- Silent Printing
- Silent Printing with Printer Name
- Customizing print size
- Printing PDF document with orientation settings
- Set the custom document name to be displayed when printing
- Hide Print Status dialog when printing the PDF files
- Customizing Paper source in Silent Printing
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Printing PDF Files in WPF Pdf Viewer
20 Jan 202515 minutes to read
PDF Viewer allows printing loaded PDFs using the Print button in the toolbar. The following Print dialog opens upon triggering the Print button.
PdfDocumentView is used to view the PDF documents without the toolbar. So, make use of PdfViewerControl to print the document using Print button in the toolbar.
Silent Printing
The Print method of PdfViewerControl and PdfDocumentView allows you to print PDF files silently to the system’s default printer, without any user interaction. You can enable the preferred settings for silent printing using the PrinterSettings property. The following code example shows how to perform silent printing in WPF PDF Viewer.
Silent Printing with Printer Name
The Print method of PdfViewerControl and PdfDocumentView allows you to print PDF files silently to the specified printer, without any user interaction. You can enable the preferred settings for silent printing using the PrinterSettings property. The following code example shows how to perform silent printing with a specified printer name in WPF PDF Viewer.
string printerName = "enter the printer name";
Dim printerName As String = "enter the printer name"
Customizing print size
PDF viewer printer settings allows scaling PDF pages to shrink or enlarge while printing.
Actual Size
Actual size is the default value of print size option in printer settings. This prints the loaded PDF document without any scaling factors. The pages that do not fit on the paper will be cropped. The following code example illustrates how to print the document in Actual Size.
// Prints the document in actual size.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.PageSize = PdfViewerPrintSize.ActualSize;
' Prints the document in actual size.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.PageSize = PdfViewerPrintSize.ActualSize
Fit option enlarges or reduces each page to fit the printable area of the selected paper size. The following code example illustrates the same.
// Prints the document in fit size.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.PageSize = PdfViewerPrintSize.Fit;
' Prints the document in fit size.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.PageSize = PdfViewerPrintSize.Fit
Custom Scale
Custom Scale option resizes the page with the specified scale percentage. The following code example illustrates the same.
// Prints the document with custom scaling.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.PageSize = PdfViewerPrintSize.CustomScale;
// Scale percentage with the page to be resized and it is applicable only for Custom Scale. The default value is 100.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.ScalePercentage = 120;
' Prints the document with custom scaling.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.PageSize = PdfViewerPrintSize.CustomScale
' Scale percentage with the page to be resized and it is applicable only for Custom Scale. The default value is 100.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.ScalePercentage = 120
Printing PDF document with orientation settings
PDF Viewer printer settings allows the user to print the document with a custom orientation.
Auto Portrait/Landscape
Auto Portrait/Landscape is the default option and it automatically selects the best orientation (Portrait or Landscape) based on the content and selected paper. The following code example illustrates how to print the document in Auto orientation.
// Prints the document in auto orientation.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.PageOrientation = PdfViewerPrintOrientation.Auto;
' Prints the document in auto orientation.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.PageOrientation = PdfViewerPrintOrientation.Auto
Portrait option prints the PDF document in portrait orientation and it overrides the orientation settings provided in the print dialog. The following code example illustrates the same.
// Prints the document in portrait orientation.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.PageOrientation = PdfViewerPrintOrientation.Portrait;
' Prints the document in portrait orientation.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.PageOrientation = PdfViewerPrintOrientation.Portrait
Landscape option prints the PDF document in landscape orientation and it overrides the orientation settings provided in print dialog. The following code example illustrates the same.
// Prints the document in landscape orientation.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.PageOrientation = PdfViewerPrintOrientation.Landscape;
' Prints the document in landscape orientation.
pdfviewer1.PrinterSettings.PageOrientation = PdfViewerPrintOrientation.Landscape
Set the custom document name to be displayed when printing
PDF viewer allows you to set the custom document name to be displayed when printing the PDF document using the DocumentName property that is available in the PrinterSettings. You can either set the original file name or a custom text to the property for display. Setting the DocumentName property will affect the Document name details in the print status dialog.
The DocumentName property will also affect the Document name details in the print queue information window.
The following code shows how to set the original file name to the DocumentName property.
using System.IO;
using System.Windows;
namespace PdfViewer
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
#region Constructor
public MainWindow()
//Load PDF file with the absolute file path.
string filePath = Path.GetFullPath(@"../../Data/PDF_Succinctly.pdf");
//Get the file name
string fileName = pdfViewer.DocumentInfo.FileName;
//Set the document name to be displayed when printing the document.
pdfViewer.PrinterSettings.DocumentName = fileName;
//Print the file.
Hide Print Status dialog when printing the PDF files
PDF Viewer allows you to hide the following print status dialog when printing the PDF files by setting the value false
to the ShowPrintStatusDialog property that is available in the PrinterSettings.
It will be helpful if no UI interactions are required when printing. The following code shows how to hide the print status dialog using the ShowPrintStatusDialog property.
using System.IO;
using System.Windows;
namespace PdfViewer
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
#region Constructor
public MainWindow()
//Load PDF file.
string filePath = Path.GetFullPath(@"../../Data/PDF_Succinctly.pdf");
//Set the document name to be displayed when printing the document.
pdfViewer.PrinterSettings.ShowPrintStatusDialog = false;
//Print the file.
Customizing Paper source in Silent Printing
You can customize PaperSource in silent printing by changing the PaperSource property in PageSettings and passing it as a parameter with printer name to the Print API.
assembly is required.
The following code example illustrates how to set PaperSource for Your printer. In the PageSettings, pass the required PaperSource value.
PrinterSettings printerSettings = new PrinterSettings();
PageSettings pageSettings = new PageSettings();
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Enter Your Printer’s Name
printerSettings.PrinterName = "Mention Your printer's name here";
//Changes the papersource in pagesettings
pageSettings.PaperSource = printerSettings.PaperSources[3];
//Prints the PDF with required papersource
pdfviewer.Print(printerSettings.PrinterName, pageSettings);
The PdfViewerControl notifies you at the start, progress, and end of the printing through events such as BeginPrint, PrintProgress, and EndPrint, respectively.
Begin Print
The BeginPrint event occurs when the print is called and before the first page of the document prints. The following code shows how to wire the event in PdfViewerControl.
using System.Windows;
using Syncfusion.Windows.PdfViewer;
namespace WPF_PDFViewer
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
//Wire the BeginPrint event
pdfViewer.BeginPrint += pdfViewer_BeginPrint;
//Load the PDF file
pdfViewer.Load("F Sharp Succinctly.pdf");
//Print the PDF silently to the default printer.
//Handle the BeginPrint Event
private void pdfViewer_BeginPrint(object sender, BeginPrintEventArgs args)
//Insert Your code Here.
Print Progress
The PrintProgress event provides information on how much printing content you submitted to the printing subsystem. It provides the page information through the PrintProgressEventArgs. The following code shows how to wire the event in PdfViewerControl.
using System.Windows;
using Syncfusion.Windows.PdfViewer;
namespace WPF_PDFViewer
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
//Wire the PrintProgress event
pdfViewer.PrintProgress += pdfViewer_PrintProgress;
//Load the PDF file
pdfViewer.Load("F Sharp Succinctly.pdf");
//Print the PDF silently to the default printer.
//Handle the PrintProgress Event
private void pdfViewer_PrintProgress(object sender, PrintProgressEventArgs args)
//Provide the total number of pages in the PDF
int printCount = args.PageCount;
//Provide the currently printing page number
int currentPage = args.PageIndex;
End Print
The EndPrint event occurs when you have printed the last page of the document. It also happens if you cancel the printing process or an exception occurs during the printing process. The following code shows how to wire the event in PdfViewerControl.
using System.Windows;
using Syncfusion.Windows.PdfViewer;
namespace WPF_PDFViewer
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
//Wire the EndPrint event
pdfViewer.EndPrint += pdfViewer_EndPrint;
//Load the PDF file
pdfViewer.Load("F Sharp Succinctly.pdf");
//Print the PDF silently to the default printer.
//Handle the EndPrint Event
private void pdfViewer_EndPrint(object sender, EndPrintEventArgs args)
//Insert your code here
You can refer to our WPF PDF Viewer feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our WPF PDF Viewer example to know how to render and configure the pdfviewer.