Watermarks in Flutter PDF
14 Dec 20242 minutes to read
The Syncfusion® Flutter PDF provides support for adding watermarks to a PDF document using PdfGraphics
Adding text watermark to a PDF document
The Syncfusion® Flutter PDF allows you draw the text watermark to the PDF document using graphics elements.
The following code example explains how to draw the text watermark to the PDF document.
//Create a new PDF document
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Add a page to the document and get page graphics
PdfGraphics graphics = document.pages.add().graphics;
//Watermark text
PdfGraphicsState state = graphics.save();
//Set transparency and rotation
//Add text watermark
graphics.drawString('Imported using Essential PDF',
PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.helvetica, 20),
pen: PdfPens.red,
brush: PdfBrushes.red,
bounds: Rect.fromLTWH(-150, 450, 0, 0));
//Restore graphics state
//Save and dispose the PDF document
File('SampleOutput.pdf').writeAsBytes(await document.save());
Adding image watermark to a PDF document
To add the image watermark to a PDF document, you can draw the image with transparency in PdfGraphics
The following code example explains how to draw an image watermark to the PDF document.
//Create a new PDF document
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Add a page to the document and get page graphics
PdfGraphics graphics = document.pages.add().graphics;
//Get image data
File imageFile = File('image.jpg');
Uint8List imagebytes = await imageFile.readAsBytes();
String imageBase64 = base64.encode(imagebytes);
//Watermark image
PdfGraphicsState state = graphics.save();
0, 0, graphics.clientSize.width, graphics.clientSize.height));
//Save and dispose the PDF document
File('SampleOutput.pdf').writeAsBytes(await document.save());