Hyperlinks in Flutter PDF

10 Oct 20222 minutes to read

In PDF, hyperlinks can be added to allow the users to navigate to another part of a PDF file and web page.

Working with Web navigation

You can navigate to a specified URL from a PDF document by using the PdfTextWebLink class.

Refer to the following code snippet for navigating to the webpage.

  • DART
  • //Create a new Pdf document
    PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
    //Create and draw the web link in the PDF page
            url: 'www.google.co.in',
            text: 'google',
            font: PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.timesRoman, 14),
            brush: PdfSolidBrush(PdfColor(0, 0, 0)),
            pen: PdfPens.brown,
            format: PdfStringFormat(
                alignment: PdfTextAlignment.center,
                lineAlignment: PdfVerticalAlignment.middle))
        .draw(document.pages.add(), Offset(50, 40));
    //Save the PDF document
    File('Hyperlink.pdf').writeAsBytes(await document.save());
    //Dispose document

    Working with internal document navigation

    To allow the users navigate to any other part of the same document, the PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation class can be used.

    The following code explains how to add the hyperlink for internal document navigation.

  • DART
  • //Create a new Pdf document
    PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
    //Create a page
    PdfPage page = document.pages.add();
    //Create a document link
    PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation docLink = PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation(
        Rect.fromLTWH(10, 40, 30, 30),
        PdfDestination(document.pages.add(), Offset(10, 0)));
    //Set the destination mode
    docLink.destination!.mode = PdfDestinationMode.fitToPage;
    //Add the document link to the page
    //Save the PDF document
    File('Hyperlink.pdf').writeAsBytes(await document.save());
    //Dispose document