Setting the FlowDirection for GroupBar in WPF Navigation Pane

6 May 20211 minute to read

Flow Direction of the GroupBar is set by using the FlowDirection property.

Property Table

Property Description
FlowDirection Sets the flow direction for the GroupBar control. The options provided are as follows.* LeftToRight* RightToLeft

Use the following code snippet to set this property.

<!-- Adding GroupBar that has flow direction as left to right -->
<syncfusion:GroupBar Height="300" Width="230" Name="groupBar" FlowDirection="RightToLeft">
<!-- Adding GroupBarItem -->
<syncfusion:GroupBarItem Name="groupBarItem1" HeaderImageSource="Label.gif" Header="General">
  <!-- Adding content for GroupBar item using GroupView --> 
  <syncfusion:GroupView Name="groupView" IsListViewMode="True"> 
  <syncfusion:GroupViewItem Text="List View"/>   
  <syncfusion:GroupViewItem Text="Show ContextMenu"/>  
  <syncfusion:GroupViewItem Text="Show ToolTip"/> 
  <!-- Adding GroupBarItem -->
  <syncfusion:GroupBarItem HeaderImageSource="Tasks.png" Name="groupBarItem2" Header="Visual Mode">
  <!-- Adding content for GroupBar item using GroupView -->
  <syncfusion:GroupViewItem Text="Default"/> 
  <syncfusion:GroupViewItem Text="Multiple Expansion"/>  
  <syncfusion:GroupViewItem Text="StackMode"/>
  <!-- Adding GroupBarItem -->
  <syncfusion:GroupBarItem HeaderImageSource="Notes.png" Name="groupBarItem3" Header="State Persistence">  
  <!-- Adding content for GroupBar item using GroupView -->  
  <syncfusion:GroupViewItem Text="Save State"/>  
  <syncfusion:GroupViewItem Text="Load State"/>  
  <syncfusion:GroupViewItem Text="Reset State"/>  
// Setting flow direction as RightToLeft
groupBar.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft;