Customization in Flutter Circular Charts (SfCircularChart)

13 Oct 20234 minutes to read

Chart sizing

Chart renders based on the parent widget size. If you need the chart to be rendered in specific size, then set the size(width/height) to the parent widget. By default initializing only the SfCircularChart without defining any of its properties renders a white screen.

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return Scaffold(
        body: SafeArea(
          child: Center(
            child: Container(
              // height of the Container widget
              height: 300, 
              // width of the Container widget
              width: 350,  
              child: SfCircularChart()

Chart margin

Margin to the chart can be specified using the margin property.

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return Scaffold(
        body: SafeArea(
          child: Center(
        child: Container(
          height: 300, 
          width: 350, 
          child: SfCircularChart(
              borderWidth: 2,
              // Sets 15 logical pixels as margin for all the 4 sides.
              margin: EdgeInsets.all(15)

Chart area customization

You can customize the area of the chart using the below properties.

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return Scaffold(
        body: SafeArea(
          child: Center(
            child: Container(
              height: 300, 
              width: 350, 
              child: SfCircularChart(
                backgroundColor: Colors.lightGreen,
                backgroundImage: AssetImage('images/apple.png'),