Interaction in UWP Diagram (SfDiagram)

5 Dec 202410 minutes to read


Selector provides a visual representation of selected elements. It behaves like a container and enables you to update the size, position, and rotation angle of the selected elements through interaction and programmatically. Single or multiple elements can be selected at a time.

Single Selection

An element can be selected by clicking that element. During single click, all previously selected items are cleared.

Selecting a Group

When a child element of any Group is clicked, its contained Group is selected instead of the child element. With consecutive clicks on the selected element, selection is changed from top to bottom in the hierarchy of parent Group to its children.

Multiple Selection

Multiple elements can be selected with the following ways.

  • Ctrl+Click
  • Selection rectangle / Rubber band selection


During single click, any existing item in the selection list be cleared, and only the item clicked recently is there in the selection list. To avoid cleaning the old selected item, Ctrl key must be on hold when clicking.

Selection rectangle / Rubber band selection

Clicking and dragging the Diagram area allows to create a rectangular region. The elements that are covered under the rectangular region are selected at the end.

Multiple selected elements are visually represented as shown.

Single selection container for multiple elements

  • SelectorChangedEvent will notify you the OffsetX, OffsetY, Height, Width, Rotate Angle and interaction state with their old and new values.To explore about arguments, please refer to SelectorChangedEventArgs .

Select/Unselect the elements programmatically

The IsSelected Property is used to select/unselect the elements at runtime.

The following code example illustrates how to select/unselect an item through programmatically.

// Selects an elements 

node.IsSelected = true;

// Unselect an element

node.IsSelected = false;
  • ItemSelectingEvent and ItemSelectedEvent for selecting an element, will notify you the item and its original source. To explore about arguments ,please refer to DiagramPreviewEventArgs and ItemSelectedEventArgs .

  • ItemUnselectingEvent and ItemUnselectedEvent for unselecting an element, will notify you the item and its original source.To explore about arguments ,please refer to DiagramPreviewEventArgs and DiagramEventArgs .


Selected objects can be deleted by Delete and In-built Delete command.

  • ItemDeletedEvent will notify you with the deleted item in argument. To explore about arguments , please refer to ItemDeletedEventArgs.

  • ItemDeletingEvent will notify you with the item , option to cancel the deleting operation of item. To explore about arguments , please refer to DiagramPreviewEventArgs

Selection Indicator Style

Multiple Selection will show the preview for the selected Items. We have provided customization option for the appearance of the Preview.

Style Behavior
NodeSelectionIndicatorStyle Defines the customization option for Selection Preview for the Node.
ConnectorSelectionIndicatorStyle Defines the customization option for Selection Preview for the Connector.
FirstSelectionIndicatorStyle Defines the customization option for selection preview of first selected item.

preview of the element selection


The below events are common for Node, Connector, Group, Port and Annotation.

  • ItemTappedEvent is invoked on clicking the diagramming element. To explore about arguments, please refer to ItemTappedEventArgs.
  • ItemDoubleTappedEvent is invoked on double clicking the diagramming element. To explore about arguments, please refer to ItemDoubleTappedEventArgs.
  • MouseDown and MouseUp are invoked as similar to framework element, which is raised together with either MouseLeftButtonUp or MouseRightButtonUp. To explore about arguments, please refer to MouseDownEventArgs and

Drag and Drop Nodes over other elements

Diagram provides support to drop a node/connector over another node/connector. Drop event is raised to notify that an element is dropped over another one and it is disabled by default. It can enabled with the constraints property. The following code illustrates how to enable dropping.

  • C#
  • // Registering an event
    (diagram.Info as IGraphInfo).ItemDropEvent += MainWindow_ItemDropEvent;
    //Creates the Node collection
    ObservableCollection<Node> nodes = new ObservableCollection<Node>();
    //Creates Node
    Node node = new Node()
    	UnitHeight = 100,
           UnitWidth = 100,
           OffsetX = 400,
           OffsetY = 400,
           Shape = new RectangleGeometry() { Rect = new Rect(0, 0, 10, 10) },
           ShapeStyle = this.Resources["shapestyle"] as Style,
           Constraints = NodeConstraints.Default |  NodeConstraints.AllowDrop
    //Creates Connector
    Connector connector = new Connector()
    	SourcePoint = new Point(500, 500),
           TargetPoint = new Point(600, 600),
           Constraints = ConnectorConstraints.Default | ConnectorConstraints.AllowDrop
    //Creates the Group collection
    ObservableCollection<Group> groups = new ObservableCollection<Group>();
    Creates Group
    Group group = new Group()
          //Defines the Nodes and Connector collection
    	Nodes = new ObservableCollection<Node>
           Connectors = new ObservableCollection<Connector>
    diagram.Groups = groups;
    //Creates Node
    Node node1 = new Node()
    	 UnitWidth = 100,
           UnitHeight = 100,
           OffsetX = 300,
           OffsetY = 300,
           Shape = new RectangleGeometry() { Rect = new Rect(0, 0, 10, 10) },
           ShapeStyle = this.Resources["shapestyle"] as Style,
           Constraints=NodeConstraints.Default | NodeConstraints.AllowDrop
    //Adds the Node to the SfDiagram
    diagram.Nodes = nodes;
    private void MainWindow_ItemDropEvent(object sender, ItemDropEventArgs args)
    	//Source - Node
          //Target – Group

    Zoom pan

    • When a large Diagram is loaded, only certain portion of the Diagram is visible. The remaining portions are clipped. Clipped portions can be explored by scrolling the scrollbars or panning the Diagram.

    • Diagram can be zoomed in or out by using Ctrl + mouse wheel.


    Diagram provides support to interact with the elements with key gestures. By default, some in-built commands are bound with a relevant set of key combinations.

    The following table illustrates List of Commands with key Gesture.

    Shortcut Key Command Description
    Ctrl + A Select all Select all the Nodes/Connectors in diagram.
    Ctrl + C Copy Copy the selected elements in the diagram.
    Ctrl + X Cut Cut the selected elements in the diagram.
    Ctrl + V Paste Paste the cut or copy the elements in the diagram.
    Ctrl + Z Undo Undo(Reverse the last editing action performed on diagram).
    Ctrl + Y Redo Redo(Restores the last editing action when no other actions have occurred since the last undo on diagram).
    Ctrl + D Duplicate Copies the selected element from the diagram and pastes the copied element into the diagram.
    Delete Delete Delete the selected elements in the diagram.
    LeftArrow MoveLeft MoveLeft (move the selected elements towards left by one pixel).
    RightArrow MoveRight MoveRight (move the selected elements towards right by one pixel).
    UpArrow MoveUp MoveUp (move the selected elements towards up by one pixel).
    DownArrow MoveDown MoveDown (move the selected elements towards up by one pixel).
    Ctrl + MouseScroll Zoom Zoom(Zoom in/Zoom out the diagram).
    Ctrl + G Group Grouping the element in the diagram.
    Ctrl + G UnGroup UnGrouping the element in the diagram.
    Ctrl + Shift + [ SendToBack Moves the selected element behind all the other overlapped elements.
    Ctrl + [ SendBackward Moves the selected element behind the underlying element.
    Ctrl + Shift + ] BringFront Brings the selected element to front over all the other overlapped elements.
    Ctrl + ] BringForward Moves the selected element over the nearest overlapping element.

    To add custom commands, configure or modify key/mouse gesture through Command Manager.