Shape Annotations in .NET MAUI Image Editor (SfImageEditor)

The image editor control allows you to add various shapes with customizable settings.

Add shape annotation

Annotate any shapes over an image using the AddShape method.

<Grid RowDefinitions="0.9*, 0.1*">
        <imageEditor:SfImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor"
                                   Source="image.jpeg" />
        <Button Grid.Row="1"
                Clicked="OnAddShapeClicked" />
private void OnAddShapeClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

Shape annotation in .NET Maui ImageEditor

Shape types

The AnnotationShape enum contains the following shape types.

  • Circle
  • Rectangle
  • Arrow
  • Line
  • Dotted
  • DoubleArrow
  • DottedArrow
  • DottedDoubleArrow
  • Polygon
  • Polyline


A Polygon is formed by connecting a series of straight lines, and in addition to the Points collection including specific points, a line automatically connects the first and last points.

<Grid RowDefinitions="0.9*, 0.1*">
        <imageEditor:SfImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor" />
        <Button Grid.Row="1"
                Clicked="OnPolygonClicked" />
private void OnPolygonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            new ImageEditorShapeSettings()
                StrokeThickness = 5,
                Points = new PointCollection
                    new Point(50, 0),
                    new Point(150, 0),
                    new Point(200, 100),
                    new Point(150, 200),
                    new Point(50, 200),
                    new Point(0, 100)

Polygon annotation in .NET Maui ImageEditor


A Polyline draws a series of connected straight lines. It is similar to a Polygon, except the last point in a polyline is not connected to the first point.

<Grid RowDefinitions="0.9*, 0.1*">
        <imageEditor:SfImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor" />
        <Button Grid.Row="1"
                Clicked="OnPolylineClicked" />
private void OnPolylineClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            new ImageEditorShapeSettings()
                Points = new PointCollection
                    new Point(0, 100),
                    new Point(50, 250), 
                    new Point(75, 100),   
                    new Point(90, 400),  
                    new Point(115, 250), 
                    new Point(175, 250), 
                    new Point(200, 100),
                    new Point(215, 400), 
                    new Point(240, 250),
                    new Point(300, 250)

Polyline annotation in .NET Maui ImageEditor

Customize shape settings

Customize the appearance of each shape using the ImageEditorShapeSettings.

<Grid RowDefinitions="0.9*, 0.1*">
        <imageEditor:SfImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor"
                                   Source="image.jpeg" />
        <Button Grid.Row="1"
                Clicked="OnAddShapeClicked" />
private void OnAddShapeClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
             new ImageEditorShapeSettings()
                 Color = Colors.Blue,
                 StrokeThickness = 5,
                 IsFilled = false

Shape annotation customization in .NET Maui ImageEditor

Select a particular annotation programmatically using annotation ID

By passing the unique ID of an annotation to the SelectAnnotation method of SfImageEditor, you can select the particular annotation programmatically.

        <RowDefinition Height="*" />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
    <imageEditor:SfImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor"
                               ImageLoaded="imageEditor_ImageLoaded" />
    <StackLayout Grid.Row="1" Margin="10"
        <Label Text="ShapeID :" VerticalOptions="Center" />
        <Entry x:Name="shapeID" WidthRequest ="50"/>
        <Button Text="SelectShape" Margin="25,0,0,0"
                Clicked="SelectShape_Clicked" WidthRequest="150" />
private void SelectShape_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    int shapeId;
    if (int.TryParse(this.shapeID.Text, out shapeId))
private void imageEditor_ImageLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
    imageEditor.AddShape(AnnotationShape.Rectangle, new ImageEditorShapeSettings() { Id = 2, Color = Colors.Violet, Bounds = new Rect(0, 0, 0.3, 0.3) });

Delete the selected shape

Delete the selected shape using either the toolbar or the DeleteAnnotation method.

<Grid RowDefinitions="0.9*, 0.1*">
        <imageEditor:SfImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor"
                                   Source="image.jpeg" />
        <Button Grid.Row="1"
                Clicked="OnDeleteAnnotationClicked" />
private void OnDeleteAnnotationClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

Clear all annotations

Remove all the annotations using the ClearAnnotations method.


It will remove text, pen and custom view annotations as well.

<Grid RowDefinitions="0.9*, 0.1*">
        <imageEditor:SfImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor"
                                   Source="image.jpeg" />
        <Button Grid.Row="1"
                Clicked="OnClearAnnotationsClicked" />
private void OnClearAnnotationsClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

Annotation selected event

The AnnotationSelected event occurs when an annotation is selected.


The event is common for text and shape annotations.

<imageEditor:SfImageEditor Source="image.png" AnnotationSelected = "OnAnnotationSelected" />
private void OnAnnotationSelected(object sender, AnnotationSelectedEventArgs e)
        if (e.AnnotationSettings is ImageEditorShapeSettings shapeSettings)
            shapeSettings.Color = Colors.Black;

Annotation unselected event

This AnnotationUnselected event occurs when the annotation is unselected.


This is common for Shape, Text and CustomView annotations.

<imageEditor:SfImageEditor Source="image.png" AnnotationUnselected="OnAnnotationUnSelected" />
private void OnAnnotationUnSelected(object sender, AnnotationUnselectedEventArgs e)
        if(e.AnnotationSettings is ImageEditorShapeSettings shapeSettings)
            shapeSettings.IsFilled = true;

Add shape on initial loading

Annotate a shape on image loading using the ImageLoaded event.

<imageEditor:SfImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor" Source="image.png" ImageLoaded = "OnImageLoaded" />
private void OnImageLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)


View sample in GitHub

Add shape with manual bounds

Shapes can be added by user-defined view bounds. The Bounds are treated as ratio values of image width and height, so you have to specify bounds rectangle values in the range of 0 to 1.

<imageEditor:SfImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor" Source="image.png" ImageLoaded = "OnImageLoaded" />
private void OnImageLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
        imageEditor.AddShape(AnnotationShape.Arrow, new ImageEditorShapeSettings()
            Bounds = new Rect(0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5)

Restrict shape drag and resize

To restrict the drag action on a shape, set the AllowDrag property to false.

imageEditor.AddShape(AnnotationShape.Circle, new ImageEditorShapeSettings() { AllowDrag = false });

To restrict the resize action on a shape, set the AllowResize property to false.

imageEditor.AddShape(AnnotationShape.Circle, new ImageEditorShapeSettings() { AllowResize = false });

Freehand Draw

The image editor control allows you to create freehand drawings such as signature, pen drawing with customizable settings. The AddShape method enables the canvas view, in which you can draw objects.

<Grid RowDefinitions="0.9*, 0.1*">
        <imageEditor:SfImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor"
                                   Source="image.jpeg" />
        <Button Grid.Row="1"
                Clicked="OnFreeHandDrawClicked" />
private void OnFreeHandDrawClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

FreeHand drawing in .NET Maui ImageEditor

Customize the pen drawing settings

  • StrokeThickness - Specifies the stroke width of the drawing pen.
  • Color - Specifies the stroke color of the drawing pen.


The other shape settings are not applicable for freehand draw.

In the following example, the AddShape method is used to toggle the freehand drawings.

<Grid RowDefinitions="0.9*, 0.1*">
        <imageEditor:SfImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor"
                                   Source="image.jpeg" />
        <Button Grid.Row="1"
                Clicked="OnFreeHandDrawClicked" />
private void OnFreeHandDrawClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        imageEditor.AddShape(AnnotationShape.Pen, new ImageEditorShapeSettings() {Color=Colors.Blue, StrokeThickness=5});