Boundary Value Settings in Windows Forms Progress Bar (ProgressBarAdv)

29 Apr 20211 minute to read

The ProgressBarAdv during it’s progressive operation indicates a minimum value and a maximum value for the process.

It provides the below properties to set the boundary values for the control and also the interval for the progression.

Property table

ProgressBarAdv property Description
Minimum Determines the lower bound of the range of the ProgressBarAdv.
Maximum Determines the higher bound of the range of the ProgressBarAdv.
Value The current value between the minimum and maximum values.
Step Determines the amount to increment or decrement the value of the ProgressBarAdv when the Increment() or Decrement() method is called.

Create a ProgressBarAdv and set the below properties to see the changes.

this.progressBarAdv1.Maximum = 200;

this.progressBarAdv1.Minimum = 25;

this.progressBarAdv1.Step = 50;

this.progressBarAdv1.Value = 100;
Me.progressBarAdv1.Maximum = 200

Me.progressBarAdv1.Minimum = 25

Me.progressBarAdv1.Step = 50

Me.progressBarAdv1.Value = 100


The methods associated with the above properties are given below.

Methods table

Methods Description
Increment Increments the Value property associated with the Step value.
Decrement Decrements the Value property associated with the Step value.