- Drag and Drop to external control
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Drag and Drop
28 May 201913 minutes to read
By default allowDragAndDrop
is true.Cards can be transited from one column to another column, by dragging and dropping. And it has drop position indicator which enables easier positioning of cards
To transit cards to other swim lanes through Drag and Drop, please refer here.
Drag and Drop to external control
Kanban is now provided support to drag and drop cards to external controls, when ‘allowExternalDragAndDrop’ is set to true. Along with that you need to specify the ID of the component to which the card must be dropped in ‘cardSettings’ property ‘externalDropTarget’.
Here, in order to drag and drop cards between two Kanban, enable the Kanban property ‘allowExternalDragAndDrop’ and specify the target Kanban ID in ‘externalDropTarget’.
The following code example describes the above behavior.
<div style="float:left; width:50%">
<div id="Kanban"></div>
<div style="float:right; width:50%">
<div id="Kanban1"></div>
$(function () {
var data = [
{ Status: "Open", Id: "1", Summary: "Analyze the new requirements.", Assignee: "Andrew" },
{ Status: "Testing", Id: "2", Summary: "Arrange a web meeting.", Assignee: "Nancy"},
{ Status: "Open", Id: "3", Summary: "API improvements.", Assignee: "Andrew" },
{ Status: "InProgress", Id: "4", Summary: "Improve application performance.", Assignee: "Nancy"},
{ Status: "Close", Id: "5", Summary: "Fix the issues reported in the IE browser.", Assignee: "Andrew"},
{ Status: "InProgress", Id: "6", Summary: "Add responsive support to application.", Assignee: "Nancy" },
var data1=[
{ Status: "Testing", Id: "7", Summary: "Fix the issues reported by the customer.", Assignee: "Mike" },
{ Status: "Open", Id: "8", Summary: "Fix the issues reported in safari browser.", Assignee: "Andrew" },
{ Status: "Testing", Id: "9", Summary: "Check login page validation.", Assignee: "Andrew" },
{ Status: "InProgress", Id: "10", Summary: "Arrange a web meeting with the customer to get the login page requirements.", Assignee: "Mike" },
{ Status: "Close", Id: "11", Summary: "Login page validation.", Assignee: "Andrew"},
dataSource: data,
columns: [
{ headerText: "Open", key: "Open,InProgress" },
{ headerText: "Done", key: "Testing,Close" }
keyField: "Status",
allowTitle: true,
fields: {
content: "Summary",
primaryKey: "Id"
allowExternalDragAndDrop: true,
externalDropTarget: "#Kanban1"
dataSource: data1,
columns: [
{ headerText: "Open", key: "Open,InProgress" },
{ headerText: "Done", key: "Testing,Close" }
keyField: "Status",
allowTitle: true,
fields: {
content: "Summary",
primaryKey: "Id"
allowExternalDragAndDrop: true,
externalDropTarget: "#Kanban"
.e-kanban .e-draggedcard {
The following output is displayed before dropping Kanban cards.
The following output is displayed after dropping Kanban cards.
See Also
You can also drag and drop Kanban cards to any custom control. For instance, let it be a Grid control. Enable the Kanban property ‘allowExternalDragAndDrop’ and specify the target Grid element ID in ‘externalDropTarget’.
The target control must have droppable feature to handle the card dropped from Kanban and customize it based on corresponding control.
The following code example describes the above behavior.
<div style="float:left; width:50%">
<div id="Kanban"></div>
<div style="float:right; width:50%">
<div id="Grid"></div>
$(function () {
var data = [
{ Status: "Open", Id: 1, Summary: "Analyze the new requirements.", Assignee: "Andrew", RankId: 1 },
{ Status: "Testing", Id: 2, Summary: "Arrange a web meeting.", RankId: 1},
{ Status: "Open", Id: 3, Summary: "API improvements.", Assignee: "Andrew", RankId: 2 },
{ Status: "InProgress", Id: 4, Summary: "Improve application performance.", Assignee: "Nancy", RankId: 1},
{ Status: "Close", Id: 5, Summary: "Fix the issues reported in the IE browser.", Assignee: "Andrew", RankId: 1},
{ Status: "InProgress", Id: 6, Summary: "Add responsive support to application.", Assignee: "Nancy", RankId: 2 },
dataSource: data,
columns: [
{ headerText: "Backlog", key: "Open" },
{ headerText: "In Progress", key: "InProgress" },
{ headerText: "Close", key: "Close"}
keyField: "Status",
allowTitle: true,
fields: {
content: "Summary",
primaryKey: "Id",
allowExternalDragAndDrop: true,
externalDropTarget: "#Grid"
cardDragStop: "cardDrop"
dataSource: [],
allowPaging: true,
allowSorting: true,
editSettings: { allowAdding: true },
columns: [
{ field: "Id", headerText: "Card ID", isPrimaryKey: true},
{ field: "Status", headerText: "Status"},
{ field: "Assignee", headerText: "Assignee"},
{ field: "RankId", headerText: "Rank ID"}
.e-kanban .e-draggedcard {
The following output is displayed before dropping the cards on Grid.
The following output is displayed after dropping the cards on Grid.