Getting Started with WPF Kanban(SfKanban)

20 Jun 202310 minutes to read

The following section provides an assistance to create a simple Kanban application and to configure it.

Adding assembly reference

  1. Open the Add Reference window from your project
  2. Choose Assemblies -> Extensions -> Syncfusion.SfKanban.WPF

Reference Manager Dialog Windows in Visual Studio


This window differs for the Visual Basic project.

Create a simple Kanban

In this walk through, you will create a new application that contains the SfKanban which includes the below topics.

  • Adding SfKanban
  • Create data model
  • Binding data
  • Defining columns
  • Working with Workflows
  • Work In-Progress Limit

Adding SfKanban

  1. Add the required assembly references to the project as discussed in the Reference Essential Studio Components in your Solution section.
  2. Add the “Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Kanban” namespace to the application as shown below.

    using Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Kanban;
  3. Create an instance of SfKanban control.

    SfKanban kanban = new SfKanban();

Adding SfKanban from toolbox

Drag and drop the Kanban control from the toolbox to your application.

Adding SfKanban from toolbox

Now the Syncfusion.SfKanban.WPF reference is added to the application references and the xmlns namespace code is generated in MainWindow.xaml as below.

Adding SfKanban from toolbox Assembly Included

Adding SfKanban from toolbox Xaml Reference

Create data model

You need to create a collection of KanbanModel objects for populating SfKanban.

  • C#
  • public class TaskDetails
            public TaskDetails()
                Tasks = new ObservableCollection<KanbanModel>();
                Tasks.Add(new KanbanModel()
                    Title = "Universal App",
                    ID = "27654",
                    Description = "Incorporate feedback into functional specifications",
                    Category = "Open",
                    ColorKey = "Low",
                    Tags = new string[] { "Deployment" },
                    ImageURL = new Uri("/images/icon.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute )
                Tasks.Add(new KanbanModel()
                    Title = "Universal App",
                    ID = "29477",
                    Description = "Design functional specifications",
                    Category = "In Progress",
                    ColorKey = "Normal",
                    Tags = new string[] { "Design" },
                    ImageURL = new Uri("/images/icon.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute )
                Tasks.Add(new KanbanModel()
                    Title = "Universal App",
                    ID = "25678",
                    Description = "Review preliminary software specifications",
                    Category = "Done",
                    ColorKey = "Low",
                    Tags = new string[] { "Analysis" },
                    ImageURL = new Uri("/images/icon.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute )
                Tasks.Add(new KanbanModel()
                    Title = "Universal App",
                    ID = "6593",
                    Description = "Draft preliminary software specifications",
                    Category = "Review",
                    ColorKey = "High",
                    Tags = new string[] { "Analysis" },
                    ImageURL = new Uri("/images/icon.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute )
            public ObservableCollection<KanbanModel> Tasks { get; set; }

    Binding data

    In order to bind the data source of the SfKanban, set ItemsSource property as shown below.

    <syncfusion:SfKanban ItemsSource="{Binding Tasks}" />
    SfKanban kanban = new SfKanban()
        ItemsSource = new TaskDetails().Tasks

    Defining columns

    By default, we need to define the columns manually by adding the KanbanColumn object to the Columns collection property in SfKanban.

    ItemsSource which was bound to the Kanban will be added to the respective columns using ColumnMappingPath property in SfKanban and Categories property in KanbanColumn.

    We need to set the required property name to ColumnMappingPath which will be essential to add the data to the respective columns.

    In this example, the data whose Category property’s value is set as Open will be added to the ‘To Do’ Column and other data will be added to the respective columns.

    The following code example illustrates how this can be done.

    <syncfusion:SfKanban MinColumnWidth="150" 
                           ItemsSource="{Binding Tasks}"
                <syncfusion:KanbanColumn Categories="Open" Title="To Do"></syncfusion:KanbanColumn>
                <syncfusion:KanbanColumn Categories="In Progress" Title="Progress"></syncfusion:KanbanColumn>
                <syncfusion:KanbanColumn Categories="Review,Done" Title="Done"></syncfusion:KanbanColumn>
    SfKanban kanban = new SfKanban()
        AutoGenerateColumns = false,
        ItemsSource = new TaskDetails().Tasks
    kanban.Columns.Add(new KanbanColumn()
        Categories = "Open",
        Title = "To Do",
        MinimumLimit = 1,
        MaximumLimit = 2,
    kanban.Columns.Add(new KanbanColumn()
        Categories = "In Progress",
        Title = "Progress",
        MinimumLimit = 1,
        MaximumLimit = 2
    kanban.Columns.Add(new KanbanColumn()
        Categories = "Review,Done",
        Title = "Done",
        MinimumLimit = 1,
        MaximumLimit = 2

    Defining columns for SfKanban

    You can also set AutoGenerateColumns property to true in which you don’t need to define the columns as mentioned in the above example. This will create columns depending on the ColumnMappingPath property for all the distinct values in ItemsSource.

    You can find the complete getting started sample from this link.


    When the columns are auto-generated, you can handle the ColumnsGenerated event to customize the columns.


    Kanban control supports various built-in themes. Refer to the below links to apply themes for the Kanban control,

    Setting theme to WPF SfKanban