Events in WinUI Scheduler (SfScheduler)
28 Jun 20229 minutes to read
The CellTapped event occurs when the user clicks or touches the cell in Scheduler. This event receives two arguments namely this
that handles SfScheduler and CellTappedEventArgs as objects.
The CellTappedEventArgs object contains the following properties:
Appointment: Returns the Tapped appointment values.
- If
is added with the custom business object then tapped, custom Appointment details could be got by using the AppointmentData
property in the Cell tapped arguments. - The tapped appointment is a Recurrence appointment, it will return the parent recurrence appointment values.
- The appointment details is got for the month view if
or else it will be null for month view.
- If
Appointments: Returns the Tapped Month cell appointments values if the
The Tapped Month Cell has a Recurrence appointment it will return the parent recurrence appointment values. It will be null for Day or Week or Workweek views. - IsMoreAppointments: Specifies whether more appointments are tapped or not in month view. It will be applicable only for Month view which has AppointmentDisplaymode as Appointment.
- CancelNavigation: Specifies whether the day view navigation should be disabled when clicking more appointments in the month view. It will be applicable for month view which has AppointmentDisplaymode as Appointment and click the More appointments in the month cell.
- DateTime: Gets the date-time of the tapped cell.
- PointerDeviceType: Gets the pointer device type of the tapped cell.
- Resource: Gets the resource associated with the timeslot cell where the user tapped.
<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Schedule"
this.Schedule.CellTapped += Schedule_CellTapped;
private void Schedule_CellTapped(object sender, CellTappedEventArgs e)
var dateTime = e.DateTime.ToString();
The CellDoubleTapped event occurs when the user double clicks the cell in Scheduler. This event receives two arguments namely this
that handles SfScheduler and CellDoubleTappedEventArgs
as objects. The base class of the CellDoubleTappedEventArgs is CellTappedEventArgs.
<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Schedule"
this.Schedule.CellDoubleTapped += Schedule_CellDoubleTapped;
private void Schedule_CellDoubleTapped(object sender, CellDoubleTappedEventArgs e)
var dateTime = e.DateTime.ToString();
The CellLongPressed event occurs when the user long presses the cell in Scheduler. This event receives two arguments namely this
that handles SfScheduler and CellLongPressedEventArgs
as objects. The base class of the CellLongPressedEventArgs is CellTappedEventArgs.
<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Schedule"
this.Schedule.CellLongPressed += Schedule_CellLongPressed;
private void Schedule_CellLongPressed(object sender, CellLongPressedEventArgs e)
var dateTime = e.DateTime.ToString();
The SelectionChanged event occurs after the selection is changed in Scheduler. This event receives two arguments namely this
that handles SfScheduler and SelectionChangedEventArgs as objects.
<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Schedule"
this.Schedule.SelectionChanged += Schedule_SelectionChanged;
private void Schedule_SelectionChanged(object sender, Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Scheduler.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
var newDate = e.NewValue.ToString();
var oldDate = e.OldValue.ToString();
var newResource = e.NewResource.ToString();
var oldResource = e.OldResource.ToString();
The SelectionChangedEventArgs object contains the following properties:
- OldValue: Gets an old selected date.
- NewValue: Gets a new selected date.
- gets a old selected resource details. -
- gets a new selected resource details.
The SelectionChanging event occurs when the selection gets changing in Scheduler. This event receives two arguments namely this
that handles SfScheduler and SelectionChangingEventArgs as objects.
The SelectionChangingEventArgs object contains the following properties:
- OldValue: Gets an old selected date.
- NewValue: Gets a new selected date.
- gets a old selected resource details. -
- gets a new selected resource details.
<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Schedule"
this.Schedule.SelectionChanging += Schedule_SelectionChanging;
private void Schedule_SelectionChanging(object sender, SelectionChangingEventArgs e)
var newDate = e.NewValue.ToString();
var oldDate = e.OldValue.ToString();
var newResource = e.NewResource.ToString();
var oldResource = e.OldResource.ToString();
The ViewHeaderCellTapped event occurs when the user clicks or touches the view header in Scheduler. This event receives two arguments namely this
that handles SfScheduler and ViewHeaderCellTappedEventArgs as objects.
The ViewHeaderCellTappedEventArgs object contains the following properties:
- DateTime: Gets the corresponding date time.
- Resource: Gets the resource when tapped on view header in a day, week, workweek, and timeline views.
<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Schedule"
this.Schedule.ViewHeaderCellTapped += Schedule_ViewHeaderCellTapped;
private void Schedule_ViewHeaderCellTapped(object sender, ViewHeaderCellTappedEventArgs e)
var dateTime = e.DateTime.ToString();
The HeaderTapped event occurs when the user clicks or touches the Scheduler header. This event receives two arguments namely this
that handles SfScheduler and HeaderTappedEventArgs
as objects.
The HeaderTappedEventArgs object contains the following property:
- DateTime: Gets the corresponding date time.
<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Schedule"
this.Schedule.HeaderTapped += Schedule_HeaderTapped;
private void Schedule_HeaderTapped(object sender, HeaderTappedEventArgs e)
var dateTime = e.DateTime.ToString();
The AppointmentTapped event occurs when the schedule appointments get tapped in all views. This event receives two arguments namely this
that handles SfScheduler and AppointmentTappedArgs
as objects.
The AppointmentTappedArgs object contains the following properties:
- Appointment: Gets the custom appointment details.
- SelectedDate: Gets the SelectedDate details.
- Resource: Gets the resource details under which the appointment is located.
<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Schedule"
this.Schedule.AppointmentTapped += Schedule_AppointmentTapped;
private void Schedule_AppointmentTapped(object sender, AppointmentTappedArgs e)
var appointment = e.Appointment.ToString();