Stencil in UWP Diagram (SfDiagram)

5 Dec 202412 minutes to read

Stencil has a collection of Symbols. Stencil is used to clone the desired symbol by dragging it from the Stencil and dropping it into the SfDiagram. Each symbol can be grouped together by using the SymbolGroupProvider and filters by using the SymbolFilterProvider through delegates.

  • XAML
  • xmlns:stencil="using:Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Diagram.Stencil"


    Key Terms Table

    Key Terms Description
    Symbol To visualize the items in Stencil.

    Properties Table

    Properties Description
    SymbolGroups Collection of SymbolGroupProvider To Group the Symbols based on the MappingName Property.
    SymbolFilters Collection of SymbolFilterProvider To filter/Hide the Symbols based on MappingName Property.
    SymbolSource ItemSource for Stencil to populate the SymbolGroups with symbol.


    Symbol is used to implement the ISymbol interface. The ISymbol interface consists of two properties to visualize symbols in Stencil:

    Symbol and SymbolTemplate

    public class SymbolItem : ISymbol
    	//Symbol-Any Object
        public object Symbol { get; set; }
        //Custom property for grouping.
        public object GroupName { get; set; }
    	//Data template to visualize the object.
        public DataTemplate SymbolTemplate { get; set; }
        //For cloning the symbol from the given object and data template.
        public ISymbol Clone()
        	return new SymbolItem()
            	Symbol = this.Symbol,
    			SymbolTemplate = this.SymbolTemplate
        public object Key { get; set; }

    Symbol Filter

    stencil.SelectedFilter = new SymbolFilterProvider { SymbolFilter = SymbolFilter };
            // For separating each symbol group
            private bool SymbolFilter(SymbolFilterProvider sender, object symbol)
                return true;

    Adding the Symbol

    The following example illustrates how to add the Symbol into a Collection:

    Define the SymbolTemplate.

    <DataTemplate x:Key="Star">
    	<Path Stretch="Fill" Data="M 9,2 11,7 17,7 12,10 14,15 9,12 4,15 6,10 1,7 7,7 Z"
              Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="1" />

    Create the ISymbol with Symbol and SymbolTemplate properties.

    <local:SymbolItem GroupName="Flow Chart" Symbol="Star"
                               SymbolTemplate="{StaticResource Star}"/>

    Add the ISymbol into the Collection.

    // SymbolSource to Stencil
        public class Symbols : ObservableCollection<ISymbol>
    <local:Symbols x:Key="symbolcollection">
    	<!--Adding Symbol into a collection-->
    	<local:SymbolItem GroupName="Flow Chart" Symbol="Star"
                                   SymbolTemplate="{StaticResource Star}"/>


    Sample Link : Stencil With ISymbol.

    This Collection will be the SymbolSource to the Stencil. Based on the SymbolSource, the Stencil will populate the Symbols.

    Add Node and Connector to Stencil

    Create a Node and Connector to SymbolCollection.

    <!--Collection of Symbols-->
                <syncfusion:SymbolCollection x:Key="symbols">
                    <!--Creates the NodeViewModel-->
                    <syncfusion:NodeViewModel UnitHeight="100" UnitWidth="100" ShapeStyle="{StaticResource shapeStyle}"
    			                  Shape="{StaticResource Rectangle}" Key="Nodes"/>
                    <!--Creates the ConnectorViewModel-->
                    <syncfusion:ConnectorViewModel SourcePoint="100,100" TargetPoint="200,200"

    Add SymbolCollection to SymbolSource of Stencil.

    <stencil:Stencil x:Name="stencil" ExpandMode="All" 
                                 SymbolSource="{StaticResource symbols}">

    Symbol Groups

    The SymbolGroupProvider groups the symbols into SymbolGroup based on the MappingName property.

    Name Description
    MappingName Used to group the symbols by mapping this property to the custom property of Symbols.

    The following code example illustrates how to create a SymbolGroup.

    <stencil:Stencil x:Name="stencil" ExpandMode="All" 
    		         SymbolSource="{StaticResource symbols}">
            	<!--To Map Symbols based on GroupName-->
    			<stencil:SymbolGroupProvider MappingName="Key"/>


    Sample Link: Stencil With Node and Connector.

    Expand or Collapse SymbolGroup

    Expand and Collapse can be performed on SymbolGroup (updating the Visibility of the Symbols) based on the ExpandMode property. It includes the following options. The default option is One.

    Expand Mode Description Images  
    One Always one SymbolGroup is in expanded state. Stencil  
    OneOrMore At least one SymbolGroup is in expanded state. Stencil Stencil
    ZeroOrOne Not more than a single SymbolGroup is in expanded state. All ‘SymbolGroup’ can be in collapsed state. Stencil Stencil
    ZeroOrMore Any number of SymbolGroup can be in the expanded state. All ‘SymbolGroup’ can be in collapsed state. Stencil Stencil
    All All the SymbolGroup is in expanded state. Stencil  

    Symbol Filters

    SymbolFilterProvider is used to filter or hide the symbols by using delegates. SymbolFilters are the collection of SymbolFilterProvider.

    The following code example shows how to create and add the SymbolFilter. Based on the return Boolean value of the SymbolFilter delegate, the corresponding item is removed from Stencil. When a SymbolGroup does not have any Symbols, the corresponding SymbolGroup is also removed.

    stencil.SymbolFilters = new SymbolFilters();
    //Creates the SymbolFilterProvider
    SymbolFilterProvider allFilter = new SymbolFilterProvider
    	Content = "All",
        Filter = SymbolFilter
    SymbolFilterProvider kitchenFilter = new SymbolFilterProvider
    	Content = "Kitchen",
        Filter = SymbolFilter
    //Add the SymbolFilterProvider to SymbolFilters collection
    // sender: used to get the selected SymbolFilters
    private bool SymbolFilter(SymbolFilterProvider sender, object symbol)
    	if (sender.Content.ToString() == "All")
        	return true;
        if ((symbol as SymbolItem).GroupName == sender.Content.ToString())
        	return true;
    	return false;



    There can be multiple SymbolFilters, but only one filter can be selected at a time. These SymbolFilters are visually represented in a combo box. When the selected item is changed in the combo box, SelectedFilter is updated accordingly.


    Preview for Drag and Drop

    SfDiagram provides preview support for Stencil. When you drag an item from Stencil to Diagram, a preview of the dragged item will be displayed. You can enable or disable the preview support. You can also customize the preview.

    Use Case Scenario

    This feature displays a preview of the item you drag from Stencil, enabling you to identify the item you are dragging from the Stencil to the SfDiagram control. It also it gives a preview of the size and appearance of the item before it is dropped.

    Enabling preview

    To enable preview for the dragged item from Stencil, set the Constraints property of Stencil to ShowPreview. To disable preview, remove ShowPreview from Constraints property. By default, preview for drag and drop is enabled.

    The following code example illustrates how to enable preview support.

    //Enables the drag and drop preview.
    stencil.Constraints = stencil.Constraints | StencilConstraints.ShowPreview;
    //Disables the drag and drop preview.
    stencil.Constraints = stencil.Constraints & ~StencilConstraints.ShowPreview;

    Here, Stencil is an instance of Stencil.

    Preview of the dragging Symbol


    Dragged Symbol


    Customization of Preview for Drag and Drop

    You can customize the preview content by overriding the PrepareDragDropPreview method of the Stencil feature. The following code example illustrates how to customize preview content.

    public class CustomStencil : Stencil
    	//Virtual method to customize the preview of dragging the symbol from Stencil.
        protected override void PrepareDragDropPreview()
    		this.SymbolPreview = new ContentPresenter()
            	Content = new Rectangle()
                	Width = 50,
    				Height = 50,
    				Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.SteelBlue)



    Stencil declares number of events that can be invoked by the user or by the system. These events can be subscribed in application side, which means application will be notified when these events occurred.

    Following table describes stencil related events.

    Event Event Handler Description
    ExpandEvent SymbolGroupExpandEventHandler Occurs when expand the symbol group in the Stencil.
    CollpaseEvent SymbolGroupCollapseEventHandler Occurs when collapse the symbol group in the Stencil.


    Following table describes the details of the parameters for StencilExpandCollapseEventArgs.

    Property Description
    GroupName Gets the header of the Symbol group.
    Cancel To cancel the action that should be performed because of the event.