Layouts in Flutter Treemap (SfTreemap)

18 Jun 202115 minutes to read

This section explains the different layouts in the treemap widget. The available layouts are,

  • Squarified
  • Slice
  • Dice


The squarified layout will arrange the rectangles in a row and wrap them to the next row according to the available size. The size of the particular rectangle is based on the value returned from weightValueMapper callback. By default, squarified layout is used.

late List<PopulationModel> _dataSource;

void initState() {
   _dataSource = <PopulationModel>[
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Asia', populationInMillions: 25.4),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'South America', populationInMillions: 19.11),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'North America', populationInMillions: 13.3),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Europe', populationInMillions: 10.65),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Africa', populationInMillions: 7.54),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Australia', populationInMillions: 4.93),

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
     body: SfTreemap(
        dataCount: _dataSource.length,
        weightValueMapper: (int index) {
          return _dataSource[index].populationInMillions;
        levels: [
            groupMapper: (int index) {
              return _dataSource[index].continent;
            color: Colors.teal[200],
            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(1.5),

class PopulationModel {
  const PopulationModel({
    required this.continent,
    required this.populationInMillions,

  final String continent;
  final double populationInMillions;

Squarified layout structure


The slice layout will start to arrange each rectangle in a horizontal direction and the size of the rectangle will be based on the value returned from weightValueMapper callback and the available height.

late List<PopulationModel> _dataSource;

void initState() {
   _dataSource = <PopulationModel>[
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Asia', populationInMillions: 25.4),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'South America', populationInMillions: 19.11),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'North America', populationInMillions: 13.3),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Europe', populationInMillions: 10.65),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Africa', populationInMillions: 7.54),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Australia', populationInMillions: 4.93),

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
     body: SfTreemap.slice(
        dataCount: _dataSource.length,
        weightValueMapper: (int index) {
          return _dataSource[index].populationInMillions;
        levels: [
            groupMapper: (int index) {
              return _dataSource[index].continent;
            color: Colors.teal[200],
            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(1.5),

class PopulationModel {
  const PopulationModel({
    required this.continent,
    required this.populationInMillions,

  final String continent;
  final double populationInMillions;

Slice layout structure


The dice structure will start to arrange each rectangle in the vertical direction and the size of the rectangle will be based on the value returned from the weightValueMapper callback and the available width.

late List<PopulationModel> _dataSource;

void initState() {
   _dataSource = <PopulationModel>[
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Asia', populationInMillions: 25.4),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'South America', populationInMillions: 19.11),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'North America', populationInMillions: 13.3),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Europe', populationInMillions: 10.65),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Africa', populationInMillions: 7.54),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Australia', populationInMillions: 4.93),

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
     body: SfTreemap.dice(
        dataCount: _dataSource.length,
        weightValueMapper: (int index) {
          return _dataSource[index].populationInMillions;
        levels: [
            groupMapper: (int index) {
              return _dataSource[index].continent;
            color: Colors.teal[200],
            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(1.5),

class PopulationModel {
  const PopulationModel({
    required this.continent,
    required this.populationInMillions,

  final String continent;
  final double populationInMillions;

Dice layout structure

Layout direction

Tiles start to layout from the top-left to the bottom-right of the rectangle by default. The layoutDirection property allows you to start the layout from any corner of the rectangle. The possible layoutDirection values are topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, and bottomRight.


It is applicable for squarified treemap.

late List<PopulationModel> _dataSource;

void initState() {
   _dataSource = <PopulationModel>[
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Asia', populationInMillions: 25.4),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'South America', populationInMillions: 19.11),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'North America', populationInMillions: 13.3),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Europe', populationInMillions: 10.65),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Africa', populationInMillions: 7.54),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Australia', populationInMillions: 4.93),

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
     body: Center(
        child: Container(
          height: 400,
          width: 400,
          child: SfTreemap(
            dataCount: _dataSource.length,
            weightValueMapper: (int index) {
              return _dataSource[index].populationInMillions;
            layoutDirection: TreemapLayoutDirection.bottomRight,
            levels: [
              TreemapLevel(groupMapper: (int index) {
                return _dataSource[index].continent;
              }, labelBuilder: (BuildContext context, TreemapTile tile) {
                return Padding(
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4.0),
                  child: Text(
                    style: TextStyle(color:,

class PopulationModel {
  const PopulationModel({
    required this.continent,
    required this.populationInMillions,

  final String continent;
  final double populationInMillions;

Squarified layout direction


You can sort the tiles either in ascending or descending order based on the sortAscending property. The default value of the sortAscending property is false.


It is applicable for slice and dice treemap.

late List<PopulationModel> _dataSource;

void initState() {
   _dataSource = <PopulationModel>[
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Asia', populationInMillions: 25.4),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'South America', populationInMillions: 19.11),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'North America', populationInMillions: 13.3),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Europe', populationInMillions: 10.65),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Africa', populationInMillions: 7.54),
      PopulationModel(continent: 'Australia', populationInMillions: 4.93),

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
     body: Center(
        child: Container(
          height: 400,
          width: 400,
          child: SfTreemap.slice(
            dataCount: _dataSource.length,
            weightValueMapper: (int index) {
              return _dataSource[index].populationInMillions;
            sortAscending: true,
            levels: [
              TreemapLevel(groupMapper: (int index) {
                return _dataSource[index].continent;
              }, labelBuilder: (BuildContext context, TreemapTile tile) {
                return Padding(
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4.0),
                  child: Text(
                    style: TextStyle(color:,

class PopulationModel {
  const PopulationModel({
    required this.continent,
    required this.populationInMillions,

  final String continent;
  final double populationInMillions;

Slice sorting