Runtime Selection in Windows Forms Color Picker (ColorPickerUIAdv)

27 Apr 20211 minute to read

The ColorPickerUIAdv control at run time provides a Color dialog, using which we can select and add colors to the color groups.

Windows forms ColorPickerUIAdv adding new color at runtime

Color Selection at Runtime

Automatic color that has to be selected, when Automatic button is clicked at run time, is set through AutomaticColor property. Default color is black.

this.colorPickerUIAdv1.AutomaticColor = System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed;
Me.colorPickerUIAdv1.AutomaticColor = System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed

Windows forms ColorPickerUIAdv showing selected colors from automatic color group


Height of this Automatic button can be specified in ColorPickerUIAdv.ButtonHeight property. Default value is 23.