Sorting by Values in WPF Pivot Grid control

27 Feb 20256 minutes to read

Sorting-by-Values provides the following sort options:

  • Sort all the columns.
  • Sort all columns other than total and grand total columns.
  • Sort only total columns.
  • Sort only grand total columns.
  • Disable the sort.


  • SortDirection: Gets or sets the sort order to ascending or descending.
  • SortOption: Gets or sets the sorting option as all, none, column sorting, total sorting, or grand total sorting.

The SortOption property of pivot grid control can be defined both in XAML and code-behind. Refer to the following code sample and screenshots.

  • XAML
  • <Grid>
            <syncfusion:PivotGridControl HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="pivotGrid" VerticalAlignment="Top" SortOption=”All "    ItemSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource data}} " >
                        <syncfusion:PivotItem FieldHeader="Product " FieldMappingName="Product " TotalHeader="Total " />
                        <syncfusion:PivotItem FieldHeader="Date " FieldMappingName="Date " TotalHeader="Total "/>
                        <syncfusion:PivotItem FieldHeader="Country " FieldMappingName="Country " TotalHeader="Total " />
                        <syncfusion:PivotItem FieldHeader="State " FieldMappingName="State " TotalHeader="Total "/>
                        <syncfusion:PivotComputationInfo CalculationName = "Total " FieldName = "Amount " Format="C " SummaryType="DoubleTotalSum "/>
                        <syncfusion:PivotComputationInfo CalculationName = "Total " FieldName = "Quantity " SummaryType="Count "/>
  • C#
  • public partial class MainWindow: Window {
        PivotGridControl pivotGrid = new PivotGridControl();
        public MainWindow() {
            pivotGrid.ItemSource = ProductSales.GetSalesData();
            PivotItem m_PivotItem = new PivotItem() {
                FieldHeader = "Product", FieldMappingName = "Product", TotalHeader = "Total"
            PivotItem m_PivotItem1 = new PivotItem() {
                FieldHeader = "Date", FieldMappingName = "Date", TotalHeader = "Total"
            PivotItem n_PivotItem = new PivotItem() {
                FieldHeader = "Country", FieldMappingName = "Country", TotalHeader = "Total"
            PivotItem n_PivotItem1 = new PivotItem() {
                FieldHeader = "State", FieldMappingName = "State", TotalHeader = "Total"
            // Adding PivotItem to PivotRows
            // Adding PivotItem to PivotColumns
            PivotComputationInfo m_PivotComputationInfo = new PivotComputationInfo() {
                CalculationName = "Amount", FieldName = "Amount", Format = "C", SummaryType = SummaryType.DoubleTotalSum
            PivotComputationInfo m_PivotComputationInfo1 = new PivotComputationInfo() {
                CalculationName = "Quantity", FieldName = "Quantity", SummaryType = SummaryType.Count
            this.pivotGrid.SortOption = PivotSortOption.All;

    Sorting all the value columns

    All is used to enable sorting for all the value columns of pivot grid.

    To enable sorting for all columns in pivot grid

    Sorting all columns other than total and grand total columns

    ColumnSorting is used to enable sorting for all the value columns other than subtotal and grand total of the pivot grid.

    To enable sorting for value columns only in pivot grid

    Sorting only subtotal columns

    TotalSorting is used to enable sorting only for the subtotal columns of pivot grid.

    To enable sorting for subtotal columns only in pivot grid

    Sorting only grand total columns

    GrandTotalSorting is used to enable sorting only for the grand total columns of the pivot grid.

    To enable sorting for grand total columns only in pivot grid

    Disable sorting

    None is the default option and it disables sorting on all the value columns of pivot grid.

    Multi-column sorting

    Please Multi column sorting for more details.


    You can refer to our WPF Pivot Grid feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our WPF Pivot Grid example to knows how to organizes and summarizes business data and displays the result in a cross-table format.