Tables in Flutter PDF
14 Dec 202421 minutes to read
The Syncfusion® Flutter PDF provides support for creating customizable tables in a PDF document by using PdfGrid
table model. It is designed with advanced customization, styling, and formatting.
Creating a table
allows you to create table by entering the data manually.
The following code example explains how to create a table directly using PdfGrid
with PdfGridStyle
, PdfGridColumn
and PdfGridRow
//Create a new PDF document
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Create a PdfGrid class
PdfGrid grid = PdfGrid();
//Add the columns to the grid
grid.columns.add(count: 3);
//Add header to the grid
//Add the rows to the grid
PdfGridRow header = grid.headers[0];
header.cells[0].value = 'Employee ID';
header.cells[1].value = 'Employee Name';
header.cells[2].value = 'Salary';
//Add rows to grid
PdfGridRow row = grid.rows.add();
row.cells[0].value = 'E01';
row.cells[1].value = 'Clay';
row.cells[2].value = '\$10,000';
row = grid.rows.add();
row.cells[0].value = 'E02';
row.cells[1].value = 'Simon';
row.cells[2].value = '\$12,000';
//Set the grid style = PdfGridStyle(
cellPadding: PdfPaddings(left: 2, right: 3, top: 4, bottom: 5),
textBrush: PdfBrushes.white,
font: PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.timesRoman, 25));
//Draw the grid
page: document.pages.add(), bounds: const Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 0, 0));
//Save and dispose the PDF document
Cell customization in PdfGrid
provides various direct options to customize cells such as columnSpan
, rowSpan
, textPen
, backgroundBrush
, and more.
The following code snippet explains how to customize the cell in PdfGrid
//Create a new PDF document
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Create a PdfGrid
PdfGrid grid = PdfGrid();
//Add columns to grid
grid.columns.add(count: 3);
//Add headers to grid
PdfGridRow header = grid.headers.add(1)[0];
header.cells[0].value = 'Employee ID';
header.cells[1].value = 'Employee Name';
header.cells[2].value = 'Salary';
//Add the styles to specific cell
header.cells[0].style.stringFormat = PdfStringFormat(
lineAlignment: PdfVerticalAlignment.bottom,
wordSpacing: 10);
header.cells[1].style.textPen = PdfPens.mediumVioletRed;
header.cells[2].style.backgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.yellow;
header.cells[2].style.textBrush = PdfBrushes.darkOrange;
//Add rows to grid
PdfGridRow row1 = grid.rows.add();
row1.cells[0].value = 'E01';
row1.cells[1].value = 'Clay';
row1.cells[2].value = '\$10,000';
//Apply the cell style to specific row cells
row1.cells[0].style = PdfGridCellStyle(
backgroundBrush: PdfBrushes.lightYellow,
cellPadding: PdfPaddings(left: 2, right: 3, top: 4, bottom: 5),
font: PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.timesRoman, 17),
textBrush: PdfBrushes.white,
PdfGridRow row2 = grid.rows.add();
row2.cells[0].value = 'E02';
row2.cells[1].value = 'Simon';
row2.cells[2].value = '\$12,000';
//Add the style to specific cell
row2.cells[2].style.borders = PdfBorders(
left: PdfPen(PdfColor(240, 0, 0), width: 2),
top: PdfPen(PdfColor(0, 240, 0), width: 3),
bottom: PdfPen(PdfColor(0, 0, 240), width: 4),
right: PdfPen(PdfColor(240, 100, 240), width: 5));
//Draw the grid in PDF document page
page: document.pages.add(), bounds: const Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 0, 0));
//Save and dispose the PDF document
Row customization in PdfGrid
You can customize row height and styles using the rows
property in PdfGrid
The following code snippet explains how to customize the row in PdfGrid
//Create a new PDF document
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Create a PdfGrid
PdfGrid grid = PdfGrid();
//Add columns to grid
grid.columns.add(count: 3);
//Add headers to grid
PdfGridRow header = grid.headers[0];
header.cells[0].value = 'Employee ID';
header.cells[1].value = 'Employee Name';
header.cells[2].value = 'Salary';
//Add rows to grid
PdfGridRow row1 = grid.rows.add();
row1.cells[0].value = 'E01';
row1.cells[1].value = 'Clay';
row1.cells[2].value = '\$10,000';
PdfGridRow row2 = grid.rows.add();
row2.cells[0].value = 'E02';
row2.cells[1].value = 'Simon';
row2.cells[2].value = '\$12,000';
//Set the row span
row1.cells[1].rowSpan = 2;
//Set the row height
row2.height = 20;
//Set the row style = PdfGridRowStyle(
backgroundBrush: PdfBrushes.dimGray,
textPen: PdfPens.lightGoldenrodYellow,
textBrush: PdfBrushes.darkOrange,
font: PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.timesRoman, 12));
//Create the PDF grid row style. Assign to second row
PdfGridRowStyle rowStyle = PdfGridRowStyle(
backgroundBrush: PdfBrushes.lightGoldenrodYellow,
textPen: PdfPens.indianRed,
textBrush: PdfBrushes.lightYellow,
font: PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.timesRoman, 12)); = rowStyle;
//Draw the grid in PDF document page
page: document.pages.add(), bounds: const Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 0, 0));
//Save and dispose the PDF document
Columns customization in PdfGrid
You can customize the column width and text formats using the columns
property in PdfGrid
The following code snippet explains how to customize the column in PdfGrid
//Create a new PDF document
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Create a PdfGrid
PdfGrid grid = PdfGrid();
//Add columns to grid
grid.columns.add(count: 3);
//Add headers to grid
PdfGridRow header = grid.headers[0];
header.cells[0].value = 'Employee ID';
header.cells[1].value = 'Employee Name';
header.cells[2].value = 'Salary';
//Add rows to grid
PdfGridRow row1 = grid.rows.add();
row1.cells[0].value = 'E01';
row1.cells[1].value = 'Clay';
row1.cells[2].value = '\$10,000';
PdfGridRow row2 = grid.rows.add();
row2.cells[0].value = 'E02';
row2.cells[1].value = 'Simon';
row2.cells[2].value = '\$12,000';
//Set the width
grid.columns[1].width = 50;
//Create and customize the string formats
PdfStringFormat format = PdfStringFormat();
format.alignment =;
format.lineAlignment = PdfVerticalAlignment.bottom;
//Set the column text format
grid.columns[0].format = format;
//Draw the grid in PDF document page
page: document.pages.add(), bounds: const Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 0, 0));
//Save and dispose the PDF document
Table customization in PdfGrid
Flutter PDF supports users to create a customizable PDF table like cellSpacing
, cellPadding
, borderOverLapStyle
, and more. This can be achieved by using the PdfGridStyle
The following code snippet explains how to customize the PdfGrid
using PdfGridStyle
//Create a new Pdf document
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Create a border
PdfBorders border = PdfBorders(
left: PdfPen(PdfColor(240, 0, 0), width: 2),
top: PdfPen(PdfColor(0, 240, 0), width: 3),
bottom: PdfPen(PdfColor(0, 0, 240), width: 4),
right: PdfPen(PdfColor(240, 100, 240), width: 5));
//Create a string format
PdfStringFormat format = PdfStringFormat(
lineAlignment: PdfVerticalAlignment.bottom,
wordSpacing: 10);
//Create a cell style
PdfGridCellStyle cellStyle = PdfGridCellStyle(
backgroundBrush: PdfBrushes.lightYellow,
borders: border,
cellPadding: PdfPaddings(left: 2, right: 3, top: 4, bottom: 5),
font: PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.timesRoman, 17),
format: format,
textBrush: PdfBrushes.white,
//Create a grid style
PdfGridStyle gridStyle = PdfGridStyle(
cellSpacing: 2,
cellPadding: PdfPaddings(left: 2, right: 3, top: 4, bottom: 5),
borderOverlapStyle: PdfBorderOverlapStyle.inside,
backgroundBrush: PdfBrushes.lightGray,
textBrush: PdfBrushes.white,
font: PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.timesRoman, 17),
//Create a grid
PdfGrid grid = PdfGrid();
//Adds the columns to the grid
grid.columns.add(count: 3);
PdfGridRow header = grid.headers[0];
header.cells[0].value = 'Employee Id';
header.cells[1].value = 'Employee name';
header.cells[2].value = 'Employee role';
//Apply the grid style
//Add rows to grid. Set the cells style
PdfGridRow row1 = grid.rows.add();
row1.cells[0].value = 'E01';
row1.cells[1].value = 'Clay';
row1.cells[2].value = 'Product manager';
PdfGridRow row2 = grid.rows.add();
row2.cells[0].value = 'E02';
row2.cells[1].value = 'Thomas';
row2.cells[2].value = 'Software engineer';
PdfGridRow row3 = grid.rows.add();
row3.cells[0].value = 'E03';
row3.cells[1].value = 'Albert';
row3.cells[2].value = 'Test engineer';
//Set the row cells style
for (int i = 0; i < grid.columns.count; i++) {
row1.cells[i].style = cellStyle;
row2.cells[i].style = cellStyle;
row3.cells[i].style = cellStyle;
//Draw the grid in PDF document page
page: document.pages.add(), bounds: const Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 0, 0));
//Save and dispose the PDF document
Pagination in PdfGrid
Flutter PDF supports to paginate the PdfGrid
using the PdfLayoutFormat
The following sample explains how to allow PdfGrid
to flow across pages.
//Create a new PDF documentation
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Create a PdfGrid
PdfGrid grid = PdfGrid();
//Add the columns to the grid
grid.columns.add(count: 3);
PdfGridRow header = grid.headers[0];
header.cells[0].value = 'Name';
header.cells[1].value = 'Age';
header.cells[2].value = 'Sex';
//Add rows to grid. Set the cells style
PdfGridRow row1 = grid.rows.add();
row1.cells[0].value = 'Bob';
row1.cells[1].value = '22';
row1.cells[2].value = 'Male';
PdfGridRow row2 = grid.rows.add();
row2.cells[0].value = 'Sam';
row2.cells[1].value = '23';
row2.cells[2].value = 'Male';
PdfGridRow row3 = grid.rows.add();
row3.cells[0].value = 'Falitha';
row3.cells[1].value = '19';
row3.cells[2].value = 'Female';
//Create a PdfLayoutFormat for pagination
PdfLayoutFormat format = PdfLayoutFormat(
breakType: PdfLayoutBreakType.fitColumnsToPage,
layoutType: PdfLayoutType.paginate);
//Draw the grid in PDF document page
page: document.pages.add(),
bounds: const Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 0, 0),
format: format);
//Save and dispose the PDF document
Adding multiple tables
The Flutter PDF supports maintaining the position of a PDF grid drawn on PDF page using PdfLayoutResult
. It provides the rendered bounds of previously added grid, which can be used to place successive elements without overlapping. You can add multiple PDF grids using the bottom position of previously rendered PDF grid. The following code snippet explains this.
//Create a new PDF document
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Create a PdfGrid
PdfGrid grid = PdfGrid();
//Add the columns to the grid
grid.columns.add(count: 3);
PdfGridRow header = grid.headers[0];
header.cells[0].value = 'Product Id';
header.cells[1].value = 'Product name';
header.cells[2].value = 'Price';
//Add rows to grid
PdfGridRow row1 = grid.rows.add();
row1.cells[0].value = 'P01';
row1.cells[1].value = 'Water bottle';
row1.cells[2].value = 'Rs: 100';
PdfGridRow row2 = grid.rows.add();
row2.cells[0].value = 'P02';
row2.cells[1].value = 'Trimmer';
row2.cells[2].value = 'Rs: 1200';
//Draw grid on the page of PDF document and store the grid position in PdfLayoutResult
PdfLayoutResult result = grid.draw(
page: document.pages.add(),
bounds: const Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 400, 300)) as PdfLayoutResult;
//Create a second PdfGrid in the same page
PdfGrid grid2 = PdfGrid();
//Add columns to second grid
grid2.columns.add(count: 3);
PdfGridRow header1 = grid2.headers[0];
header1.cells[0].value = 'Employee ID';
header1.cells[1].value = 'Employee Name';
header1.cells[2].value = 'Salary';
//Add rows to grid
PdfGridRow row11 = grid2.rows.add();
row11.cells[0].value = 'E01';
row11.cells[1].value = 'Clay';
row11.cells[2].value = '\$10,000';
PdfGridRow row12 = grid2.rows.add();
row12.cells[0].value = 'E02';
row12.cells[1].value = 'Simon';
row12.cells[2].value = '\$12,000';
//Draw the grid in PDF document page
bounds: Rect.fromLTWH(0, result.bounds.bottom + 20, 400, 300));
//Save and dispose the PDF document
Apply built-in grid style
Essential Flutter PDF supports Built-in table styles. This will help you apply background colors and styles to your grid. This is applicable to the PdfGrid model, and the appearance is identical to Microsoft Word’s built-in table styles. You can also apply in-built table styles with the following additional table style options.
- Banded columns
- Banded rows
- First column
- Last column
- Header row
- Last row
We have various built-in styles for PdfGrid and some of the styles have no changes to the background color property. For example, the below listed styles do not have a background color. As the default background color is white, it is directly applied to each row in the grid.
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.gridTable1Light
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.gridTable1LightAccent1
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.gridTable1LightAccent2
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.gridTable1LightAccent3
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.gridTable1LightAccent4
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.gridTable1LightAccent5
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.gridTable1LightAccent6
And we have some styles that have background color only in the header rows. Please find the below list for the same,
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.listTable3
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.listTable3Accent1
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.listTable3Accent2
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.listTable3Accent3
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.listTable3Accent4
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.listTable3Accent5
- PdfGridBuiltInStyle.listTable3Accent6
We can also customize the background color of the ‘PdfGrid’ by using the, and properties. Please note that the changes in the above properties are not considered, when we apply the ‘PdfGridBuiltInStyle’ .
The below code example illustrates how to apply a built-in table style using the ‘applyBuiltInStyle’ method of the PdfGrid with styles from the ‘PdfGridBuiltInStyle’ Enum.
//Create a new PDF document.
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Create a PdfGrid class.
PdfGrid grid = PdfGrid();
//Add columns to the grid.
grid.columns.add(count: 3);
//Add a header to the grid.
//Add rows to the grid.
PdfGridRow header = grid.headers[0];
header.cells[0].value = 'Employee ID';
header.cells[1].value = 'Employee Name';
header.cells[2].value = 'Salary';
//Add rows to the grid.
PdfGridRow row = grid.rows.add();
row.cells[0].value = 'E01';
row.cells[1].value = 'Clay';
row.cells[2].value = '\$10,000';
row = grid.rows.add();
row.cells[0].value = 'E02';
row.cells[1].value = 'Simon';
row.cells[2].value = '\$12,000';
PdfGridBuiltInStyleSettings tableStyleOption = PdfGridBuiltInStyleSettings();
tableStyleOption.applyStyleForBandedRows = true;
tableStyleOption.applyStyleForHeaderRow = true;
//Apply built-in table style.
settings: tableStyleOption);
//Draw the grid.
page: document.pages.add(), bounds: const Rect.fromLTWH(10, 10, 0, 0));
//Save the document.
List<int> bytes =await;
//Dispose the document.