File Link Annotation in WPF Pdf Viewer

15 Nov 20222 minutes to read

The PDF viewer supports file link annotations, which means that if you open a PDF document that contains file link annotations, you can click them to get the details of file linked with the annotation, through its clicked event. You can open the file externally from the application, using the details of the file obtained from the event.

How to obtain the details of the of the annotation and the file linked with the annotation?

The FileLinkAnnotationClicked event will be raised when you click the annotation in PDF pages. Refer to the following code example to wire the FileLinkAnnotationClicked event with the PDF Viewer.

pdfViewer.FileLinkAnnotationClicked += PdfViewer_FileLinkAnnotationClicked;

Using the FileLinkAnnotationClickedEventArgs, you can obtain the page number, bounds of the annotation through the ‘PageNumber’ and ‘Bounds’ properties respectively.

Similarly, you can obtain the details of the file linked with the annotation using the Settings property in the FileLinkAnnotationClickedEventArgs. Refer to the following code example to obtain the details of the of the annotation and the file linked with the annotation

private void PdfViewer_FileLinkAnnotationClicked(object sender, FileLinkAnnotationClickedEventArgs e)
    //Page index in which this file link annotation was clicked 
    int pageNumber = e.PageNumber;
    //Annotation's region.
    RectangleF bounds = e.Bounds;
    FileLinkAnnotationSettings settings = e.Settings;
    //External file path which was linked. 
    string filePath = settings.FileName;

How to open the file externally from the application level?

You can open the file externally from the application level, by passing the FileName as parameter in the Process.Start method.

private void PdfViewer_FileLinkAnnotationClicked(object sender, FileLinkAnnotationClickedEventArgs e)
    string filePath = settings.FileName;


You can refer to our WPF PDF Viewer feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our WPF PDF Viewer example to know how to render and configure the pdfviewer.