
2 Mar 20181 minute to read

Circular Gauge has an exporting feature that converts Gauge control into image format and then export in client side. The method API exportImage is used to export the Circular Gauge. It has two arguments such as file name and file format to specify the file name and file formats. For exporting refer the following code example.

  • HTML
  • <input type="submit" value="Export Image" id="btnExportImage">
        <div id=" circulargauge "></div>
        <div id="txtFileName">FileName </div>
        <div id="ddFileType">FileFormat </div>
    <select id="Select1">
        <option value="JPEG">JPEG</option>
        <option value="PNG">PNG</option>
  • $(function () {
            $("#btnExportImage").ejButton({ width: "100px", click: "buttonClickEvent", });
        function buttonClickEvent() {
            var FileName = $("#txtFileName").val();
            var FileFormat = $("#ddFileType").val();
            $("#circulargauge").ejCircularGauge("exportImage", FileName, FileFormat);

    Execute the above code to render the following output.

    Export Properties

    Each export object contains the following list of properties.

    type - Specifies the format of the file to export

    fileName - Specifies the downloading filename

    action - Specifies the name of the action URL

    mode - Specifies the mode of exporting