Interactive Features in Windows Forms Range Slider

5 Dec 20239 minutes to read

The following are the key interactive features of the Range Slider:

  • Range-Specifies the Range of the control, generally indicated by a Start and End value.
  • TickFrequency-Specifies the frequency at which Ticks are to be placed.
  • Minimum-Specifies the Minimum value of the Range Slider.
  • Maximum-Specifies the Maximum value of the Range Slider.
  • ChannelColor-Specifies the color for the channel.
  • ChannelHeight-Specifies the height for the channel.
  • RangeColor-Specifies the color for the range.
  • RightToLeft-Allows reversal of the RangeSlider.
  • SliderSize- Specifies the size of the slider.
  • ThumbColor- Specifies the color of the thumb.
  • ShowTicks- Specifies the visibility of the thumb.
  • TickFrequency- Specifies the frequency of ticks.
  • Orientation- Specifies the orientation of the RangeSlider.
  • SliderMin and SliderMax- Specifies the position of right and left thumb.

This section discusses the concepts of Range Slider in the below topics:

Setting channel color

You can set the required color for the channel over which the slider moves using ChannelColor property. It contains the highlight when a range is selected. In the following example, the channel color is set to Gray.

rangeSlider.ChannelColor = Color.DarkGray;


channel color

channel color

Setting channel height

You can set the required height of the channel over which the slider moves using the ChannelHeight property. In the following example illustrates the change in height of the channel from 4 to 6. It is measured in pixels.

  1. When the Channel height is set to 4 pixels.

    rangeSlider.ChannelHeight = 4;

    channel height

    channel height

  2. When the Channel height is set to 6 pixels.

    rangeSlider.ChannelHeight = 6;

channel height

channel height

Setting range color

You can set the required color for a range in the slider using the RangeColor property. The selected range is highlighted with color chosen. In the following example, the range color is set to Green.

rangeSlider.RangeColor = Color.DarkGreen;

range color

range color

Reversing RangeSlider

The position of the thumbs on the RangeSlider can be reversed by setting the RightToLeft property to Yes.

  1. When the property is set to No.


    Reversing range slider

    Reversing range slider

  2. When the property is set to Yes.


    Reversing range slider

    Reversing range slider

Setting slider size

You can set the required size for the slider using the SliderSize property. The height and the width of the control can be set.

  1. When the slider is set to 11, 14.

    rangeSlider.SliderSize = new Size(11,14);

    Slider size

    Slider size

  2. When the slider is set to 11,18.

    rangeSlider.SliderSize = new Size(11,18);

Slider size

Slider size

Setting thumb color

You can set the required color for the both the thumbs on the Channel using the ThumbColor property.

In the following example, the thumb is set to Teal.

rangeSlider.ThumbColor = Color.Teal;

Background Settings

thumb color

thumb color

Displaying ticks

Ticks are indicators placed at regular intervals on the slider for a range defined by the maximum and minimum scale. You can display ticks below the channel by setting the ShowTicks property to true.

  1. When the ShowTicks property is set to true.

    rangeSlider.ShowTicks = True;

    Show ticks

    Show ticks

  2. When the ShowTicks property is set to false.

    rangeSlider.ShowTicks = False;

Ticks hidden

Ticks hidden

Setting tick frequency

The ticks can be placed at required intervals by setting the TickFrequency property to required number. For example, if the range is set from 0-100, where minimum is set to 0 and maximum is set to 100, and the TickFrequency is set to 20, then Ticks will be placed at positions 0,20,40,..,100.

rangeSlider.TickFrequency = 3;

tick frequency

tick frequency

Setting orientation

The layout of the range slider can be defined using the Orientation property. The orientation of the control can either be vertical or horizontal.

  1. When Orientation is set to Horizontal.



    Horizontal orientation

  2. When Orientation is set to vertical.



Vertical orientation

Setting SliderMin and SliderMax

This position of the right and left thumb can be set using the SliderMin and SliderMax properties.

In the following example, the position of the right and left thumbs is set to 7,2.

rangeSlider.SliderMax = 7;

rangeSlider.SliderMin = 2;

Slider value

Slider value

Setting minimum and maximum values

These properties specify the Minimum and Maximum bounds of the RangeSlider control till which the channel extends.

In the following example the maximum bound is set to 10.

rangeSlider.Maximum = 20;

rangeSlider.Minimum = 0;

minimum value

maximum value


Occurs when the mouse moves any of the thumb over the channel.

EventHandler for Scroll event

rangeSlider.Scroll += new EventHandler( rangeSlider1_Scroll);

private void rangeSlider1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)


//Code to handle the event


Occurs when the value of SliderMin or SliderMax changes.

EventHandler for ValueChanged event

rangeSlider.ValueChanged += new EventHandler( rangeSlider1_ValueChanged);

private void rangeSlider1_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


//Code to handle the event
