Xamarin Picker (SfPicker) Overview

8 Jan 20251 minute to read

The picker control allows you to pick an item among a list of items that can be customized with custom view. This control can be opened as dialog. Its rich feature set includes functionalities such as data binding, multi column, header/footer, custom view on header/footer, and default validation buttons.

Feature comparisons across iOS, Android, and UWP

Features Xamarin.Forms
(Android, iOS and UWP)
Xamarin.Android Xamarin.iOS
Show Picker in Dialog
Header Customization
Footer Customization
Item Customization
Multi Column Support
Customize each column width
Column Header support
Column Header Customization

The following screenshot illustrates picker’s color selection

Xamarin Picker with color selection

The following screenshot illustrates picker’s multicolumn

Xamarin Picker with multicolumn


You can refer to our Xamarin Picker feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our Xamarin.Forms Picker example to knows the functionalities of each feature.