Customizing Appearance in Windows Forms Scheduler (Event Calendar)

18 Jan 20223 minutes to read

Appearance of any region of the ScheduleControl can be customized by using the WinForms Scheduler. Appearance property.

This property gains access to the ScheduleAppearance object that controls various appearance attributes of different WinForms Scheduler regions.

The following table describes the appearance options available in the customized WinForms Scheduler control.

Name Description
ClickItemBorderColor Gets or sets border color of a clicked item.
DragColor Gets or sets color of the dragged item.
SolidBorderColor Gets or sets color of the solid lines in the calendar.
CaptionBackColor Gets or sets color of the caption area above the calendar.
ShowCaption Specifies whether the caption panel above the calendar is visible or not.
ShowCaptionButtons Specifies whether the navigation buttons are shown on the caption panel or not.
AllDayItemFormat Gets or sets the display format of an all-day item.
DateFormat Gets or sets format string used when formatting any token from DisplayItemFormatStrings that represents a date only value.
DateTimeFormat Gets or sets format string used when formatting any token from DisplayItemFormatStrings that represents combined date and time values.
DayItemFormat Gets or sets display format of a schedule item displayed in a day or workweek view.
FullWeekHeaderFormat Specifies display format of the header of a day in week view.
LongHeaderFormat Specifies display format of the header in a day view.
SpanItemFormatLeftText Specifies display format of text displayed on the interior left side of a multi day span.
SpanItemFormatMiddleText Specifies display format of the text displayed in the middle of a multi day span.
SpanItemFormatRightText Specifies display format of the text displayed on the interior right side of a multi day span.
SpanItemFormatTerminalLeftText Specifies display format of the text displayed on the open left side of a multi day span.
SpanItemFormatTerminalRightText Specifies display format of text displayed on the open right side of a multi day span.
TimeFormat Gets or sets format string used when formatting any token from DisplayItemFormatStrings that represents a time only value.
WeekHeaderFormat Specifies display format of the header label in a workweek view.
WeekMonthItemFormat Specifies display format of a schedule item shown in a week or month view.
WorkWeekHeaderFormat Determines display format of the header of a day in a workweek view.
AllDayBackColor Gets or sets back color of the all day row in the calendar.
MonthWeekHeaderBackColor Specifies back color of the header cells in a month or week view.
MonthWeekHeaderForeColor Specifies fore color of the header cells in a month or week view.
WorkWeekHeaderBackColor Specifies back color of header cells in a workweek view.
WorkWeekHeaderForeColor Specifies fore color of header cells in a workweek view.
Navigation Calendar
NavigationCalendarArrowColor Specifies color of arrows in the navigation calendar.
NavigationCalendarBackColor Specifies back color of the navigation calendar.
NavigationCalendarDisabledTextColor Specifies color of disabled text in the navigation calendar.
NavigationCalendarHeaderColor Gets or sets color of the header in the navigation calendar.
NavigationCalendarSelectionColor Gets or sets selection color in the navigation calendar.
NavigationCalendarStartDayOfWeek Specifies the DayOfWeek shown in the left-most column of the navigation calendar.
NavigationCalendarTextColor Specifies text color of the navigation calendar.
NavigationCalendarTodayColor Specifies color of today's text in the navigation calendar.
NavigationCalendarWeekNumberColor Specifies color of week numbers in the navigation calendar.
Prime time
NonPrimeTimeCellColor Gets or sets color of non-prime time cells in the calendar.
PrimeTimeCellColor Gets or sets color of prime time cells in the calendar.
PrimeTimeEnd Specifies the time when the prime time color stops being used in the display.
PrimeTimeStart Specifies the time when the prime time color starts being used in the display.
Time Column
Hours24 Determines whether the time column is displayed using a 24-hour format or not.
MarkColumnColor Gets or sets the color of the thick solid line next to the time column in a day view.
ShowTime Indicates whether the time column should appear or not.
TimeBackColor Specifies the back color of the time column or not.
TimeBigFontSize Determines size of the larger font used in the time column.
TimeLittleFontSize Determines size of the smaller font used in the time column.
TimeTextColor Specifies color of the text in the time column.
Visual Style
VisualStyle Specifies visual style for the ScheduleControl.
DayMonthCutOff Gets or sets maximum number of days appear side-by-side in a day style calendar.
DivisionsPerHour Gets or sets number of time divisions appear in a day, custom, or workweek view.
MonthCalendarStartDayOfWeek Gets or sets the DayOfWeek shown in the left-most column of the month calendar.
MonthShowFullWeek Specifies whether the month view shows 7 columns or 6 columns with Saturday or Sunday stacked or not.
ScheduleAppointmentTipFormat Defines the text displayed for schedule item tips.
ScheduleAppointmentTipsEnabled Determines whether to show item tips or not.
SplitterBackColor Specifies back color of the two splitters in the the ScheduleControl.
TextColor Specifies color of basic text shown in the calendar.
ThemesEnabled Specifies whether the themes are enabled or not.
WeekCalendarStartDayOfWeek Specifies the DayOfWeek shown in the first column of the week calendar.