Color Palette

29 Nov 202211 minutes to read

Apply palette for Chart

ColorModel property of SFChart is used to define the colors for each series. ColorModel contains the following color palettes.

Predefined Palettes

Currently, Chart supports three different palettes. They are

  • Metro
  • TomatoSpectrum
  • Pineapple

Metro is the default palette for SFChart.

The following screenshot shows the default appearance of multiple series.

Predefined palettes support in Xamarin.iOS Chart

Custom Palette

Chart will use the colors from CustomColors property if ColorModel.Palette is set to SFChartColorPalette.Custom.

Following code illustrates how to set the custom colors.

  • C#
  • chart.ColorModel.Palette          = SFChartColorPalette.Custom;
    chart.ColorModel.CustomColors     = NSArray.FromObjects 
                                        (UIColor.FromRGB (238, 241, 11),
                                        UIColor.FromRGB (139, 139, 139),
                                        UIColor.FromRGB (100, 0, 5));

    Custom palette support in Xamarin.iOS Chart

    None Palette

    None palette will not apply any color to the series. So in order to define the color for any series, you can use the Color property or the ColorModel property of ChartSeries (The ColorModel of Series will be explained later in this document).

    Apply palette for Series

    ColorModel property of SFSeries is used to define the colors for each data point. Following palettes are used to define the colors.

    Predefined Palettes

    Currently, Series supports three types of palette and None palette is the default palette for Series.

    These predefined palettes are

    • Metro
    • Pineapple
    • TomatoSpectrum
  • C#
  • SFColumnSeries series       = new SFColumnSeries ();
    series.ColorModel.Palette   = SFChartColorPalette.Metro;

    Predefined palettes support in Xamarin.iOS Chart

    Custom Palette

    Series will use the colors from CustomBrushes property if the ColorModel.Palette property of series is set to Custom.

    Following code illustrates how to set the custom colors.

  • C#
  • SFColumnSeries series           = new SFColumnSeries ();
    series.ColorModel.Palette       = SFChartColorPalette.Custom;
    series.ColorModel.CustomColors  = NSArray.FromObjects 

    Custom palette support in Xamarin.iOS Chart

    None Palette

    None palette will not apply any color to the data points. So in order to define the color for the data points, you can use the Color property of ChartSeries.

    Gradient Colors

    The CustomGradientColors property of ChartColorModel is used to define the gradient colors, the colors from this property is used for series or chart if the Palette property of ChartColorModel is Custom and the CustomColors property is null. The following properties are used to define the gradient color for the chart.

    The StartPoint and EndPoint properties of ChartGradientColor is used to configure the direction of gradient color, GradientStops property is used to set the color based on the offset.

    The Color and Offset properties of ChartGradientStop is used to configure the color and offset position of each color.

    Following code snippets and screenshot illustrates how to apply the gradient color to the chart series.

  • C#
  • [C#]
                series.ColorModel.Palette = SFChartColorPalette.Custom;
                ChartGradientColor gradientColor1 = new ChartGradientColor() { StartPoint = new CGPoint(0.5f, 1), EndPoint = new CGPoint(0.5f, 0) };
                ChartGradientStop stop11 = new ChartGradientStop() { Color = UIColor.FromRGB(255,231,199), Offset = 0 };
                ChartGradientStop stop12 = new ChartGradientStop() { Color = UIColor.FromRGB(252,182,159), Offset = 1 };
                ChartGradientColor gradientColor2 = new ChartGradientColor() { StartPoint = new CGPoint(0.5f, 1), EndPoint = new CGPoint(0.5f, 0) };
                ChartGradientStop stop21 = new ChartGradientStop() { Color = UIColor.FromRGB(220,250,151), Offset = 0 };
                ChartGradientStop stop22 = new ChartGradientStop() { Color = UIColor.FromRGB(150,230,161), Offset = 1 };
                ChartGradientColor gradientColor3 = new ChartGradientColor() { StartPoint = new CGPoint(0.5f, 1), EndPoint = new CGPoint(0.5f, 0) };
                ChartGradientStop stop31 = new ChartGradientStop() { Color = UIColor.FromRGB(221,214,243), Offset = 0 };
                ChartGradientStop stop32 = new ChartGradientStop() { Color = UIColor.FromRGB(250,172,168), Offset = 1 };
                ChartGradientColor gradientColor4 = new ChartGradientColor() { StartPoint = new CGPoint(0.5f, 1), EndPoint = new CGPoint(0.5f, 0) };
                ChartGradientStop stop41 = new ChartGradientStop() { Color = UIColor.FromRGB(168,243,238), Offset = 0 };
                ChartGradientStop stop42 = new ChartGradientStop() { Color = UIColor.FromRGB(123,176,249), Offset = 1 };
                ChartGradientColorCollection gradientColors = new ChartGradientColorCollection()
            series.ColorModel.CustomGradientColors = gradientColors;

    Gradient support in Xamarin.iOS Chart

    Following code snippet and screenshot illustrates how to apply the gradient color to the chart area.

  • C#
  • [C#]
                chart.ColorModel.Palette = SFChartColorPalette.Custom;
                ChartGradientColor gradientColor = new ChartGradientColor() { StartPoint = new CGPoint(0.5f, 1), EndPoint = new CGPoint(0.5f, 0) };
                ChartGradientStop stop1 = new ChartGradientStop() { Color = UIColor.FromRGB(255,231,199), Offset = 0 };
                ChartGradientStop stop2 = new ChartGradientStop() { Color = UIColor.FromRGB(252,182, 159), Offset = 1 };
                 ChartGradientColorCollection gradientColors = new ChartGradientColorCollection()
                chart.ColorModel.CustomGradientColors = gradientColors;

    Gradient support in Xamarin.iOS Chart

    Plotting Area Customization

    SFChart provides the AreaBorderColor, AreaBorderWidth, and AreaBackgroundColor properties to customize the plot area.

    The following code samples demonstrate the usage of these properties:

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SFChart chart = new SFChart();
    chart.AreaBackgroundColor = Color.Cyan;
    chart.AreaBorderColor = Color.Gray;
    chart.AreaBorderWidth = 3;


    Following methods are available in chart to get the brushes