Commands in UWP Diagram (SfDiagram)

10 May 202122 minutes to read

There are several commands available in the Diagram as follows.

  • Alignment commands
  • Spacing commands
  • Sizing commands
  • Clipboard commands
  • Duplicate Command
  • Grouping commands
  • Flip Commands
  • Z-order commands
  • Zoom commands
  • Reset Command
  • Draw Commands
  • Nudge commands
  • FitToPage command
  • Undo/Redo command

Alignment Commands

Alignment commands enable you to align the selected objects such as Nodes and Connectors on a page with respect to a reference object.

The Alignment commands as follows

Commands Description
AlignLeft The AlignLeft command enables you to align all selected objects along the left corner of the reference object.
AlignRight The AlignRight command enables you to align all selected objects along the right corner of the reference object.
AlignCenter The AlignCenter command enables you to center all selected objects vertically. It aligns selected objects to the center with respect to the horizontal axis by changing the x-coordinate of the object.
AlignTop The AlignTop command enables you to align all selected objects along the top surface of the reference object.
AlignBottom The AlignBottom command enables you to align all selected objects along the bottom surface of the reference object.
AlignMiddle The AlignMiddle command enables you to center all selected objects horizontally. It aligns selected objects to the center with respect to the vertical axis by changing the y-coordinate of the object.

The following code example illustrates how to align all the selected objects at the left side of selection boundary.

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    // sets diration as left


    Spacing Commands

    Spacing commands enable you to place selected objects on the page at equal intervals from each other. The objects are spaced within the bounds of the first and last objects in the selection.

    The following code example illustrates how to execute the space commands.

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    // Equally spaces the selected nodes horizontally
    // Equally spaces the selected nodes vertically

    Horizontal Spacing

    Vertical Spacing

    Sizing Commands

    Object size commands enable selected Diagram objects on the page to be resized. The selected objects are resized in proportion to the first object in the selection list.

    The following code example illustrates how to execute the size commands.

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    //Scales the selected items to the size of first selected object
    //Vertically scales the selected items to the height of first selected object
    //Horizontally scales the selected items to the width of first selected object
    Before After
    Sizing Before Sizing After Sizing SameHeight Sizing SameWidth

    Clipboard Commands

    Clipboard commands are used to perform cut, copy, and paste operations. 

    Clipboard commands allow you to cut or copy selected Diagram objects to the Clipboard and paste the valid Clipboard content into the Diagram.

    The following code illustrates how to execute the clipboard commands.

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    //Cuts the selected elements from the Diagram to the Diagram’s clipboard
    //Copies the selected elements from the Diagram to the Diagram’s clipboard.
    //Pastes the Diagram’s clipboard data (nodes/connectors) into the Diagram.


    Duplicate Command

    This command copies the selected objects from the diagram and pastes the copied content into the diagram.


    Grouping Command

    Grouping commands are used to group/ungroup the selected elements on the diagram.

    The following code illustrates how to execute the group commands

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    //Groups the selected elements.
    //UnGroups the selected elements.

    Flip Commands

    Flip commands are used to mirror a diagram object’s content.


    To customize flipping, a parameter of type IFlipParameter has to be passed.

    IFlipParameter Properties

    Property Description Value
    Flip Gets or sets whether the object is to be mirrored horizontally, vertically, or both Enum Flip

    Execute Flip Command

  • C#
  • // Flip Command
    (diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo).Commands.Flip.Execute(null);

    If the parameter is null, the object will be flipped both horizontally and vertically.

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    FlipParameter flipParam = new FlipParameter();
    // Horizontal Flip
    flipParam.Flip = Flip.HorizontalFlip;
    // Vertical Flip
    flipParam.Flip = Flip.VerticalFlip;

    Without Flip

    Without Flip

    With Flip

    Horizontal FlipVertical FlipVertical Flip

    Z – Order Command

    Z – Order commands enable you to visually arrange the selected objects such as Nodes and Connectors on the page.

    BringToFront command

    The BringToFront command visually brings the selected element to the front over all other overlapped elements.

    The following code illustrates how to execute BringToFront command.

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    //Brings to front


    SendToBack command

    The SendToBack command visually moves the selected elements behind all the other overlapped elements.

    The following code illustrates how to execute the SendToBack command.

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    // Send To Back


    SendBackward command

    The SendBackward command visually moves the selected elements behind the underlying element.

    The following code illustrates how to execute the SendBackward command.

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    // Send To Backward


    BringForward command

    The BringForward command visually moves the selected element over the nearest overlapping element.

    The following code illustrates how to execute the BringForward command.

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    // Brings To Forward


    Zoom Commands

    Zoom commands are used to zoom-in and zoom-out the Diagram view.

    To execute zoom commands, parameters of type IZoomParameter (IZoomManipulationParameter, IZoomPositionParameter, or IZoomPointerParameter) have to be passed.

    IZoomManipulationParameter Properties

    Property Description Value
    ManipulationArgs Gets or sets the ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs associated with the desired zoom function. ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs

    IZoomPositionParameter Property

    Property Description Value
    ZoomTo Gets or sets the zoom level to which the diagram is to be zoomed. double
    ZoomFactor Gets or sets the percentage of scale value for each ZoomIn or ZoomOut function. double
    FocusPoint Gets or sets the point of focus while zooming. Point
    ZoomCommand Gets or sets whether zoom in or zoom out has to be performed. Enum ZoomCommand

    IZoomPointerParameter Property

    Property Description Value
    PointerArgs Gets or sets the PointerRoutedEventArgs associated with the desired zoom function. PointerRoutedEventArgs
    ZoomCommand Gets or sets whether zoom in or zoom out has to be performed. Enum ZoomCommand

    The following code illustrates how to Zoom-in/Zoom-out the diagram.

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    //Zoom to a particular scale.
    graphinfo.Commands.Zoom.Execute(new ZoomPositionParameter() 
    	ZoomTo = 2, ZoomCommand = ZoomCommand.ZoomOut 
    //Zoom out based on zoom factor.
    graphinfo.Commands.Zoom.Execute(new ZoomPositionParameter() 
    	ZoomFactor = 2, ZoomCommand = ZoomCommand.ZoomOut 

    Reset Commands

    Reset commands are used to reset horizontal Offset, vertical Offset, and zoom level of the Diagram.
    To execute a reset command, a parameter of type IReset has to be passed.
    | Property | Description | Value |
    | Reset | Gets or sets the ZoomPanReset | Enum Reset
    Reset.Zoom – To reset zoom level to 1
    Reset.Pan – To reset Offsets to 0,Reset.ZoomPan |

    Execute ResetCommand

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    // Reset
    graphinfo.Commands.Reset.Execute(new ResetParameter() { Reset = Reset.Zoom });

    Draw Commands

    Draw commands are used to draw connections. They take parameters of type IDrawParameter.

    Property Description Value
    DrawingTool Gets or sets a tool to draw. Enum DrawingToolDrawingTool.Connector
    Point Gets or sets the start point for drawing. Point
    Node Gets or sets the source Node of the new connection. Object
    Port Gets or sets the source port of the new connection. Object
    PressedEventArgs Gets or sets the PressedEventArgs. PointerRoutedEventArgs

    Execute DrawCommand

  • C#
  • void Button_PointerPressed(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
    	IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    	Point SourcePoint = new Point(200,200);
             new DrawParameter(

    Undoing and Redoing Actions

    The Undo command reverses the last editing action performed. For example, some of the basic operations performed on diagram objects such as translation, rotation, resizing, grouping, ungrouping, changing z-order, addition, deletion, and so on, can be reversed. The Redo command restores the last editing action if no other actions have occurred since the last undo.

    Nudge Command

    Nudge commands move the selected elements towards up, down, left or right by 1 pixel.The Nudge Commands as follows.

    Commands Description
    NudgeUp The NudgeUp command moves the selected object towards the top by 1 pixel.
    NudgeDown The NudgeDown command moves the selected object towards the bottom by 1 pixel.
    NudgeLeft The NudgeLeft command moves the selected object towards the left by 1 pixel.
    NudgeRight The NudgeRight command moves the selected object towards the right by 1 pixel.

    The following code illustrates how to execute Nudge command.

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
    //Nudges up

    FitToPage Command

    FitToPage commands are used to bring the entire Diagram into the view.

    | Command | Description | Value |
    | FitToPage | Gets or sets whether the Diagram is to fit into the view in terms of its width, height, or entirety. | Enum FitToPage
    FitToPage.FitToWidth |
    | Margin | Gets or sets the margin value from the view to Diagram. | Thickness |
    The following code illustrates how to execute FitToPage command.

  • C#
  • IGraphInfo graphinfo = diagramcontrol.Info as IGraphInfo;
     new FitToPageParameter()
    	Margin = new Thickness(25),
           //To fit the diagram with respect to width/height use FitToWidth or FitToHeight.
           FitToPage = FitToPage.FitToPage

    Command Manager

    Command manager is used to map between user gestures (keyboard, mouse) with commands. Refer to the following table for built-in commands with Key Gesture and Mouse Gesture.
    List of Commands and Key Gesture:

    Command Key Key Modifiers
    Copy C Control
    Cut X Control
    Paste V Control
    Duplicate D Control
    Undo Z Control
    Redo Y Control
    MoveLeft   Left
    MoveRight   Right
    MoveUp   Up
    MoveDown   Down
    Delete   Delete
    SelectAll A Control
    Group G Control
    UnGroup G Control
    SendToBack [ Control+Shift
    SendBackward [ Control
    BringToFront ] Control+Shift
    BringForward ] Control

    List of Commands and Key Gestures with Parameter

    Command Key KeyModifier Parameter
    Zoom - Control new ZoomPositionParameter { ZoomCommand=ZoomCommand.ZoomOut}
    Zoom + Control new ZoomPositionParameter { ZoomCommand = ZoomCommand.ZoomIn }
    Reset 0 Control new ResetParameter { Reset = Diagram.Reset.ZoomPan }
    FitToPage 0 Control+ Menu new FitToPageParameter { FitToPage = Diagram.FitToPage.FitToPage, Margin = new Thickness(20) }

    List of Commands and Mouse Gesture with Parameter

    Command Scroll State Parameter
    Vertical Scroll using ‘Zoom’ command Scroll new ZoomPointerParameter { ZoomCommand = ZoomCommand.VerticalScroll}

    List of Commands and Key and Mouse Gesture with Parameter

    Command KeyModifier Scroll State Parameter  
    Horizontal Scroll using ‘Zoom’ command Shift Scroll new ZoomPointerParameter { ZoomCommand = ZoomCommand.HorizontalScroll}  
    Zoom Control Scroll new ZoomPointerParameter { ZoomCommand = ZoomCommand.ZoomIn ZoomCommand.ZoomOut}


    When different commands are registered for the same key / mouse gestures, you need to handle the command while execution.

    Custom command

    User defined commands can also be created and mapped with existing gesture by using command manager. The following code example explains how to register mouse key gesture with Parameter to Save Command (Control + S)

    Create a user defined command: Save command

  • C#
  • //Create ICommand
    private ICommand _save;
    public ICommand Save
    	get { return _save;}
    	set { _save = value; }
    //Initialize Command
    Save = new DelegateCommand(OnSaveCommand);
    // Execute Command
    private async void OnSaveCommand(Object obj)
    	var picker = new FileSavePicker();
           // set appropriate file types
           picker.FileTypeChoices.Add(".xaml", new List<String> {".xaml"});
           picker.DefaultFileExtension = ".xaml";
           Object parameter = (obj as IGestureParameter).Parameter;
           picker.SuggestedFileName = parameter.ToString();
           StorageFile file = await picker.PickSaveFileAsync();
           using (var fileStream = await file.OpenStreamForWriteAsync())

    Map and user defined command with key gesture:

    Add new Commands to CommandManager - Ctrl + S -> Save

  • C#
  • sfdiagram.CommandManager.Commands.Add
    	new GestureCommand()
    		Command = Save,
    		Gesture = new Gesture
    			KeyModifiers = ModifierKeys.Control,
    			KeyState = KeyStates.Down,
    			Key = Key.S
    		// Parameter is the name of the file (.xaml)
    		Parameter = "diagram"