumns += dataGrid_ResizingColumns;
private void DataGrid_ColumnResizing(object sender, GridResizingEventArgs e)
//Code to end resizing if ColumnIndex is 2
if (e.Index == 2)
e.Cancel = true;
To cancel resizing a column using the SfDataGrid.ColumnResizing
event using the NewValue
value, follow the code example:
this.dataGrid.ResizingColumns += dataGrid_ResizingColumns;
private void DataGrid_ColumnResizing(object sender, GridResizingEventArgs e)
//Code to end resizing if Column's Width is >= 100
if (e.NewValue >= 100 ||)
e.Cancel = true;
To cancel resizing a column using the SfDataGrid.ColumnResizing
event using the ProgressStates
value, follow the code example:
this.dataGrid.ResizingColumns += dataGrid_ResizingColumns;
private void DataGrid_ColumnResizing(object sender, GridResizingEventArgs e)
//Code to end resizing if interaction state is Progressing
if (e.ResizingState = ProgressStates.Progressing)
e.Cancel = true;
You can refer to our Xamarin DataGrid feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our Xamarin.Forms DataGrid example to knows various chart types and how to easily configured with built-in support for creating stunning visual effects.
See also
How to enable the MultiSelection in GridComboBoxColumn of DataGrid (SfDataGrid)
How to bind a column collection from view model in SfDataGrid Xamarin.Forms