Digital Signature in Flutter PDF
14 Dec 202419 minutes to read
Flutter PDF allows you to add a digital signature to the PDF document. You can sign the PDF document internally by using a certificate with private keys or externally by using the digital signature created from various sources such as cloud services like DigitalSign.
Adding a digital signature
To add a digital signature, you need a certificate with private keys. The following code example explains how to add a digital signature to the PDF document.
//Creates a new PDF document
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Adds a new page
PdfPage page = document.pages.add();
//Creates a digital signature and sets signature information
PdfSignatureField field = PdfSignatureField(page, 'signature',
bounds: Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 200, 100),
signature: PdfSignature(
//Creates a certificate instance from the PFX file with a private key
PdfCertificate(File('PDF.pfx').readAsBytesSync(), 'password123'),
contactInfo: '',
locationInfo: 'Honolulu, Hawaii',
reason: 'I am author of this document.',
digestAlgorithm: DigestAlgorithm.sha256,
cryptographicStandard: CryptographicStandard.cms));
//Add a signature field to the form
//Save and dispose the PDF document
Signing an existing document
You can load the signature field from the existing PDF document and add a certificate to the document as follows,
//Loads an existing PDF document.
PdfDocument document =
PdfDocument(inputBytes: File('input.pdf').readAsBytesSync());
//Gets the first signature field of the PDF document.
PdfSignatureField field = document.form.fields[0] as PdfSignatureField;
//Creates a digital signature and sets the signature information.
field.signature = PdfSignature(
//Creates a certificate instance from the PFX file with a private key.
PdfCertificate(File('PDF.pfx').readAsBytesSync(), 'password123'),
contactInfo: '',
locationInfo: 'Honolulu, Hawaii',
reason: 'I am author of this document.',
digestAlgorithm: DigestAlgorithm.sha512,
cryptographicStandard: CryptographicStandard.cades);
//Save and dispose the PDF document.
Adding a signature appearance
You can customize the appearance of the signature field by using the appearance
property in PdfSignatureField
as follows,
//Loads an existing PDF document.
PdfDocument document =
PdfDocument(inputBytes: File('input.pdf').readAsBytesSync());
//Gets the first signature field of the PDF document.
PdfSignatureField field = document.form.fields[0] as PdfSignatureField;
//Creates a digital signature.
field.signature = PdfSignature(
//Creates a certificate instance from the PFX file with a private key.
PdfCertificate(File('PDF.pfx').readAsBytesSync(), 'password123'));
//Gets the signature field appearance graphics.
PdfGraphics graphics =;
//Draws the signature image.
PdfBitmap(File('image.jpg').readAsBytesSync()), Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, field.bounds.width, field.bounds.height));
//Save and dispose the PDF document.
Externally sign a PDF document
You can sign the PDF document from an external digital signature created from various sources such as cloud services like DigitalSign.
The following code example shows how to sign the PDF document from an external signature.
//Loads an existing PDF document.
PdfDocument document =
PdfDocument(inputBytes: File('input.pdf').readAsBytesSync());
//Gets the first signature field of the PDF document.
PdfSignatureField field = document.form.fields[0] as PdfSignatureField;
//Creates a digital signature.
field.signature = PdfSignature()
//Creates an external signer.
//Loads a public certificate to generate message digest for signing.
//Save and dispose the PDF document.
You can create an external digital signature with the x509
package by using the following steps:
Add dependency
Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file.
x509: ^0.1.4
Import package
import 'package:x509/x509.dart' as x509;
You can compute the signed message digest by using the x509 package with a corresponding private key of the public certificate.
//Class for singing a PDF document externally.
class PdfExternalSigner extends IPdfExternalSigner {
//Hash algorithm.
DigestAlgorithm get hashAlgorithm => DigestAlgorithm.sha256;
//Sign message digest.
SignerResult signSync(List<int> message) {
final pem = File('privatekey.pem').readAsBytesSync();
final x509.KeyPair keyPair =
final privateKey = keyPair.privateKey as x509.RsaPrivateKey;
final signer = privateKey.createSigner(x509.algorithms.signing.rsa.sha256);
final x509.Signature signed = signer.sign(message);
return SignerResult(;
You can use the sign method in IPdfExternalSigner for asynchronous signing.
Asynchronous signing will only work when saving the PDF document asynchronously. signSync works with synchronous and asynchronous save methods.
//Class for singing a PDF document externally.
class PdfExternalSigner extends IPdfExternalSigner {
//Hash algorithm.
DigestAlgorithm get hashAlgorithm => DigestAlgorithm.sha256;
//Sign message digest.
Future<SignerResult> sign(List<int> message) async {
final pem = File('privatekey.pem').readAsBytesSync();
final x509.KeyPair keyPair =
final privateKey = keyPair.privateKey as x509.RsaPrivateKey;
final signer = privateKey.createSigner(x509.algorithms.signing.rsa.sha256);
final x509.Signature signed = signer.sign(message);
return SignerResult(;
Adding multiple digital signature
You can apply one or more digital signatures to a PDF document. The following code example shows how to add multiple signatures to the PDF document.
//Loads an existing PDF document.
PdfDocument document =
PdfDocument(inputBytes: File('input.pdf').readAsBytesSync());
//Gets the first signature field of the PDF document.
PdfSignatureField field = document.form.fields[0] as PdfSignatureField;
//Creates a digital signature and sets signature information.
field.signature = PdfSignature(
//Creates a certificate instance from the PFX file with a private key.
PdfCertificate(File('PDF.pfx').readAsBytesSync(), 'password123'),
contactInfo: '',
locationInfo: 'Honolulu, Hawaii',
reason: 'I am author of this document.',
digestAlgorithm: DigestAlgorithm.sha512,
cryptographicStandard: CryptographicStandard.cades);
//Save and load the PDF document.
document = PdfDocument(inputBytes: await;
//Gets the second signature field of the PDF document.
field = document.form.fields[1] as PdfSignatureField;
//Creates a digital signature and sets signature information.
field.signature = PdfSignature(
//Creates a certificate instance from the PFX file with a private key.
certificate: PdfCertificate(
File('Certificate.pfx').readAsBytesSync(), 'password123'),
contactInfo: '',
locationInfo: 'Honolulu, Hawaii',
reason: 'I am author of this document.',
digestAlgorithm: DigestAlgorithm.sha256,
cryptographicStandard: CryptographicStandard.cms);
//Save and dispose the PDF document.
Long Term Validation (LTV) PDF signature
The Syncfusion®
Flutter PDF supports creating long term signature validation for the signed PDF document. The LTV signature allows you to check the validity of a signature long after the document has been signed. To achieve long term validation, all the required elements for signature validation must be embedded in the signed PDF.
The resulting PDF document size will be substantial because all the necessary signature information, Certificate Revocation List (CRL), and Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) are embedded.
The following code example shows how to enable LTV for a signed PDF document using createLongTermValidity method in PdfSignature class.
// Load the existing PDF document.
PdfDocument document =
PdfDocument(inputBytes: File('input.pdf').readAsBytesSync());
// Load the existing signature field.
PdfSignatureField field = document.form.fields[0] as PdfSignatureField;
// Create LTV for loaded signed signature.
bool isLTVAdded = await field.signature!.createLongTermValidity();
// Save the document.
// Dispose the document.
Create Long Term Validation (LTV) with public certificates data
The following code example shows how to create an LTV for a signed PDF document using public certificates with the createLongTermValidity method in PdfSignature class.
// Load the existing PDF document.
PdfDocument document =
PdfDocument(inputBytes: File('input.pdf').readAsBytesSync());
// Load the existing signature field.
PdfSignatureField field = document.form.fields[0] as PdfSignatureField;
// Load the certificate from the PFX file.
PdfCertificate certificate =
PdfCertificate(File('PDF.pfx').readAsBytesSync(), 'syncfusion');
// Get the public certificates data.
List<List<int>>? publicCertificatesData = certificate.getCertificateChain();
// Create LTV with your public certificates.
await field.signature!.createLongTermValidity(
publicCertificatesData: publicCertificatesData,
includePublicCertificates: true);
// Save the document.
// Dispose the document.
Adding a timestamp in digital signature
The Syncfusion®
Flutter PDF allows you to add timestamp in the digital signature of the PDF document using timestampServer property in PdfSignature class. The following code example explains the same.
Signing using TimestampServer only works when the document is saved using asynchronous save. It is not supported in synchronous saveSync.
// Create a new PDF document.
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
// Add a new page to the document.
PdfPage page = document.pages.add();
// Create a new timestamp server.
TimestampServer server = TimestampServer(
userName: 'user',
password: '123456',
timeOut: const Duration(milliseconds: 5000));
// Check whether the timestamp server is valid.
bool isValid = await server.isValid;
if (isValid) {
// Add a new signature field to the page.
PdfSignatureField field = PdfSignatureField(page, 'signature',
bounds: const Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 200, 100),
signature: PdfSignature(
PdfCertificate(File('PDF.pfx').readAsBytesSync(), 'syncfusion'),
contactInfo: '',
locationInfo: 'Honolulu, Hawaii',
reason: 'I am author of this document.',
// Add the timestamp server to the signature.
field.signature!.timestampServer = server;
// Get the graphics of the signature field.
final PdfGraphics? graphics =;
// Draw an image to the signature field.
Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, field.bounds.width, field.bounds.height));
// Add the signature field to the form fields collection.
// Save the document.
// Dispose the document.
Adding a timestamp in the PDF document
You can add timestamp to the PDF document using timestampServer property in PdfSignature class. The following code example explains the same.
Signing using TimestampServer only works when the document is saved using asynchronous save. It is not supported in synchronous saveSync.
// Create a new PDF document.
PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
// Add a new page to the document.
PdfPage page = document.pages.add();
// Create a new timestamp server.
TimestampServer server = TimestampServer(
userName: 'user',
password: '123456',
timeOut: const Duration(milliseconds: 5000));
// Check whether the timestamp server is valid.
bool isValid = await server.isValid;
if (isValid) {
// Add a new signature field to the page.
PdfSignatureField field =
PdfSignatureField(page, 'signature', signature: PdfSignature());
// Add the timestamp server to the signature.
field.signature!.timestampServer = server;
// Add the signature field to the form fields collection.
// Save the document.
// Dispose the document.
Adding a timestamp in an existing PDF document
You can add timestamp to the existing PDF document using timestampServer property in PdfSignature class. The following code example explains the same.
Signing using TimestampServer only works when the document is saved using asynchronous save. It is not supported in synchronous saveSync.
// Create a new PDF document.
PdfDocument document =
PdfDocument(inputBytes: File('input.pdf').readAsBytesSync());
// Load the existing signature field.
PdfSignatureField field = document.form.fields[0] as PdfSignatureField;
// Create a new timestamp server.
TimestampServer server = TimestampServer(
userName: 'user',
password: '123456',
timeOut: const Duration(milliseconds: 5000));
// Check whether the timestamp server is valid.
bool isValid = await server.isValid;
if (isValid) {
// Add new signature to the existing signature field.
field.signature = PdfSignature();
// Add the timestamp server to the signature.
field.signature!.timestampServer = server;
// Save the document.
// Dispose the document.