Using an existing dashboard widget

You can use an existing dashboard widget by clicking the Import widget icon in WIDGETS Pane and you will get the Import Widget window.

Import widget icon

The Import widget window opens as follows.

Import widget dialog


Using this option, you can browse the widget file from the local machine. Here, you can import widgets from SYDX/SYDW formatted files. When selecting a file, you can get a list of available widgets displayed as in the following.

Import widget from Local

Select the required widgets to import into your dashboard and click Import.

Import widget window

Now the respective widget(s) will be imported into the WIDGETS container as follows.

Imported widgets


You can import widgets from the Dashboard Server using the following ways. To display the widgets that are present in the server, you should sign in the Dashboard Server account in the Dashboard Designer.

Select the SERVER tab. You will get a list of available Widgets that are present in the Dashboard Server. Choose the widgets and click Import.

Import widget server window

While importing widget, if bounded data source already existed in the data source container, it will show below information message.

Import widget message dialog

If click yes it will reuse the data source which exists in the data source container. otherwise, it will import another one data source.

Now the respective widget(s) will be imported into the WIDGETS container as in the following.

Imported widgets using server