Markers in WPF Maps (SfMap)

14 Aug 202324 minutes to read

Markers are used to show some messages on maps.

Adding the marker

Any number of markers can be added to the shape file layer or the imagery layer using the Markers property. Each marker contains the following properties:


You must create a model that contains properties such as Latitude and Longitude to add a marker in maps. If you want to add text with default marker, add Label property with your model.

Label: Displays some messages on maps.

Latitude: Specifies y-axis position of the marker.

Longitude: Specifies x-axis position of the marker.

                <syncfusion:ShapeFileLayer Uri="Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp"  Markers="{Binding Models}" >
public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()
            ViewModel view = new ViewModel();
            this.DataContext =view;
            SfMap maps = new SfMap();
            ShapeFileLayer shape = new ShapeFileLayer();
            shape.Uri = "Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp";
            shape.Markers = view.Models;
            this.Content = maps;

    public class ViewModel
        public ObservableCollection<Model> Models { get; set; }
        public ViewModel()
            this.Models = new ObservableCollection<Model>();
            this.Models.Add(new Model() { Label = "USA", Latitude = "38.8833N", Longitude = "77.0167W" });
            this.Models.Add(new Model() { Label = "Brazil ", Latitude = "15.7833S", Longitude = "47.8667W" });
            this.Models.Add(new Model() { Label = "India ", Latitude = "21.0000N", Longitude = "78.0000E" });
            this.Models.Add(new Model() { Label = "China ", Latitude = "35.0000N", Longitude = "103.0000E" });
            this.Models.Add(new Model() { Label = "Indonesia ", Latitude = "6.1750S", Longitude = "106.8283E" });

    public class Model
        public string Label { get; set; }
        public string Longitude { get; set; }
        public string Latitude { get; set; }

Marker Adding Image

Add a custom marker

The Maps control provides the support for defining the custom markers using the MarkerTemplate property.

            <DataTemplate x:Key="markerTemplate">
                    <Canvas Margin="-12,-30,0,0">
                        <Image Source="pin.png" Height="30" />
                        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,30,0,0" FontSize="30" FontFamily="Segoe UI" Text="{Binding Label}"/>
                <syncfusion:ShapeFileLayer Uri="Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp"  Markers="{Binding Models}"  MarkerTemplate="{StaticResource markerTemplate}">
SfMap maps = new SfMap();
	ShapeFileLayer shape = new ShapeFileLayer();
	shape.Uri = "Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp";
	shape.MarkerTemplate=Resources["markerTemplate"] as DataTemplate;
	shape.Markers = view.Models;
	this.Content = maps;

Custom Marker Image

Customizing marker icons

The size and color of marker icons can be customized using the MarkerIconSize and MarkerIconFill properties.

Icon types

The shape of a marker icons can be customized using the MarkerIconType property. The maps control supports the following types of marker icons:

  • Circle
  • Diamond
  • Image
  • Rectangle
  • Square
                <syncfusion:ShapeFileLayer Uri="Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp" MarkerIconType="Diamond" MarkerIconSize="30,20"  MarkerIconFill="Green"  Markers="{Binding Models}" >
SfMap maps = new SfMap();
            ShapeFileLayer shape = new ShapeFileLayer();
            shape.Uri = "Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp";
            shape.Markers = view.Models;
            shape.MarkerIconType = MarkerIcon.Diamond;
            shape.MarkerIconFill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
            shape.MarkerIconSize = new Size(30, 20);
            this.Content = maps;

Marker Icon Image

Setting an image marker icon

You can set the image as marker icon by setting the icon type as an Image and set MarkerIconSource to get the image from local path.

                <syncfusion:ShapeFileLayer Uri="Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp" MarkerIconType="Image" MarkerIconSource="pin.png" MarkerIconSize="30,30" Markers="{Binding Models}"  >
SfMap maps = new SfMap();
            ShapeFileLayer shape = new ShapeFileLayer();
            shape.Uri = "Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp";
            shape.MarkerIconSize = new Size(30, 30);
            shape.Markers = view.Models;
            shape.MarkerIconType = MarkerIcon.Image;
            BitmapImage bimage = new BitmapImage();
            bimage.UriSource = new Uri("..\\..\\pin.png", UriKind.Relative);
            shape.MarkerIconSource = bimage;
            this.Content = maps;

Marker Icon Image

Customizing labels

You can customize the marker labels using the MarkerLabelFontSize, MarkerLabelForeground, MarkerLabelFontStyle, and MarkerLabelFontWeight and MarkerLabelFontFamily properties.

                <syncfusion:ShapeFileLayer Uri="Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp" MarkerLabelFontSize="30" MarkerLabelForeground="Red" MarkerLabelFontStyle="Italic" MarkerLabelFontWeight="Bold" MarkerLabelFontFamily="Segoe UI" Markers="{Binding Models}" >
SfMap maps = new SfMap();
            ShapeFileLayer shape = new ShapeFileLayer();
            shape.Uri = "Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp";
            shape.Markers = view.Models;
            shape.MarkerLabelFontSize = 30;
            shape.MarkerLabelForeground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
            shape.MarkerLabelFontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
            shape.MarkerLabelFontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
            shape.MarkerLabelFontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe UI");

Marker Custom Label Image

Marker Alignment

You can align the maps marker horizontally and vertically using the MarkerHorizontalAlignment and MarkerVerticalAlignment properties.

Setting a horizontal alignment

The MarkerHorizontalAlignment property is used to position the marker icon horizontally. The marker icon can be positioned using the following ways:

  • Near: Specifies the near position of the marker icon for the given latitude and longitude values.
  • Center: Specifies the center position of the marker icon for the given latitude and longitude values.
  • Far: Specifies the far position of the marker icon for the given latitude and longitude values.
            <DataTemplate x:Key="markerTemplate">
                    <StackPanel Margin="-12,-20,0,0" Height="60"  Width="100" Orientation="Horizontal" Background="Transparent">
                        <Image Source="pin.png" Height="60"  />
                    <syncfusion:ShapeFileLayer   MarkerTemplate="{StaticResource markerTemplate}"  Uri="Maps.ShapeFiles.usa_state.shp"  MarkerHorizontalAlignment="Near" Markers="{Binding Models}"  >
                            <syncfusion:ShapeSetting ShapeFill="LightGray" ShapeStroke="Black" ShapeStrokeThickness="1">
SfMap maps = new SfMap();
            ShapeFileLayer shape = new ShapeFileLayer();
            shape.Uri = "Maps.ShapeFiles.usa_state.shp";
            shape.MarkerTemplate = Resources["markerTemplate"] as DataTemplate;
            shape.Markers = view.Models;
            shape.MarkerHorizontalAlignment = MarkerAlignment.Near;
            ShapeSetting shapeSetting = new ShapeSetting();
            shapeSetting.ShapeStrokeThickness = 1;
            shapeSetting.ShapeStroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
            shapeSetting.ShapeFill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray);
            shape.ShapeSettings = shapeSetting;

Marker Custom Label Image

Setting a vertical alignment

The MarkerVerticalAlignment property is used to position the marker icon vertically. The marker icon can be positioned using the following ways:

  • Near: Specifies the near position of the marker icon for the given latitude and longitude values.
  • Center: Specifies the center position of the marker icon for the given latitude and longitude values.
  • Far: Specifies the far position of the marker icon for the given latitude and longitude values.
            <DataTemplate x:Key="markerTemplate">
                    <StackPanel Margin="-12,-20,0,0" Height="60"  Width="100" Orientation="Horizontal" Background="Transparent">
                        <Image Source="pin.png" Height="60"  />
                    <syncfusion:ShapeFileLayer   MarkerTemplate="{StaticResource markerTemplate}"  Uri="Maps.ShapeFiles.usa_state.shp"  MarkerVerticalAlignment="Near" Markers="{Binding Models}"  >
                            <syncfusion:ShapeSetting ShapeFill="LightGray" ShapeStroke="Black" ShapeStrokeThickness="1">
SfMap maps = new SfMap();
            ShapeFileLayer shape = new ShapeFileLayer();
            shape.Uri = "Maps.ShapeFiles.usa_state.shp";
            shape.MarkerTemplate = Resources["markerTemplate"] as DataTemplate;
            shape.Markers = view.Models;
            shape.MarkerVerticalAlignment = MarkerAlignment.Near;
            ShapeSetting shapeSetting = new ShapeSetting();
            shapeSetting.ShapeStrokeThickness = 1;
            shapeSetting.ShapeStroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
            shapeSetting.ShapeFill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray);
            shape.ShapeSettings = shapeSetting;

Marker Custom Label Image


The default marker icon position for VerticalAlignment and HorizontalAlignment is Center.

Selection Mode

If you add any view for marker using the MarkerTemplate property from MarkerSelected event, then the corresponding view will be applied to the selected marker. Custom view will be added continuously for all the selected marker, but do not have option to reset the old one. Now, you can achieve this using the MarkerSelectionMode property. If set selection mode as Single, then it will be removed the old view of marker and load the initially rendered marker. If set selection mode as Multiple, then the marker template does not reset.

            <DataTemplate x:Key="markerTemplate">
                    <StackPanel Margin="-12,-30,0,0" Height="50" Orientation="Horizontal">
                        <Image Source="pin.png" Height="30" />
                        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="10" FontSize="30" FontFamily="Segoe UI" Text="{Binding Label}"/>
                <syncfusion:ShapeFileLayer Uri="Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp" MarkerSelected="ShapeFileLayer_MarkerSelected" MarkerSelectionMode="Single"  Markers="{Binding Models}"  >
SfMap maps = new SfMap();
            ShapeFileLayer shape = new ShapeFileLayer();
            shape.Uri = "Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp";
            shape.Markers = view.Models;
            shape.MarkerSelected += ShapeFileLayer_MarkerSelected;
            this.Content = maps;

            private void ShapeFileLayer_MarkerSelected(object sender, MarkerSelectedEventArgs e)
                e.MarkerTemplate = Resources["markerTemplate"] as DataTemplate;

Marker Selection Mode Image


The MarkerSelected event is fired when a marker is selected. The MarkerTemplate, SelectedMarker, and IsSelected will be passed to MarkerSelectedEventArgs.

If you set any view for the MarkerTemplate property of MarkerSelectedEventArgs, the corresponding view will be applied to the selected marker.

SelectedMarker: Contains selected marker data.

IsSelected: Used to determine whether a marker is selected or unselected.

CanBringToTop : Used to bring the selected marker to the top position.

            <DataTemplate x:Key="markerTemplate">
                    <StackPanel Margin="-12,-30,0,0" Height="50" Orientation="Horizontal">
                        <Image Source="pin.png" Height="30" />
                        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="10" FontSize="30" FontFamily="Segoe UI" Text="{Binding Label}"/>
                <syncfusion:ShapeFileLayer Uri="Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp" MarkerSelected="ShapeFileLayer_MarkerSelected" Markers="{Binding Models}"  >
SfMap maps = new SfMap();
            ShapeFileLayer shape = new ShapeFileLayer();
            shape.Uri = "Maps.ShapeFiles.world1.shp";
            shape.Markers = view.Models;
            shape.MarkerSelected += ShapeFileLayer_MarkerSelected;
            this.Content = maps;

            private void ShapeFileLayer_MarkerSelected(object sender, MarkerSelectedEventArgs e)
                e.MarkerTemplate = Resources["markerTemplate"] as DataTemplate;
                object selectedMarker = e.SelectedMarker;
                bool MarkerSelected = e.IsSelected;

Marker Selected Event Image


You can refer to our WPF Map feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our WPF Map example to know how to render and configure the map.

See also

How to customize the markers in maps