Working with Commands in WPF Pdf Viewer
20 Jan 202512 minutes to read
Page Navigations
The below list of commands will be helpful for performing the page navigation operations.
Navigation to the first page can be achieved by using the FirstPageCommand as shown below.
The following XAML code shows how to bind the FirstPageCommand to a button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="Go to first page" Height="20" Width="100" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path=FirstPageCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
- If the current page is already the first page of PDF document, then FirstPageCommand does not have any effect.
Navigation to the last page can be achieved by using the LastPageCommand as shown below.
The following XAML code shows how to bind the LastPageCommand to a button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="Go to last page" Height="20" Width="100" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path=LastPageCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
- If the current page is already the last page of PDF document, then LastPageCommand does not have any effect.
NextPageCommand displays the page next to the currently displayed page in the PDF Viewer.
The following XAML code shows how to bind the NextPageCommand to a button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="Go to next page" Height="20" Width="100" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path=NextPageCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
- If the current page is last page of the PDF document, then NextPageCommand does not have any effect.
PreviousPageCommand displays the page previous to the currently displayed page in the PDF Viewer.
The following XAML code shows how to bind the PreviousPageCommand to a button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="Go to previous page" Height="20" Width="100" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path= PreviousPageCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
- If the current page is first page of the PDF document, then PreviousPageCommand does not have any effect.
GoToPageCommand allows you to navigate through the pages of the PDF document. The following code example illustrates the navigation to page 2 of the PDF document.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="Go to page” Height="20" Width="60" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path=GoToPageCommand, Mode= OneWay }" CommandParameter="2" />
- If the command parameter is some other text or invalid page number, the GoToPageCommand does not have any effect.
Page Rotation commands
The below list of commands helps to rotate the specific pages in a PDF document.
We can rotate the pages to a specified angle regardless of their current rotation angle(0,90,180,270).
The following C# code shows how to rotate the pages to 180-degree angle
<!--The below code rotates the 6 th page to 180 degree in clockwise direction -->
pdfViewer.PageOrganizer.RotatePagesCommand.Execute(new object[] { new int[] { 5 }, PdfPageRotateAngle.RotateAngle180 });
We can rotate the pages 90 degrees with respect to the current rotation angle in a clockwise direction.
The following C# code shows how to rotate the pages in a clockwise direction using the command RotatePagesClockwiseCommand
<!--The below code rotates the 1 and 2 page to 90 degree in clockwise direction-->
pdfViewer.PageOrganizer.RotatePagesClockwiseCommand.Execute(new int[] { 0, 1 });
We can rotate the pages only 90 degrees with respect to the current rotation angle in a counterclockwise direction.
The following C# code shows how to rotate the pages in a counterclockwise direction using the command RotatePagesCounterclockwiseCommand
<!--The below code rotates teh 1 and 2 page to 90 degree in counter clockwise direction-->
pdfViewer.PageOrganizer.RotatePagesCounterclockwiseCommand.Execute(new int[] { 0, 1 });
Removing the specific pages can be achieved using the RemovePagesCommand. To achieve this functionality we have to define the code in the code-behind(i.e In a button click event
The following C# code shows how to remove pages using the RemovePagesCommand that is bonded to the button click event
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// This line removes the 3 rd page in the PDF
pdfViewer.PageOrganizer.RemovePagesCommand.Execute(new int[] {2});
Magnification operations
The PdfViewerControl provides the following set of commands to perform magnification.
IncreaseZoomCommand increases the current zoom percentage by 25%.
The following XAML code shows how to bind the IncreaseZoomCommand to a button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="ZoomIn" Height="20" Width="60" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path= IncreaseZoomCommand, Mode=OneWay}" />
DecreaseZoomCommand decreases the current zoom percentage by 25%.
The following XAML code shows how to bind the DecreaseZoomCommand to a button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="ZoomOut" Height="20" Width="60" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path= DecreaseZoomCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
Text Search Operations
The below two commands will help perform text searching
Finding the next occurrence of a text will be achieved using the SearchNextCommand.
The following XAML code shows how to bind the SearchNextCommand to a button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="PdfViewer" />
<Button Content="Search text" Height="20" Width="100" Command="{Binding ElementName=PdfViewer,Path=SearchNextCommand,Mode=OneWay}" CommandParameter="annotation"/>
Finding a previous occurrence of a text will be achieved using the SearchPreviousCommand
The following XAML code shows how to bind the SearchPreviousCommand to a button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="PdfViewer" />
<Button Content="Search text" Height="20" Width="100" Command="{Binding ElementName=PdfViewer,Path=SearchPreviousCommand,Mode=OneWay}" CommandParameter="annotation"/>
- If the Searched text is not found a dialogue box will prompt which shows No matches were found
The AnnotationCommand can be used to set the different types of annotation mode by using the AnnotationParameter in PdfViewer.
The following list of AnnotationCommandParameter values to the AnnotationCommand are used to set the annotation mode.
- Line
- Circle
- Rectangle
- Arrow
- Ink
- Strikethrough
- Highlight
- Underline
- If the AnnotationCommandParameter value of AnnotationCommand is not equivalent to above mentioned any one of the text, then the annotation mode is set as none.
- The AnnotationCommandParameter is not a case sensitive.
Line Annotation
The following XAML code shows how to bind the annotation command for line annotation to a Button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="Line" Height="20" Width="60" CommandParameter="Line" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path=AnnotationCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
Circle Annotation
The following XAML code shows how to bind the annotation command for circle annotation to a Button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="Circle" Height="20" Width="60" CommandParameter="Circle " Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path=AnnotationCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
Rectangle Annotation
The following XAML code shows how to bind the annotation command for rectangle annotation to a Button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="Rectangle" Height="20" Width="60" CommandParameter="Rectangle" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path=AnnotationCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
Arrow Annotation
The following XAML code shows how to bind the annotation command for arrow annotation to a Button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl"/>
<Button Content="Arrow" CommandParameter="Arrow" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path=AnnotationCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
Ink Annotation
The following XAML code shows how to bind the annotation command for ink annotation to a Button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="Ink" Height="20" Width="60" CommandParameter="Ink" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path=AnnotationCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
Strikethrough Annotation
The following XAML code shows how to bind the annotation command for strikethrough annotation to a Button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="Strikethrough" Height="20" Width="60" CommandParameter="Strikethrough" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path=AnnotationCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
Highlight Annotation
The following XAML code shows how to bind the annotation command for highlight annotation to a Button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="Highlight" Height="20" Width="60" CommandParameter="Highlight" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path=AnnotationCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
Underline Annotation
The following XAML code shows how to bind the annotation command for underline annotation to a Button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="Underline" Height="20" Width="60" CommandParameter="Underline" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl, Path=AnnotationCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
Undo/Redo Command
The UndoCommand and RedoCommand provided by Syncfusion® enable users to revert or reapply their recent actions on the PDF document
You can undo your last action by using the UndoCommand.
The following XAML code shows how to bind the UndoCommand to a button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl Grid.Row="1" x:Name="PdfViewer" />
<Button Content="undo" Height="20" Width="100" Command="{Binding ElementName=PdfViewer,Path=UndoCommand,Mode=OneWay}"/>
You can redo the last undone action by using the RedoCommand.
The following XAML code shows how to bind the RedoCommand to a button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl Grid.Row="1" x:Name="PdfViewer" />
<Button Content="Redo" Height="20" Width="100" Command="{Binding ElementName=PdfViewer,Path=RedoCommand,Mode=OneWay}"/>
Printing PDF
Printing can be performed by using the Print command.
The following XAML code shows how to bind the PrintCommand to a Button.
<Syncfusion:PdfViewerControl x:Name="pdfViewerControl" />
<Button Content="Print" Height="20" Width="60" Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewerControl,Path= PrintCommand, Mode= OneWay }" />
Save Document Command
You can save the PDF file in the given file path using the SaveDocumentCommand
. The following code shows how to save the PDF file by executing the command and to the pass the file path as command parameter.
Unload Command
Unloading a document in runtime can be easily achieved using the unload command
The following XAML code shows how to bind the UnloadCommand to a button
<Syncfusion: PdfViewerControl Grid.Row="1" x:Name="PdfViewer" />
<Button Content="undo" Height="20" Width="100" Command="{Binding ElementName=PdfViewer,Path= Unload,Mode=OneWay}"/>
You can refer to our WPF PDF Viewer feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our WPF PDF Viewer example to know how to render and configure the pdfviewer.