Windows Forms MessageBox (MessageBoxAdv) Overview

29 Mar 20211 minute to read

The MessageBoxAdv is an advanced MessageBox control that can be used to display a message to the end-user. It provides icons, buttons support and complete customization option for the control.

Message Box for Windows Forms with custom options

Key features

  • Button Parameters support - Provides various button combination like OkCancel, YesNo, YesNoCancel, RetryCancel and much more.
  • Details view - Helps to view the detailed message about the text shown in the MessageBoxAdv.
  • Localization - Supports complete localization to any desired language of all the elements.
  • Font customization - Provides option to change the font of all the elements.
  • Visual Styles - Provides rich set of VisualStyle to customize the look and feel of MessageBoxAdv.
  • Icons - Supports to display wide variety of built-in icons and also empowered with loading custom icons.
  • Right-to-left support - Supports to align all the control elements in right-to-left layout.
  • Resizing support - Supports to adjust the size of the control at run time.