- PDF/A-1b conformance
- PDF/A-2b conformance
- PDF/A-3b conformance
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Conformance in Flutter PDF
14 Dec 20242 minutes to read
The Syncfusion® Flutter PDF currently supports the following PDF conformances:
- PDF/A-1b conformance
- PDF/A-2b conformance
- PDF/A-3b conformance
To know more details about PDF/A standard refer
PDF/A-1b conformance
You can create a PDF/A-1b document by specifying the conformance level as a1b through PdfConformanceLevel enum when creating the new PDF document as follows.
//Creates a new document with the PDF/A-1b standard
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument(conformanceLevel: PdfConformanceLevel.a1b)
..pages.add().graphics.drawString('Hello World!',
PdfTrueTypeFont(File('arial.ttf').readAsBytesSync(), 12),
bounds: Rect.fromLTWH(20, 20, 200, 50));
//Saves the document
File('output.pdf').writeAsBytes(await document.save());
//Disposes the document
PDF/A-2b conformance
You can create a PDF/A-2b document by specifying the conformance level as a2b through PdfConformanceLevel enum when creating the new PDF document as follows.
//Creates a new document with the PDF/A-2b standard
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument(conformanceLevel: PdfConformanceLevel.a2b)
..pages.add().graphics.drawString('Hello World!',
PdfTrueTypeFont(File('arial.ttf').readAsBytesSync(), 12),
bounds: Rect.fromLTWH(20, 20, 200, 50));
//Saves the document
File('output.pdf').writeAsBytes(await document.save());
//Disposes the document
PDF/A-3b conformance
The PDF/A-3b conformance supports the external files as attachment to the PDF document, so you can attach any document format such as Excel, Word, HTML, CAD, or XML files.
You can create a PDF/A-3b document by specifying the conformance level as a3b through PdfConformanceLevel enum when creating the new PDF document as follows.
//Creates a new document with the PDF/A-3b standard
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument(conformanceLevel: PdfConformanceLevel.a3b)
..pages.add().graphics.drawString('Hello World!',
PdfTrueTypeFont(File('arial.ttf').readAsBytesSync(), 12),
bounds: Rect.fromLTWH(20, 20, 200, 50));
//Creates an attachment
PdfAttachment attachment = PdfAttachment(
'input.txt', File('input.txt').readAsBytesSync(),
description: 'Input text', mimeType: 'application/txt')
..relationship = PdfAttachmentRelationship.alternative
..modificationDate = DateTime.now();
//Adds the attachment to the document
//Saves the document
File('output.pdf').writeAsBytes(await document.save());
//Disposes the document