Tile selection in Flutter Treemap (SfTreemap)

21 Jun 202111 minutes to read

You can select a tile in order to highlight that area on a treemap. You can use the callback for performing any action during tile selection.

Enable tile selection

You can enable tile selection on a treemap using the SfTreemap.onSelectionChanged property. The descendant tiles of the selected tile are also selected along with the selected tile when doing selection for hierarchical level.

The onSelectionChanged callback will be called with the details of the selected tile when the user is selecting a tile by tapping and you will be able to do any specific functionalities like showing pop-up or navigate to a different page.

late List<SocialMediaUsers> _source;

void initState() {
   _source = <SocialMediaUsers>[
      SocialMediaUsers('India', 'Facebook', 25.4),
      SocialMediaUsers('USA', 'Instagram', 19.11),
      SocialMediaUsers('Japan', 'Facebook', 13.3),
      SocialMediaUsers('Germany', 'Instagram', 10.65),
      SocialMediaUsers('France', 'Twitter', 7.54),
      SocialMediaUsers('UK', 'Instagram', 4.93),

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
     body: Center(
        child: Container(
          height: 400,
          width: 400,
          child: SfTreemap(
            dataCount: _source.length,
            weightValueMapper: (int index) {
              return _source[index].usersInMillions;
            onSelectionChanged: (TreemapTile) {},
            levels: [
                groupMapper: (int index) {
                  return _source[index].country;

class SocialMediaUsers {
  const SocialMediaUsers(this.country, this.socialMedia, this.usersInMillions);

  final String country;
  final String socialMedia;
  final double usersInMillions;

Enable tile selection


Appearance customization

You can customize the below appearance of the selected tile.

late List<SocialMediaUsers> _source;

void initState() {
   _source = <SocialMediaUsers>[
      SocialMediaUsers('India', 'Facebook', 25.4),
      SocialMediaUsers('USA', 'Instagram', 19.11),
      SocialMediaUsers('Japan', 'Facebook', 13.3),
      SocialMediaUsers('Germany', 'Instagram', 10.65),
      SocialMediaUsers('France', 'Twitter', 7.54),
      SocialMediaUsers('UK', 'Instagram', 4.93),

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
     body: Center(
        child: Container(
          height: 400,
          width: 400,
          child: SfTreemap(
            dataCount: _source.length,
            weightValueMapper: (int index) {
              return _source[index].usersInMillions;
            onSelectionChanged: (TreemapTile) {},
            selectionSettings: TreemapSelectionSettings(
              color: Colors.orange,
              border: RoundedRectangleBorder(
                side: BorderSide(
                  color: Colors.deepOrange,
                  width: 1,
                borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
            levels: [
                groupMapper: (int index) {
                  return _source[index].country;

class SocialMediaUsers {
  const SocialMediaUsers(this.country, this.socialMedia, this.usersInMillions);

  final String country;
  final String socialMedia;
  final double usersInMillions;

Selection customization

Hovered tile customization

You can customize the hovered tile color and border using the tileHoverColor and tileHoverBorder properties. The default value of the tileHoverColor is Colors.transparent.

late List<SocialMediaUsers> _source;

void initState() {
   _source = <SocialMediaUsers>[
      SocialMediaUsers('India', 'Facebook', 25.4),
      SocialMediaUsers('USA', 'Instagram', 19.11),
      SocialMediaUsers('Japan', 'Facebook', 13.3),
      SocialMediaUsers('Germany', 'Instagram', 10.65),
      SocialMediaUsers('France', 'Twitter', 7.54),
      SocialMediaUsers('UK', 'Instagram', 4.93),

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: Container(
          height: 400,
          width: 400,
          child: SfTreemap(
            dataCount: _source.length,
            weightValueMapper: (int index) {
              return _source[index].usersInMillions;
            levels: [
                groupMapper: (int index) {
                  return _source[index].country;
                labelBuilder: (BuildContext context, TreemapTile tile) {
                  return Padding(
                    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4),
                        Text(tile.group, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black)),
            onSelectionChanged: (TreemapTile tile) {},
            tileHoverColor: Colors.tealAccent,
            tileHoverBorder: RoundedRectangleBorder(
              side: BorderSide(
                color: Colors.teal,
                width: 1,
              borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),

class SocialMediaUsers {
  const SocialMediaUsers(this.country, this.socialMedia, this.usersInMillions);

  final String country;
  final String socialMedia;
  final double usersInMillions;

Hover customization