Viewing widget bounded data

You can view the widget bounded data by clicking the view data icon in WIDGETS pane and you will get the window which contains the Summary Data and Raw Data.

View data option

If the selected widget was not bounded with data, it will show the alert message.

Viweing bound data alert message


Any widget bounded with SSAS data source don’t have the Raw Data tab displayed in View Data window as the cube itself holds the aggregated data.

Summary Data

Summary data

Raw Data

Raw data

By following below procedure, you can export the data to excel file which is displayed in the view data grid.

Click Export icon in view data grid.

Bound data export

Now Save as window will open. Enter a suitable name and choose the specified location. By clicking the Save button, you can save the data in excel format.

Once data saved successfully, you will get message as follows.

Success message

Click Yes to view the saved data in excel file as follows.

Excel format