Serialization in .NET MAUI Image Editor (SfImageEditor)

21 Mar 20243 minutes to read

The Image Editor control provides support to serialize and deserialize the shape, text and pen annotations along with their settings. You can save the current state of the image editor annotations and load it back when it is needed.


The Serialize method is used to serialize the current edits of annotations. It allows you to store the SfImageEditor annotations to the stream by passing the stream as a parameter to the Serialize method.

<Grid RowDefinitions="0.9*, 0.1*">
        <imageEditor:SfImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor"
                                   Source="image.jpeg" />
        <Button Grid.Row="1"
                Clicked="OnSerializeClicked" />
private void OnSerializeClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string filePath = Path.Combine(FileSystem.Current.CacheDirectory, "ImageEditor.xml");
        using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))


The Deserialize method is used to deserialize the annotations over an image. It allows you to reload the SfImageEditor control with the annotations available in the stream.

<Grid RowDefinitions="0.9*, 0.1*">
        <imageEditor:SfImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor"
                                   Source="image.jpeg" />
        <Button Grid.Row="1"
                Clicked="OnDeserializeClicked" />
private async void OnDeserializeClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var result = await FilePicker.PickAsync();
        if (result != null)
            using (Stream stream = await result.OpenReadAsync())

Serialization in .NET Maui ImageEditor


Serialization and deserialization is not applicable for custom annotation views.