Working with MVVM in Xamarin ListView (SfListView)

29 Sep 202324 minutes to read


Tap command

The TapCommand will be triggered whenever tapping the item and passing the ItemTappedEventArgs as parameter.

listView.TapCommand = viewModel.TappedCommand;

public class CommandViewModel
    private Command<Object> tappedCommand;

    public Command<object> TappedCommand
        get { return tappedCommand; }
        set { tappedCommand = value; }

    public CommandViewModel()
        TappedCommand = new Command<object>(TappedCommandMethod);

    private void TappedCommandMethod(object obj)
        if ((obj as Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.ItemTappedEventArgs).ItemData == viewModel.InboxInfo[0])
            viewModel.InboxInfo.Remove((obj as Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.ItemTappedEventArgs).ItemData as ListViewInboxInfo)

Hold command

The HoldCommand will be triggered whenever long pressing the item and passing the ItemHoldingEventArgs as parameter.

listView.HoldCommand = viewModel.HoldCommand;

public class CommandViewModel
    private Command<Object> holdingCommand;

    public Command<object> HoldingCommand
        get { return holdingCommand; }
        set { holdingCommand = value; }

    public CommandViewModel()
        HoldingCommand = new Command<object>(HoldingCommandMethod);

    private void HoldingCommandMethod(object obj)
        if ((obj as Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.ItemHoldingEventArgs).ItemData == viewModel.InboxInfo[3])
            viewModel.InboxInfo.Remove((obj as Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.ItemHoldingEventArgs).ItemData as ListViewInboxInfo);


When Command is binded to ItemTemplate, it must also define Source property with its root element as reference. Only then it executes the property in the ViewModel of type Command.

Event to command

The ListView event can be converted into commands using Behaviors. To achieve this, create a command in the ViewModel class and associate it to the ListView event using Behaviors.

<listView:SfListView x:Name="listView" ItemsSource="{Binding contactsinfo}">
        <local:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="SelectionChanged" Command="{Binding SelectionChangedCommand}"/>
public class ContactsViewModel
    public Command<ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs> selectionChangedCommand;

    public Command<ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs> SelectionChangedCommand
        get { return selectionChangedCommand; }
        set { selectionChangedCommand = value; }

    public ContactsViewModel()
        SelectionChangedCommand = new Command<Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs>(OnSelectionChanged);

    private void OnSelectionChanged(ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs obj)
        App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Alert", (obj.AddedItems[0] as Contacts).ContactName + " is selected", "OK");

Download the entire source code from GitHub here.

For more information regarding the event to command behavior in Xamarin.Forms, you can refer this link.

Binding command of inner ListView to Model Command?

You can bind command of Button inside ItemTemplate to the command in Model by specifying Source property with its root element as reference to execute the binded property of type command.

<listView:SfListView x:Name="listView" ItemsSource="{Binding ContactInfo}">
                        <listView:SfListView x:Name="list1" ItemsSource="{Binding ContactDetails}" TapCommand="{Binding NavigateToSelectModelsCommand}" TapCommandParameter="{Binding}">
                                               <StackLayout BackgroundColor="Teal" >
                                                    <Label Text="{Binding ContactName} "/>
                                                    <Label Text="{Binding ContactNumber}"/>
                                                    <StackLayout HeightRequest="1" BackgroundColor="Gray"/>
public class ContactInfo_NestedListView
    public Command<Object> NavigateToSelectModelsCommand { get; private set; }

    public ContactInfo_NestedListView()
       NavigateToSelectModelsCommand = new Command<Object>(NavigateToSelectModels, CanNavigate);
    private bool CanNavigate(object argument)
            return true;
    private void NavigateToSelectModels(object model)
       var customer = model as ContactInfo_NestedListView;
       App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Message", "Tapped customer group value :" + customer.location, "OK");

Binding command of Button inside the ItemTemplate of Xamarin.Forms ListView to ViewModel Command?

You can bind command of Button inside ItemTemplate to the command in ViewModel by specifying Source property with its root element as reference to execute the binded property of type command.

<Syncfusion:SfListView x:Name="listView" ItemsSource="{Binding contactsinfo}" >
                <Grid >
                    <Button Text="Delete" Command="{Binding Path=BindingContext.DeleteCommand, Source={x:Reference listView}}" CommandParameter="{x:Reference listView}"/>
namespace ListViewSample 
    public class ContactsViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public Command<object> DeleteCommand { get; set; }
        public ContactsViewModel()
            DeleteCommand = new Command<object>(OnTapped);

        private void OnTapped(object obj)
            var contact = obj as Contacts;
            App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Message","Item Deleted :" +contact.ContactName,"Ok");

You can download the sample from GitHub here.

ListView with Prism Framework

The SfListView allows the user to work with Prism for MVVM Framework. Steps to be followed:

  1. Replace your application to prism application in App.xaml file.
  2. Inherit App.xaml.cs from prism application instead of your application.
  3. Create a prism namespace library reference in xaml file of the ContentPage.
  4. Connect view and view model instead of binding context by registering them.
public partial class App : PrismApplication
    public App(IPlatformInitializer initializer = null) : base(initializer) { }

    protected override void OnInitialized()


    protected override void RegisterTypes()
        Container.RegisterTypeForNavigation<MainPage, MainPageViewModel>();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<prism:PrismApplication xmlns=""
<ContentPage xmlns=""
    <StackLayout HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
        <syncfusion:SfListView x:Name="listView" ItemSize="70" ItemSpacing="0,0,5,0"
                             ItemsSource="{Binding ContactsInfo}" IsStickyHeader="True" 
                             AllowSwiping="True" IsStickyGroupHeader="True" GroupHeaderSize="50">

For more details, refer to

Download the entire source code from GitHub here.

ListView with MVVMCross

The SfListView allows users work with MVVMCross Framework. Follow the below steps to work with MVVMCross Framework:

  1. Inherit App.cs from MvxApplication instead of your application.

    public class CoreApp : MvvmCross.Core.ViewModels.MvxApplication
        public override void Initialize()
  2. Inherit ViewModel from the MvxViewModel.

    public class MvxFormsViewModel : MvxViewModel
        public MvxFormsViewModel()
  3. Connect view and view model instead of binding context by registering them.

    public class CoreApp : MvvmCross.Core.ViewModels.MvxApplication
        public override void Initialize()
  4. Derive MainActivity and AppDelegate from MvxFormsAppCompatActivity and MvxFormsApplicationDelegate for initializing renderer.

    public class MainActivity : MvxFormsAppCompatActivity
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
            TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.Tabbar;
            ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.Toolbar;
    public partial class AppDelegate : MvxFormsApplicationDelegate
        public override UIWindow Window { get; set; }
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)

For more details, refer to this documentation.

You can download the entire source code of this demo in the following link: Source code.

Binding properties in MVVM pattern

Binding ItemsSource

SfListView support to bind the ItemsSource property to populate the list view items from view model.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
<syncfusion:SfListView x:Name="listView" ItemsSource="{Binding BookInfoCollection}"/>
listView.SetBinding(SfListView.ItemsSourceProperty, new Binding("BookInfoCollection", BindingMode.OneWay));
public class BookInfoRepository : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private ObservableCollection<BookInfo> bookInfoCollection;
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    public ObservableCollection<BookInfo> BookInfoCollection
        get { return bookInfoCollection; }
                 this.bookInfoCollection = value;

    public void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
        if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
            this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));

    public BookInfoRepository()

    private void GenerateNewBookInfo()
        BookInfoCollection = new ObservableCollection<BookInfo>();
        BookInfoCollection.Add(new BookInfo() { BookName = "Machine Learning Using C#", BookDescription = "You’ll learn several different approaches to applying machine learning"});
        BookInfoCollection.Add(new BookInfo() { BookName = "Object-Oriented Programming in C#", BookDescription = "Object-oriented programming is the de facto programming paradigm"});
        BookInfoCollection.Add(new BookInfo() { BookName = "C# Code Contracts", BookDescription = "Code Contracts provide a way to convey code assumptions"});

Binding SelectedItem

SfListView support to select the items through binding the SelectedItem property from view model by implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface that gives the call back notification to UI.

<syncfusion:SfListView x:Name="listView" 
                       SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem}"
                       ItemsSource="{Binding BookInfoCollection}"/>
listView.SetBinding(SfListView.SelectedItemProperty, new Binding("SelectedItem", BindingMode.TwoWay));
public class BookInfoRepository : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private object selectedItem;
    public object SelectedItem
        get { return this.selectedItem; }
            this.selectedItem = value;
    public BookInfoRepository()
        SelectedItem = BookInfoCollection[2];

Download the entire sample from GitHub here.

Binding SelectedItems

sfListView support to select multiple items through binding the SelectedItems property from view model with ObservableCollection type. Set the SelectionMode property as Multiple.

<syncfusion:SfListView x:Name="listView"
                        SelectedItems="{Binding SelectedItems}"
                        ItemsSource="{Binding BookInfoCollection}"/>
listView.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Multiple;
listView.SetBinding(SfListView.SelectedItemsProperty, new Binding("SelectedItems", BindingMode.TwoWay));
public class BookInfoRepository : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    private ObservableCollection<object> selectedItems;

    public ObservableCollection<object> SelectedItems
        get { return this.selectedItems; }
            this.selectedItems = value;

    public void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
        if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
            this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));

    public BookInfoRepository()
        SelectedItems = new ObservableCollection<object>();

Download the entire sample from GitHub here.

Binding SelectionChanged event

In SfListView, the SelectionChanged event is raised once the selection process has been completed. MVVM for the SelectionChanged event can be achieved by binding through the event to command converter.

Refer event to command knowledge base to create the command for event using behavior.

<syncfusion:SfListView x:Name="listView" 
                       ItemsSource="{Binding BookInfoCollection}">
        <local:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="SelectionChanged" Command="{Binding SelectedItem}" 
                                          Converter="{StaticResource EventArgs}"/>
public class BookInfoRepository : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private Command<ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs> selectedItem

    public Command<ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs> SelectedItem
        get { return this.selectedItem; }
            this.selectedItem = value;

    public BookInfoRepository()
        selectedItem = new Command<ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs>(OnSelectionChanged);

    ///Remove the selected item
    public void OnSelectionChanged(ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs obj)
        var eventArgs = obj as ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs;
        var item= eventArgs.AddedItems[0];
        this.bookInfoCollection.Remove(this.BookInfoCollection.FirstOrDefault(x => x == item));

Download the entire sample from GitHub here.

Binding SelectionChanging event

In ListView, the SelectionChanging event will be raised when selecting an item at the execution time. MVVM for the SelectionChanging event can be achieved by binding through the event to command converter.

Refer event to command knowledge base to create the command for event using behavior.

<syncfusion:SfListView x:Name="listView" 
                       ItemsSource="{Binding BookInfoCollection}">
        <local:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="SelectionChanging" Command="{Binding SelectedItem}" 
                                          Converter="{StaticResource EventArgs}"/>
public class BookInfoRepository : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private Command<ItemSelectionChangingEventArgs> selectedItem

    public Command<ItemSelectionChangingEventArgs> SelectedItem
        get { return this.selectedItem; }
            this.selectedItem = value;

    public BookInfoRepository()
        selectedItem = new Command<ItemSelectionChangingEventArgs>(OnSelectionChanging);

    ///To disable the selection for particular item
    public void OnSelectionChanging(ItemSelectionChangingEventArgs obj)
        var eventArgs = obj as ItemSelectionChangingEventArgs;
        if (eventArgs.AddedItems.Count > 0 && eventArgs.AddedItems[0] == this.BookInfoCollection[0])
            eventArgs.Cancel = true;

Download the entire sample from GitHub here.


Similarly, you can bind the ItemTapped, ItemDoubleTapped, and ItemHolding event.

Handling ItemTapped action

SfListView supports binding the TapCommand property with the item taped action from view model, where you can write navigation or any other action code in the execution. When defining the command, ItemTappedEventArgs will be passed as command parameter which has item information in execution.

You can define the command parameter for TapCommand using TappedCommandParameter, where you can get the element reference passed in view model.

<syncfusion:SfListView x:Name="listView" 
                    TapCommand="{Binding TapCommand}"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding BookInfoCollection}"/>
listView.SetBinding(SfListView.TapCommandProperty, new Binding("TapCommand", BindingMode.OneWay));
public class BookInfoRepository : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private Command tapCommand;

    public Command TapCommand
        get { return tapCommand; }
        protected set { tapCommand = value; }

    public BookInfoRepository()
        tapCommand = new Command(OnItemTapped);

    ///To display tapped item content
    public void OnItemTapped(object obj)
        var eventArgs = obj as Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.ItemTappedEventArgs;
        var bookName = (eventArgs.ItemData as BookInfo).BookName;
        var bookDescription = (eventArgs.ItemData as BookInfo).BookDescription;
        var display = Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert(bookName, "Description:" + bookDescription, "Ok");

Download the entire sample from GitHub here.

Handling ItemHolding action

SfListView supports binding the HoldCommand property with the item holding action from view model, where you can write navigation or any other action code in the execution. When defining the command, ItemHoldingEventArgs will be passed as command parameter which has item information in execution.

You can define the command parameter for the HoldCommand using HoldCommandParameter, where you can get the element reference passed in view model.

<syncfusion:SfListView x:Name="listView"                     
                       HoldCommand="{Binding HoldCommand}"
                       ItemsSource="{Binding BookInfoCollection}"/>
listView.SetBinding(SfListView.HoldCommandProperty, new Binding("HoldCommand", BindingMode.OneWay));
public class BookInfoRepository : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private Command holdCommand;

    public Command HoldCommand
        get { return holdCommand; }
        protected set { holdCommand = value; }

    public BookInfoRepository()
        holdCommand = new Command(OnHold);

    /// Displays the item holding content
    public void OnHold(object obj)
        var eventArgs = obj as Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.ItemHoldingEventArgs;           
        Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Type Of Item :" + eventArgs.ItemType, "Item Tapped Position : + " +eventArgs.Position , "Ok");

Download the entire sample from GitHub here.

Binding button command

The contents loaded in the ItemTemplate can be bound from the view model using their commands or gestures, where you can customize the loaded content or any other action code needed in the call back. You will get the BindingContext of ListViewItem as the parameter in execution when defining the command button.

You can also get the reference of element bound as parameter by using command parameter of loaded elements.

<syncfusion:SfListView x:Name="listView" AutoFitMode="Height"
                SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem}"                      
                ItemsSource="{Binding BookInfoCollection}">
            <Frame HasShadow="True" Margin="5,5,5,5" >
                <Grid Padding="5">
                        <RowDefinition Height="*" />
                        <RowDefinition Height="2*" />
                    <Button x:Name="bookName" Text="{Binding BookName}" Command="{Binding Path=BindingContext.BackgroundColorCommand, Source={x:Reference listView}}" CommandParameter="{x:Reference bookName}}" BackgroundColor="Transparent" FontAttributes="Bold" FontSize="19"/>
                    <Label Grid.Row="1" Text="{Binding BookDescription}" FontSize="15" />
listView.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() =>
    var frame = new Frame();
    frame.HasShadow = true;
    frame.Margin = 5;
    var grid = new Grid();
    grid.Padding = 5;
    var button = new Button();
    Binding binding = new Binding();
    binding.Path = "BookName";
    button.SetBinding(Button.TextProperty, binding);
    button.Command = this.viewModel.BackgroundColorCommand;
    button.BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent;
    button.FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold;
    button.FontSize = 19;
    var label = new Label();
    Binding bind = new Binding();
    bind.Path = "BookDescription";
    label.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, bind);
    label.FontSize = 15;
    grid.Children.Add(label, 0, 1);
    frame.Content = grid;
    return frame;
public class BookInfoRepository : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private Command backgroundColorCommand;

    public Command BackgroundColorCommand
        get { return backgroundColorCommand; }
        protected set { backgroundColorCommand = value; }

    public BookInfoRepository()
        backgroundColorCommand = new Command(OnButtonTapped);

    ///To display tapped item content
    public void OnButtonTapped(object obj)
        var firstButton = obj as Button;
        firstButton.BackgroundColor = Color.AliceBlue;            

Download the entire sample from GitHub here.

Processing LoadMore

SfListView supports binding the LoadMoreOption, LoadMoreCommand, and IsBusy properties from view model to load more number of items at runtime. LoadMoreOption enables load more manually or automatically the items when loading the items at runtime. LoadMoreCommand executes to load the items form view model. The IsBusy property notifies that the items are populating from view model to show or hide the load more view.

The IsBusy property in view model shows the busy indicator when populating the ItemsSource.

<syncfusion:SfListView x:Name="listView"                            
                        LoadMoreCommand="{Binding LoadMoreItemsCommand}"
                        LoadMoreCommandParameter="{Binding Source={x:Reference Name=listView}}"
                        IsBusy="{Binding IsBusy}"
                        ItemsSource="{Binding BookInfoCollection}">
listView.LoadMoreOption = LoadMoreOption.Auto;
listView.SetBinding(SfListView.LoadMoreCommandProperty, new Binding("LoadMoreItemsCommand", BindingMode.OneWay));
listView.LoadMoreCommandParameter = listView;
listView.SetBinding(SfListView.IsBusyProperty, new Binding("IsBusy", BindingMode.OneWay));
public class ViewModel:INotifyPropertyChanged
    private bool isBusy;
    public bool IsBusy
        get { return isBusy; }
            this.isBusy = value;
    private int totalItems = 22;
    public Command<object> LoadMoreItemsCommand { get; set; }

    public ViewModel()
        BookInfoCollection = new ObservableCollection<BookInfo>();
        AddBookInfos(0, 3);
        LoadMoreItemsCommand = new Command<object>(LoadMoreItems);

    private bool CanLoadMoreItems(object obj)
        if (BookInfoCollection.Count >= totalItems)
            return false;
        return true;

    private async void LoadMoreItems(object obj)
        var listview = obj as Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.SfListView;
            IsBusy = true;

            await Task.Delay(1000);

            var index = BookInfoCollection.Count;
            var count = index + 3 >= totalItems ? totalItems - index : 3;
            AddBookInfos(index, 3);


            IsBusy = false;

    private void AddBookInfos(int index, int count)
        int bookNameCount = 0;
        int bookDescriptionCount = 0;
        for (int i = index; i < index + count; i++)
            if (bookNameCount == 11)
                bookNameCount = 0;
            if (bookDescriptionCount == 11)
                bookDescriptionCount = 0;
            BookInfoCollection.Add(new BookInfo() { BookName = bookNames[bookNameCount] , BookDescription =  bookDescription[bookDescriptionCount] });

You can download the entire sample from GitHub here.


You can refer to our Xamarin ListView feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our Xamarin.Forms ListView example to know how to render set of data items with Xamarin.Forms views or custom templates.

See also

How to bind command from ViewModel to external ItemTemplate of Xamarin.Forms ListView
Working with ListView in Reactive MVVM
Working with SfListView and Prism for Xamarin.Forms
How to navigate page from ViewModel using button in ListViewItem
How to turn Events into Commands with Behaviors in SfListView
How to handle touch interaction using MR.Gesture in Xamarin.Forms ListView (SfListView)
How to update ListView on property change in Xamarin.Forms (SfListView)
How to show time in Xamarin.Forms ListView (SfListView)
How to filter Xamarin.Forms ListView (SfListView) using MVVM
How to use ListView events using Prism Framework in Xamarin.Forms (SfListView)
How to work with Prism using the EventToCommandBehavior in Xamarin.Forms ListView (SfListView)
How to make navigation for a corresponding tapped item named page in Xamarin.Forms ListView (SfListView)