Supported Input Views in WPF TextInputLayout (SfTextInputLayout)

7 May 20216 minutes to read

Input views can be added to the text input layout control by setting the InputView property. To reduce the XAML syntax, the InputView property is applied with the ContentPropertyAttribute. The SfTextInputLayout has the following controls as the supported input views.


You can enter the text as an input by adding the TextBox in the SfTextInputLayout.

<inputLayout:SfTextInputLayout Hint="Name" HelperText="Enter your name">
SfTextInputLayout inputLayout = new SfTextInputLayout();
         inputLayout.Hint = "Name";
         inputLayout.HelperText = "Enter your name";
         inputLayout.InputView = new TextBox();
         this.Content = inputLayout;

Image for TextBox


You can enter the password characters as an input by adding the PasswordBox in the SfTextInputLayout.

<inputLayout:SfTextInputLayout Hint="Password" HelperText="Enter your password">
SfTextInputLayout inputLayout = new SfTextInputLayout();
         inputLayout.Hint = "Password";
         inputLayout.HelperText = "Enter your password";
         inputLayout.InputView = new PasswordBox();
         this.Content = inputLayout;

Image for PasswordBox


You can use the ComboBox control as an input in the SfTextInputLayout.

<inputLayout:SfTextInputLayout Hint="Name" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
            <ComboBox x:Name="comboBox" Width="150" Height="10"  ItemsSource="{Binding Countries}"/>
SfTextInputLayout sfTextInputLayout = new SfTextInputLayout() { Hint = "Name" };
            sfTextInputLayout.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            sfTextInputLayout.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox();
            comboBox.Width = 150;
            comboBox.Height = 10;
            comboBox.ItemsSource = viewModel.Countries;
            sfTextInputLayout.InputView = comboBox;
            this.Content = sfTextInputLayout;

Image for ComboBox


You can use the ComboBoxAdv control as an input in the SfTextInputLayout.

<inputLayout:SfTextInputLayout Hint="Name" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
            <inputLayout:ComboBoxAdv x:Name="comboBox" ItemsSource="{Binding Countries}" Width="150" Height="10"/>
SfTextInputLayout sfTextInputLayout = new SfTextInputLayout() { Hint = "Name" };
            sfTextInputLayout.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            sfTextInputLayout.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            ComboBoxAdv comboBox = new ComboBoxAdv();
            comboBox.Width = 150;
            comboBox.Height = 10;
            comboBox.ItemsSource = viewModel.Countries;
            sfTextInputLayout.InputView = comboBox;
            this.Content = sfTextInputLayout;

Image for ComboBoxAdv

Autocomplete (SfTextBoxExt)

You can use the SfTextBoxExt control to enter the text as an input in the SfTextInputLayout.

<inputLayout:SfTextInputLayout Hint="Name" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
            <inputLayout:SfTextBoxExt AutoCompleteMode="Suggest" Width="250" 
                                      AutoCompleteSource="{Binding Countries}">

SfTextInputLayout sfTextInputLayout = new SfTextInputLayout() { Hint = "Name" };
            sfTextInputLayout.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            sfTextInputLayout.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;

            SfTextBoxExt sfTextBoxExt = new SfTextBoxExt();
            sfTextBoxExt.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
            sfTextBoxExt.Width = 250;
            sfTextBoxExt.AutoCompleteSource = viewModel.Countries;
            sfTextInputLayout.InputView = sfTextBoxExt;
            this.Content = sfTextInputLayout;

Image for Autocomplete