Duplicating a Dashboard Widget

Using menu options

You can copy or duplicate a particular dashboard widget with in the same dashboard tab using Copy and Paste option provided in the Edit menu or using keyboard shortcuts.

  1. Select the dashboard widget you want to copy in the Widgets container or in the Design canvas.

  2. Open on the Edit menu option and click the Copy menu option.

Copy menu

  1. Now select an empty tile in the Design canvas where you want to paste the copied widget.

Design canvas

  1. Use the keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + V for pasting the widget or make use of the Edit - Paste option from menu.

Now the widget will be copied as shown in the following screenshot:
Paste option

Using drag and drop option

You can also perform the duplicate option by drag and drop the Selected widget from the Widgets container into the empty tiles in the Design canvas like shown below:

Copy menu