Localization in Windows Forms Html Viewer (HTMLUI)

4 Feb 20258 minutes to read

Localization is the process of making application multilingual by formatting the content according to the cultures. HTMLUIControl can be localized in any Languages, based on application requirement by following below steps.

Step 1: Need to initialize the LocalizationProvider class, inherited from the ILocalizationProvider interface, before the InitializeComponent call in the constructor of an application.

Step 2: It will add the GetLocalizedString function in the LocalizationProvider class. It is needed to provide the Localization content, for the required components used in HTMLUIControl.

For example:
Here, HTMLUIControl is localized in German Language.

//Call the Localizer

LocalizationProvider.Provider = new Localizer();

// localizer inherits the interface ILocationProvider

public class Localizer : ILocalizationProvider
        #region ILocalizationProvider Members

        public string GetLocalizedString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, string name, object obj)
            switch (name)
                 #region HTMLUI
                case HTMLUIResourceIdentifiers.FindNext:
                    return "Weiter suchen";

                case HTMLUIResourceIdentifiers.Title:
                    return "Suchen";

                case HTMLUIResourceIdentifiers.Cancel:
                    return "Abbrechen";

                case HTMLUIResourceIdentifiers.Direction:
                    return "Richtung";

                case HTMLUIResourceIdentifiers.Down:
                    return "Abwärts";

                case HTMLUIResourceIdentifiers.FindWhat:
                    return "Suchen nach";

                case HTMLUIResourceIdentifiers.Matchcase:
                    return "Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten";

                case HTMLUIResourceIdentifiers.Up:
                    return "Aufwärts";
                /// default
                    return string.Empty;

'Call the Localizer
LocalizationProvider.Provider = New Localizer

' localizer inherits the interface ILocationProvider

Public Class Localizer
    Implements ILocalizationProvider
    Public Function GetLocalizedString(ByVal culture As System.Globalization.CultureInfo, ByVal name As String, ByVal obj As Object) As String
        Select Case (name)
        End Select
        Dim HTMLUI As region
        Return "Weiter suchen"
        Return "Suchen"
        Return "Abbrechen"
        Return "Richtung"
        Return "Abwärts"
        Return "Suchen nach"
        Return "Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten"
        Return "Aufwärts"
        ''' default
        Return string.Empty
    End Function
End Class

HTMLUIControl localization