- Charts
- Sparklines
- Pictures
- TextBoxes
- Accessing the selected shapes
- Selecting a shape programmatically
- Clearing selection
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Shapes in Windows Forms Spreadsheet
29 Apr 20215 minutes to read
This section explains how to import charts, sparklines, pictures and textboxes in Spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet provides support to import charts from excel which are used to represent numeric data in graphical format to make it easier to understand large quantities of data.
For importing charts in Spreadsheet, add the following assembly as reference into the application.
Assembly: Syncfusion.SpreadsheetHelper.Windows.dll
Create an instance of Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.SpreadsheetHelper.GraphicChartCellRenderer and add that renderer into GraphicCellRenderers collection by using the helper method AddGraphicChartCellRenderer which is available under the namespace Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Spreadsheet.GraphicCells
public Form1()
//For importing charts,
this.spreadsheet.AddGraphicChartCellRenderer(new GraphicChartCellRenderer());
Adding charts at runtime
For adding the Charts in Spreadsheet at runtime, use AddChart method, also you can resize and reposition the chart.
var chart = spreadsheet.AddChart(spreadsheet.ActiveSheet);
object[] Y_values = new object[] { 200, 100, 100 };
object[] X_values = new object[] { "Total Income", "Expenses", "Profit" };
IChartSerie series = chart.Series.Add(ExcelChartType.Pie);
// Enters the X and Y values directly
series.EnteredDirectlyValues = Y_values;
series.EnteredDirectlyCategoryLabels = X_values;
var shape = chart as ShapeImpl;
// Re-Positioning Chart
shape.Top = 200;
shape.Left = 200;
//Re-sizing a Chart
shape.Height = 300;
shape.Width = 300;
For importing sparklines in Spreadsheet, add the following assembly as reference into the application.
Assembly: Syncfusion.SpreadsheetHelper.Windows.dll
Create an instance of Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.SpreadsheetHelper.SparklineCellRenderer and add that renderer into Spreadsheet by using the helper method AddSparklineCellRenderer which is available under the namespace Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Spreadsheet.GraphicCells
public Form1()
//For importing sparklines,
this.spreadsheet.AddSparklineCellRenderer(new SparklineCellRenderer());
Spreadsheet provides support to import images in SpreadsheetGrid and to add an image at run time, use AddImage method and also you can resize and reposition the image.
var worksheet = spreadsheet.ActiveSheet;
var stream = typeof(MainWindow).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("GraphicCellDemo.Data.Sample.jpg");
var shape = spreadsheet.AddImage(worksheet, new RowColumnIndex(5, 5), stream);
// Re-Positioning Picture
shape.Top = 200;
shape.Left = 200;
//Re-sizing a Picture
shape.Height = 200;
shape.Width = 200;
Spreadsheet provides support to import RichText Box in SpreadsheetGrid
and to add the rich text box at run time, use AddTextBox method
var rtfText = "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset1 Calibri;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset1 Calibri;}}{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;}{\\f0\\fs22\\b\\cf1\\u83*\\u121*\\u110*\\u99*\\u102*\\u117*\\u115*\\u105*\\u111*\\u110*\\u32*\\b0} {\\f1\\fs22\\cf2\\u83*\\u111*\\u102*\\u116*\\u119*\\u97*\\u114*\\u101*\\u32*}{\\f1\\fs22\\cf1\\u80*\\u118*\\u116*\\u46*\\u32*\\u76*\\u116*\\u100*}}";
var textBox = spreadsheet.AddTextBox(spreadsheet.ActiveSheet, new RowColumnIndex(5, 5), new Size(200, 200), rtfText) as TextBoxShapeImpl;
// Re-positioning RichTextBox
textBox.Left = 200;
textBox.Top = 200;
Accessing the selected shapes
Spreadsheet allows the user to access the selected shapes and modify the properties associated with it in SpreadsheetGrid
var selectedShape = spreadsheet.ActiveGrid.GraphicModel.SelectedShapes;
for(int i = 0; i < selectedShape.Count ; i++)
if(ExcelShapeType.Chart == selectedShape[i].ShapeType)
var chart = selectedShape[i] as IChart;
chart.ChartArea.Fill.FillType = ExcelFillType.Gradient;
chart.ChartArea.Fill.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
else if(ExcelShapeType.Picture == selectedShape[i].ShapeType)
var picture = selectedShape[i] as ShapeImpl;
picture.Height = 100;
picture.Width = 100;
Selecting a shape programmatically
Users can select a shape programmatically by using AddSelectedShapes method of GraphicModel class.
var shape = spreadsheet.ActiveSheet.Shapes[2] as ShapeImpl;
Clearing selection
Users can clear the selection from the shapes and move the selection to the grid using ClearSelection method of GraphicModel