Windows Forms Wizard Control (Wizard) Overview
10 Oct 20221 minute to read
The WizardControl is a rich interactive and customizable interface that holds many pages together that helps to break up a complex task and guides the end user through a set of simple procedures to perform or to obtain data that are categorically divided in every page. It also provides the user, the ability to browse between these pages using the ‘browsing’ buttons.
Key features
.Extensive design-time support - Provides rich Design-Time features for code less configuration.
.Right-to-left - Supports to align all the control elements in right-to-left layout.
.Validation - Provides option to set page processing validation for wizard pages.
.Search engine friendly - Provides a consistent look and feel across all major browsers.
.Events- Provides handful events which helps you to follow the state of the control at run time and implement custom pages sequence.