7 Aug 201824 minutes to read
The Circular gauge can be easily configured to the DOM element, such as div. you can create a circular gauge with a highly customizable look and feel.
Name | Type | Description |
object | For setting the Circular gauge |
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$(function () {
animationSpeed number
Specifies animationSpeed of circular gauge
Default Value
- 500
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ animationSpeed: 500,scales: [{ pointers: [{ value: 50 }] }] });
backgroundColor string
Specifies the background color of circular gauge.
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ backgroundColor : "#F234F4" });
distanceFromCorner number
Specify distanceFromCorner value of circular gauge
Default Value
- center
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ gaugePosition:"center", distanceFromCorner :25});
rangeZOrder enum
Specify range Z-order placement of circular gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
Rear | string | Place the ranges above the ticks of the gauge |
Front | string | Place the ticks above the ranges of the gauge |
Default Value
- Rear
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
enableAnimation boolean
Specify animate value of circular gauge
Default Value
- true
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ enableAnimation: true,scales: [{ pointers: [{ value: 50 }] }] });
enableGroupSeparator boolean
Specify to convert the date object to string, using locale settings.
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ enableGroupSeparator : true });
enableResize boolean
Controls whether circular gauge has to be responsive while resizing.
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ enableResize : true });
exportSettings object
This provides options for customizing export settings
exportSettings.filename string
Specifies the downloading filename
Default Value
- “CircularGauge”
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
exportSettings: {
filename : "myGauge"
exportSettings.type enum
Specifies the format of the file to export
Name | Type | Description |
PNG | string | The gauge will be exported in .png format |
JPG | string | The gauge will be exported in .jpg format |
Default Value
- “png”
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
exportSettings: {
type : "jpg"
exportSettings.action string
Specifies the name of the action URL
Default Value
- ””
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
exportSettings: {
action : "http://js.syncfusion.com/ExportingServices/api/JSCircularGaugeExport/Export"
exportSettings.mode enum
Specifies the mode of exporting
Name | Type | Description |
Server Side | string | The Gauge is exported at server side |
Client Side | string | The Gauge is exported at client side |
Default Value
- “client”
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
exportSettings: { mode : "server"}
frame object
Specify the frame of circular gauge
Default Value
- Object
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ frame:{frameType:ej.datavisualization.CircularGauge.Frame.FullCircle, backgroundImageUrl:"", halfCircleFrameStartAngle:180, halfCircleFrameEndAngle:360} });
frame.backgroundImageUrl string
Specify the URL of the frame background image for circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ frame:{backgroundImageUrl : "Sun.jpg" }});
frame.frameType enum
Specifies the frameType of circular gauge. See Frame
Name | Type | Description |
FullCircle | string | Specify the full circle frame |
HalfCircle | string | Specify the half circle frame |
Default Value
- FullCircle
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ frame:{frameType : "halfcircle"} });
frame.halfCircleFrameEndAngle number
Specifies the end angle for the half circular frame.
Default Value
- 360
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ frame:{frameType : "halfCircle",halfCircleFrameEndAngle: 270}});
frame.halfCircleFrameStartAngle number
Specifies the start angle for the half circular frame.
Default Value
- 180
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ frame:{frameType : "halfcircle",halfCircleFrameStartAngle: 0} });
gaugePosition enum
Specify gaugePosition value of circular gauge See GaugePosition
Name | Type | Description |
TopLeft | string | The gauge will be placed TopLeft corner in container |
TopRight | string | The gauge will be placed TopRight corner in container |
TopCenter | string | The gauge will be placed in TopCenter |
MiddleLeft | string | The gauge will be placed in MiddleLeft |
MiddleRight | string | The gauge will be placed in MiddleRight |
Center | string | The gauge will be placed center of the container |
BottomLeft | string | The gauge will be placed BottomLeft corner in container |
BottomRight | string | he gauge will be placed in BottomRight corner in container |
BottomCenter | string | he gauge will be placed in BottomCenter |
Default Value
- center
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ gaugePosition:"center" });
height number
Specifies the height of circular gauge.
Default Value
- 360
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ height: 400 });
interiorGradient object
Specifies the interiorGradient of circular gauge.
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ interiorGradient: { colorInfo:[{colorStop : 0, color:"#FFFFFF"},{colorStop : 1, color:"#AAAAAA"}] } });
isRadialGradient boolean
Specify isRadialGradient value of circular gauge
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ isRadialGradient : true });
isResponsive boolean
Specify isResponsive value of circular gauge
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ isResponsive : true });
locale string
Name of the culture based on which circular gauge should be localized.
Default Value
- “en-US”
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ locale : "en-US" });
maximum number
Specifies the maximum value of circular gauge.
Default Value
- 100
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ maximum: 120 });
minimum number
Specifies the minimum value of circular gauge.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ minimum: 10 });
outerCustomLabelPosition enum
Specify outerCustomLabelPosition value of circular gauge See OuterCustomLabelPosition
Name | Type | Description |
Top | string | Sets the label position as top |
Bottom | string | Sets the label position as Bottom |
Right | string | Sets the label position as Right |
Left | string | Sets the label position as Left |
Default Value
- bottom
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ outerCustomLabelPosition:"top" });
radius number
Specifies the radius of circular gauge.
Default Value
- 180
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ radius: 100 });
readOnly boolean
Specify readonly value of circular gauge
Default Value
- true
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ readOnly : false });
scales array
Specify the pointers, ticks, labels, indicators, ranges of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showScaleBar: true, size: 6, border:{width: 1.5} }] });
scales.backgroundColor string
Specify backgroundColor for the scale of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ showScaleBar: true, backgroundColor: "#1BA1E2" }] });
scales.border object
Specify border for scales of circular gauge
Default Value
- Object
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ border:{color:null, width:1.5 }}] });
scales.border.color string
Specify border color for scales of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showScaleBar: true, border:[{color: "#1BA1E2" }]}] });
scales.border.width number
Specify border width of circular gauge
Default Value
- 1.5
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ showScaleBar: true, border:{width: 1.5} }] });
scales.direction enum
Specify scale direction of circular gauge. See Directions
Name | Type | Description |
Clockwise | string | Specify the clockwise direction |
CounterClockwise | string | Specify the counterclockwise direction |
Default Value
- Clockwise
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ direction: "counterclockwise" }] });
scales.customLabels Array
Specify the custom labels for the scales.
Default Value
- Array
scales: [{
scales.customLabels.value string
Value of the custom labels.
Default Value
- ””
< $("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({
scales: [{
scales.customLabels.color string
Color of the custom labels.
Default Value
- ””
scales: [{
scales.customLabels.position object
Specify position of custom labels
Default Value
- Object
scales: [{
scales.customLabels.position.x number
Specify x-axis position of label
Default Value
- 0
scales: [{
scales.customLabels.position.y number
Specify y-axis position of labels.
Default Value
- 0
scales: [{
scales.customLabels.textAngle number
Specify angle for the rotation of the custom labels in degrees.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
scales: [{
scales.customLabels.font object
Specify font for custom labels
Default Value
- Object
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ customLabels: [{ font: { size: "12px", fontFamily: "Segou", fontStyle: "Bold" } }] }] });
scales.customLabels.font.fontFamily string
Specify font fontFamily for custom labels.
Default Value
- “Arial”
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ customLabels: [{ font: { fontFamily: "Arial" } }] }] });
scales.customLabels.font.fontStyle string
Specify font Style for custom labels.
Default Value
- “Bold”
scales: [{ customLabels: [{ font: { fontStyle: "Bold" } }] }]
scales.customLabels.font.size string
Specify font size for custom labels.
Default Value
- “12px”
scales: [{ customLabels: [{ font: { size: "12px" } }] }]
scales.customLabels.positionType enum
Specifies the position of the custom labels. See CustomLabelPositionType
Name | Type | Description |
Inner | string | Sets the Custom label position as Inner |
Outer | string | Sets the Custom label position as Outer |
Default Value
- inner
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
scales: [{
scales.indicators Array
Specify representing state of circular gauge
Default Value
- Array
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showIndicators:true,indicators: [{
height: 30,width: 10,type: "circle",value: 0,position: { x: 185, y: 300 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#5DF243", borderColor: "#5DF243", text: "", textColor: "#870505" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, backgroundColor: "#145608", borderColor: "#145608", text: "", textColor: "#870505" }]}]}]});
scales.indicators.height number
Specify indicator height of circular gauge
Default Value
- 15
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showIndicators:true,indicators: [{
height: 30,type: "circle",value: 0,position: { x: 185, y: 300 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#5DF243" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, backgroundColor: "#145608"}]}]}]});
scales.indicators.imageUrl string
Specify imageUrl of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showIndicators:true,indicators: [{
width: 30,type: "image",value: 0,imageUrl:"Sun.jpeg",position: { x: 185, y: 300 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#5DF243" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, backgroundColor: "#145608"}]}]}]});
scales.indicators.position object
Specify position of circular gauge
Default Value
- Object
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showIndicators:true,indicators: [{
width: 30,type: "circle",value: 0,position: { x: 185, y: 150 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#5DF243" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, backgroundColor: "#145608"}]}]}]});
scales.indicators.position.x number
Specify x-axis of position of circular gauge
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showIndicators:true,indicators: [{
width: 30,type: "circle",value: 0,position: { x: 185,y:0 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#5DF243" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, backgroundColor: "#145608"}]}]}]});
scales.indicators.position.y number
Specify y-axis of position of circular gauge
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showIndicators:true,indicators: [{
width: 30,type: "circle",value: 0,position: { x:0,y: 185 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#5DF243" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, backgroundColor: "#145608"}]}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges Array
Specify the various states of circular gauge
Default Value
- Array
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showIndicators:true,indicators: [{
width: 30,type: "circle",value: 0,position: { x: 185, y:300 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#5DF243" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, backgroundColor: "#145608"}]}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges.backgroundColor string
Specify backgroundColor for indicator of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showIndicators:true,indicators: [{
width: 30,type: "circle",value: 0,position: { x: 185, y:300 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "Red" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, backgroundColor: "Yellow"}]}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges.borderColor string
Specify borderColor for indicator of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showIndicators:true,indicators: [{
width: 30,type: "circle",value: 0,position: { x: 185, y:300 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#5DF243",borderColor:"Red" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, backgroundColor: "#145608", borderColor:"yellow"}]}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges.endValue number
Specify end value for each specified state of circular gauge
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showIndicators:true,indicators: [{
width: 30,type: "circle",value: 0,position: { x: 185, y:300 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#5DF243" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, backgroundColor: "#145608"}]}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges.font object
Specify value of the font as the indicator when the indicator style is set with the value “text” of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
scales: [{showIndicators: true, indicators: [{
width: 30, type: "text", value: 0, position: { x: 185, y: 300 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, text: "staterange1" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, text: "staterange1", font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" } }]}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges.startValue number
Specify start value for each specified state of circular gauge
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showIndicators:true,indicators: [{
width: 30,type: "circle",value: 0,position: { x: 185, y:300 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#5DF243" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, backgroundColor: "#145608"}]}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges.text string
Specify value of the text as the indicator when the indicator style is set with the value “text” of circular gauge
Default Value
- ””
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
scales: [{showIndicators: true, indicators: [{
width: 30, type: "text", value: 0, position: { x: 185, y: 300 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, text: "staterange1" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, text: "staterange1" }]}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges.textColor string
Specify value of the textColor as the indicator when the indicator style is set with the value “text” of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
scales: [{showIndicators: true, indicators: [{
width: 30, type: "text", value: 0, position: { x: 185, y: 300 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, text: "staterange1", textColor: "Yellow" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, text: "staterange1", textColor: "Yellow" }]}]}]});
scales.indicators.type enum
Specify indicator style of circular gauge. See IndicatorType
Name | Type | Description |
Rectangle | string | Style of the indicator will be rectangle |
Circle | string | Style of the indicator will be circle |
Text | string | Style of the indicator will be text |
RoundedRectangle | string | Style of the indicator will be roundedrectangle |
Image | string | Style of the indicator will be image |
Triangle | string | Style of the indicator will be triangle |
Diamond | string | Style of the indicator will be diamond |
Trapezoid | string | Style of the indicator will be trapezoid |
Pentagon | string | Style of the indicator will be pentagon |
Wedge | string | Style of the indicator will be wedge |
Star | string | Style of the indicator will be star |
HorizontalLine | string | Style of the indicator will be horizontalLine |
Verticalline | string | Style of the indicator will be verticalline |
Cross | string | Style of the indicator will be cross |
Uparrow | string | Style of the indicator will be uparrow |
Downarrow | string | Style of the indicator will be downarrow |
Leftarrow | string | Style of the indicator will be leftarrow |
Rightarrow | string | Style of the indicator will be rightarrow |
InvertedTriangle | string | Style of the indicator will be invertedtriangle |
Default Value
- Circle
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showIndicators:true,indicators: [{
width: 30,type: "circle",value: 0,position: { x: 185, y: 300 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#5DF243" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, backgroundColor: "#145608"}]}]}]});
scales.indicators.width number
Specify indicator width of circular gauge
Default Value
- 15
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showIndicators:true,indicators: [{
width: 30,type: "circle",value: 0,position: { x: 185, y: 300 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 70, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#5DF243" },
{ endValue: 200, startValue: 70, backgroundColor: "#145608"}]}]}]});
scales.labels Array
Specify the text values displayed in a meaningful manner alongside the ticks of circular gauge
Default Value
- Array
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ angle: 10, opacity: 0.4 }] }] });
scales.labels.angle number
Specify the angle for the labels of circular gauge
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ angle: 10 }] }] });
scales.labels.autoAngle boolean
Specify labels autoAngle value of circular gauge
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels:[{autoAngle: true}] }] });
scales.labels.color string
Specify label color of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ color: "Red" }] }] });
scales.labels.distanceFromScale number
Specify distanceFromScale value for labels of circular gauge
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ distanceFromScales: 10 }] }] });
scales.labels.font object
Specify font for labels of circular gauge
Default Value
- Object
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ font: { size: "12px", fontFamily: "Segou", fontStyle: "Bold" } }] }] });
scales.labels.font.fontFamily string
Specify font fontFamily for labels of circular gauge
Default Value
- “Arial”
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ font: { fontFamily: "Arial" } }] }] });
scales.labels.font.fontStyle string
Specify font Style for labels of circular gauge
Default Value
- “Bold”
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ font: { fontStyle: "Bold" } }] }] });
scales.labels.font.size string
Specify font size for labels of circular gauge
Default Value
- “11px”
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ font: { size: "12px" } }] }] });
scales.labels.includeFirstValue boolean
Specify includeFirstValue of circular gauge
Default Value
- true
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ includeFirstValue: false }] }] });
scales.labels.opacity number
Specify opacity value for labels of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ opacity: 0.4 }] }] });
scales.labels.placement enum
Specify label placement of circular gauge. See LabelPlacement
Name | Type | Description |
Near | string | Specify the label placement as near |
Far | string | Specify the label placement as far | Center | string | Specify the label placement as center | </tr>
Default Value
- Near
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ placement: "near" }] }] });
scales.labels.type enum
Specify label Style of circular gauge. See LabelType
Name | Type | Description |
Major | string | Label style will be major |
Minor | string | Label style will be minor |
Default Value
- Major
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ type: "major" }] }] });
scales.labels.unitText string
Specify unitText of circular gauge
Default Value
- ””
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ unitText: "kmph" }] }] });
scales.labels.unitTextPosition enum
Specify unitTextPosition of circular gauge. See UnitTextPosition
Name | Type | Description |
Back | string | The unit text will be placed back of the gauge |
Front | string | The unit text will be placed front of the gauge |
Default Value
- Back
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ labels: [{ unitText: "kmph",unitTextPosition: "front" }] }] });
scales.majorIntervalValue number
Specify majorIntervalValue of circular gauge
Default Value
- 10
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ majorIntervalValue: 5 }] });
scales.maximum number
Specify maximum scale value of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ maximum: 200 }] });
scales.minimum number
Specify minimum scale value of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ minimum: 20 }] });
scales.minorIntervalValue number
Specify minorIntervalValue of circular gauge
Default Value
- 2
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ minorIntervalValue: 1 }] });
scales.opacity number
Specify opacity value of circular gauge
Default Value
- 1
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showScaleBar: true, opacity:0.5 }] });
scales.pointerCap object
Specify pointer cap of circular gauge
Default Value
- Object
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointerCap:{radius: 7, borderWidth:3, interiorGradient:null, borderColor:null } }] });
scales.pointerCap.backgroundColor string
Specify cap backgroundColor of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointerCap: {backgroundColor: "Green"} }] });
scales.pointerCap.borderColor string
Specify cap borderColor of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointerCap: {borderColor: "Brown" }}] });
scales.pointerCap.borderWidth number
Specify pointerCap borderWidth value of circular gauge
Default Value
- 3
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointerCap:{borderWidth: 8 } }] });
scales.pointerCap.interiorGradient object
Specify cap interiorGradient value of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointerCap:{interiorGradient: {colorInfo:[{colorStop : 0, color:"#FFFFFF"},{colorStop : 1, color:"#AAAAAA"}] }}}] });
scales.pointerCap.radius number
Specify pointerCap Radius value of circular gauge
Default Value
- 7
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointerCap:{radius: 10} }] });
scales.pointers Array
Specify pointers value of circular gauge
Default Value
- Array
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ distanceFromScale: 0, showBackNeedle: false }] }] });
scales.pointers.backgroundColor string
Specify backgroundColor for the pointer of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ backgroundColor: "#1A1A1A" }] }] });
scales.pointers.backNeedleLength number
Specify backNeedleLength of circular gauge
Default Value
- 10
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ showBackNeedle: true, backNeedleLength: 10 }] }] });
scales.pointers.border object
Specify the border for pointers of circular gauge
Default Value
- Object
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers:[{border:{color:null, width:1.5 }}]}] });
scales.pointers.border.color string
Specify border color for pointer of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ border:{color: "#1A1A1A"} }] }] });
scales.pointers.border.width number
Specify border width for pointers of circular gauge
Default Value
- 1.5
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ border:{width: 1.5 }}] }] });
scales.pointers.distanceFromScale number
Specify distanceFromScale value for pointers of circular gauge
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ distanceFromScale: 10 }] }] });
scales.pointers.gradients object
Specify pointer gradients of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ gradients: {colorInfo:[{colorStop : 0, color:"#FFFFFF"},{colorStop : 1, color:"#AAAAAA"}] }}] }] });
scales.pointers.imageUrl string
Specify pointer image of circular gauge.It is applicable for both marker as well as needle type pointers.
Default Value
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker", markerType: "image", imageUrl: "football.png" }] }] });
scales.pointers.length number
Specify pointer length of circular gauge
Default Value
- 150
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ length: 50 }] }] });
scales.pointers.markerType enum
Specify marker Style value of circular gauge. See MarkerType
Name | Type | Description |
Rectangle | string | Marker style of circular gauge will be rectangle |
Circle | string | Marker style of circular gauge will be circle |
Triangle | string | Marker style of circular gauge will be triangle |
Ellipse | string | Marker style of circular gauge will be ellipse |
Diamond | string | Marker style of circular gauge will be diamond |
Pentagon | string | Marker style of circular gauge will be pentagon |
Slider | string | Marker style of circular gauge will be slider |
Pointer | string | Marker style of circular gauge will be pointer |
Wedge | string | Marker style of circular gauge will be wedge |
Trapezoid | string | Marker style of circular gauge will be trapezoid |
RoundedRectangle | string | Marker style of circular gauge will be rounded rectangle |
Image | string | Marker style of circular gauge will be image |
Default Value
- Rectangle
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker", markerType: "rectangle" }] }] });
scales.pointers.needleType enum
Specify needle Style value of circular gauge. See NeedleType
Name | Type | Description |
Triangle | string | Needle style of circular gauge will be triangle |
Rectangle | string | Needle style of circular gauge will be rectangle |
Arrow | string | Needle style of circular gauge will be arrow |
Image | string | Needle style of circular gauge will be image |
Trapezoid | string | Needle style of circular gauge will be trapezoid |
Default Value
- Triangle
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ needleType: "triangle" }] }] });
scales.pointers.opacity number
Specify opacity value for pointer of circular gauge
Default Value
- 1
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ opacity: 0.3 }] }] });
scales.pointers.radius number
Specify radius value for pointer of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ radius: 10 }] }] });
scales.pointers.placement enum
Specify pointer Placement value of circular gauge. See PointerPlacement
Default Value
- Near
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ placement: "far" }] }] });
scales.pointers.pointerValueText object
Specify pointer value text of circular gauge.
Default Value
- Object
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker", markerType: "rectangle", pointerValueText:{ showValue: false, distance: 20, font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }, color: "#8c8c8c", opacity: 1, autoAngle: false, angle: 0, } }] }] });
scales.pointers.pointerValueText.angle number
Specify pointer text angle of circular gauge.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker", markerType: "rectangle", pointerValueText:{ showValue: true, distance: 20, font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }, color: "Red", opacity: 0.5, autoAngle: false, angle: 30, } }] }] });
scales.pointers.pointerValueText.autoAngle boolean
Specify pointer text auto angle of circular gauge.
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker", markerType: "rectangle", pointerValueText:{ showValue: true, distance: 20, font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }, color: "Red", opacity: 0.5, autoAngle: true, angle: 0, } }] }] });
scales.pointers.pointerValueText.color string
Specify pointer value text color of circular gauge.
Default Value
- #8c8c8c
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker", markerType: "rectangle", pointerValueText:{ showValue: true, distance: 20, font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }, color: "Red", opacity: 1, autoAngle: false, angle: 0, } }] }] });
scales.pointers.pointerValueText.distance number
Specify pointer value text distance from pointer of circular gauge.
Default Value
- 20
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker", markerType: "rectangle", pointerValueText:{ showValue: true, distance: 30, font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }, color: "#8c8c8c", opacity: 1, autoAngle: false, angle: 0, } }] }] });
scales.pointers.pointerValueText.font object
Specify pointer value text font option of circular gauge.
Default Value
- object
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker", markerType: "rectangle", pointerValueText:{ showValue: true, distance: 30, font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }, color: "#8c8c8c", opacity: 1, autoAngle: false, angle: 0, } }] }] });
scales.pointers.pointerValueText.font.fontFamily string
Specify pointer value text font family of circular gauge.
Default Value
- Arial
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker", markerType: "rectangle", pointerValueText:{ showValue: true, distance: 30, font: { size: "12px", fontFamily: "Seogo UI", fontStyle: "Bold" }, color: "#8c8c8c", opacity: 1, autoAngle: false, angle: 0, } }] }] });
scales.pointers.pointerValueText.font.fontStyle string
Specify pointer value text font style of circular gauge.
Default Value
- Bold
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker", markerType: "rectangle", pointerValueText:{ showValue: true, distance: 30, font: { size: "12px", fontFamily: "Seogo UI", fontStyle: "Normal" }, color: "#8c8c8c", opacity: 1, autoAngle: false, angle: 0, } }] }] });
scales.pointers.pointerValueText.font.size string
Specify pointer value text size of circular gauge.
Default Value
- 11px
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker", markerType: "rectangle", pointerValueText:{ showValue: true, distance: 30, font: { size: "12px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }, color: "#8c8c8c", opacity: 1, autoAngle: false, angle: 0, } }] }] });
scales.pointers.pointerValueText.opacity number
Specify pointer value text opacity of circular gauge.
Default Value
- 1
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker", markerType: "rectangle", pointerValueText:{ showValue: true, distance: 20, font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }, color: "Red", opacity: 0.5, autoAngle: false, angle: 0, } }] }] });
scales.pointers.pointerValueText.showValue boolean
enable pointer value text visibility of circular gauge.
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker", markerType: "rectangle", pointerValueText:{ showValue: true, distance: 20, font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }, color: "#8c8c8c", opacity: 1, autoAngle: false, angle: 0, } }] }] });
scales.pointers.showBackNeedle boolean
Specify showBackNeedle value of circular gauge
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ showBackNeedle: true, backNeedleLength: 10 }] }] });
scales.pointers.type enum
Specify pointer type value of circular gauge. See PointerType
Name | Type | Description |
Needle | string | Specify the pointer type as needle |
Marker | string | Specify the pointer type as marker |
Default Value
- Needle
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ type: "marker" }] }] });
scales.pointers.value number
Specify value of the pointer of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ value: 50 }] }] });
scales.pointers.width number
Specify pointer width of circular gauge
Default Value
- 7
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ width: 7 }] }] });
scales.radius number
Specify scale radius of circular gauge
Default Value
- 170
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ showScaleBar: true, radius: 100 }] });
scales.ranges Array
Specify ranges value of circular gauge
Default Value
- Array
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showRanges:true [{ ranges: [{ distanceFromScale: 25, size: 5}] }] }]});
scales.ranges.backgroundColor string
Specify backgroundColor for the ranges of circular gauge
Default Value
- “#32b3c6”
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showRanges:true , ranges: [{ startValue: 10, endValue: 100,startWidth: 10,endWidth: 10,backgroundColor: "Red" }] }]});
scales.ranges.legendText string
Specify text for the ranges of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showRanges:true , ranges: [{ legendText:"high", startValue: 10, endValue: 100,startWidth: 10,endWidth: 10,backgroundColor: "Red" }] }]});
scales.ranges.border object
Specify border for ranges of circular gauge
Default Value
- Object
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ ranges:[{border:{color:null, width:1.5 }}]}] });
scales.ranges.border.color string
Specify border color for ranges of circular gauge
Default Value
- “#32b3c6”
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showRanges:true , ranges: [{ startValue: 10, endValue: 100,startWidth: 10,endWidth: 10,border:{color: "#32b3c6"} }] }] });
scales.ranges.border.width number
Specify border width for ranges of circular gauge
Default Value
- 1.5
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showRanges:true , ranges: [{ startValue: 10, endValue: 100,startWidth: 10,endWidth: 10,distanceFromScale: -25,border:{width: 1.5} }] }] });
scales.ranges.distanceFromScale number
Specify distanceFromScale value for ranges of circular gauge
Default Value
- 25
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
scales.ranges.endValue number
Specify endValue for ranges of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showRanges:true, ranges: [{ startValue: 10, endValue: 100,distanceFromScale: -25 }] }]});
scales.ranges.endWidth number
Specify endWidth for ranges of circular gauge
Default Value
- 10
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
scales.ranges.gradients object
Specify range gradients of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showRanges:true , ranges: [{startValue: 10, endValue: 100, gradients: { colorInfo:[{ colorStop : 0, color:"#FFFFFF"},{colorStop : 1, color:"#AAAAAA"}] }}] }]});
scales.ranges.opacity number
Specify opacity value for ranges of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showRanges:true , ranges: [{ startValue: 10, endValue: 100,startWidth: 10,endWidth: 10,distanceFromScale: -25,opacity: 0.5 }] }] });
scales.ranges.placement enum
Specify placement of circular gauge. See RangePlacement
Default Value
- Near
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70,placement: "center"}]}]});
scales.ranges.size number
Specify size of the range value of circular gauge
Default Value
- 5
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70,size:5}]}]});
scales.ranges.startValue number
Specify startValue for ranges of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
scales.ranges.startWidth number
Specify startWidth of circular gauge
Default Value
- [Array.number] scale.ranges.startWidth = 10
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showRanges:true , ranges: [{ startValue: 10, endValue: 100,startWidth: 10,distanceFromScale: -25 }] }]});
scales.shadowOffset number
Specify shadowOffset value of circular gauge
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ shadowOffset: 1}] });
scales.showIndicators boolean
Specify showIndicators of circular gauge
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ showIndicators: false }] });
scales.showLabels boolean
Specify showLabels of circular gauge
Default Value
- true
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ showLabels: true }] });
scales.showPointers boolean
Specify showPointers of circular gauge
Default Value
- true
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ showPointers: true }] });
scales.showRanges boolean
Specify showRanges of circular gauge
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ showRanges: false }] });
scales.showScaleBar boolean
Specify showScaleBar of circular gauge
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ showScaleBar: true }] });
scales.showTicks boolean
Specify showTicks of circular gauge
Default Value
- true
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ showTicks: true }] });
scales.size number
Specify scaleBar size of circular gauge
Default Value
- 6
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ showScaleBar: true, size: 6 }] });
scales.startAngle number
Specify startAngle of circular gauge
Default Value
- 115
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ startAngle: 90 }] });
scales.subGauges Array
Specify subGauge of circular gauge
Default Value
- Array
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
<div id="subGauge1">
$("#subGauge1").ejCircularGauge({backgroundColor: "#f5b43f",scales: [{radius: 150}]});
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({height: 500,width: 500,scales: [{radius: 250,subGauges: [{controlID: "subGauge1",height: 200,width: 200,position: { x: 200, y: 150 }}]}]});
scales.subGauges.height number
Specify subGauge Height of circular gauge
Default Value
- 150
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
<div id="subGauge1">
$("#subGauge1").ejCircularGauge({backgroundColor: "#f5b43f",scales: [{radius: 150}]});
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({height: 500,width: 500,scales: [{radius: 250,subGauges: [{controlID: "subGauge1",height: 400,width: 200,position: { x: 200, y: 100 }}]}]});
scales.subGauges.position object
Specify position for sub-gauge of circular gauge
Default Value
- Object
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
<div id="subGauge1">
$("#subGauge1").ejCircularGauge({backgroundColor: "#f5b43f",scales: [{radius: 150}]});
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({height: 500,width: 500,scales: [{radius: 250,subGauges: [{controlID: "subGauge1",height: 200,width: 200,position: { x: 200, y: 150 }}]}]});
scales.subGauges.position.x number
Specify x-axis position for sub-gauge of circular gauge
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
<div id="subGauge1">
$("#subGauge1").ejCircularGauge({backgroundColor: "#f5b43f",scales: [{radius: 150}]});
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({height: 500,width: 500,scales: [{radius: 250,subGauges: [{controlID: "subGauge1",height: 200,width: 200,position: { x: 200, y: 0 }}]}]});
scales.subGauges.position.y number
Specify y-axis position for sub-gauge of circular gauge
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
<div id="subGauge1">
$("#subGauge1").ejCircularGauge({backgroundColor: "#f5b43f",scales: [{radius: 150}]});
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({height: 500,width: 500,scales: [{radius: 250,subGauges: [{controlID: "subGauge1",height: 200,width: 200,position: { x: 0, y: 150 }}]}]});
scales.subGauges.width number
Specify subGauge Width of circular gauge
Default Value
- 150
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
<div id="subGauge1">
$("#subGauge1").ejCircularGauge({backgroundColor: "#f5b43f",scales: [{radius: 150}]});
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({height: 500,width: 500,scales: [{radius: 250,subGauges: [{controlID: "subGauge1",height: 200,width: 300,position: { x: 200, y: 150 }}]}]});
scales.sweepAngle number
Specify sweepAngle of circular gauge
Default Value
- 310
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ sweepAngle: 200 }] });
scales.ticks Array
Specify ticks of circular gauge
Default Value
- Array
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ ticks: [{ angle: 10, distanceFromScale: 10 }] }] });
scales.ticks.angle number
Specify the angle for the ticks of circular gauge
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ ticks: [{ angle: 10 }] }] });
scales.ticks.color string
Specify tick color of circular gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ ticks: [{ color: "#777777" }] }] });
scales.ticks.distanceFromScale number
Specify distanceFromScale value for ticks of circular gauge
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ ticks: [{ distanceFromScale: 10 }] }] });
scales.ticks.height number
Specify tick height of circular gauge
Default Value
- 16
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ ticks: [{ height: 16 }] }] });
scales.ticks.placement enum
Specify tick placement of circular gauge. See TickPlacement
Default Value
- Near
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ ticks: [{ placement: "near" }] }] });
scales.ticks.type enum
Specify tick Style of circular gauge. See TickType
Default Value
- Major
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ ticks: [{ type: "major" }] }] });
scales.ticks.width number
Specify tick width of circular gauge
Default Value
- 3
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ ticks: [{ width: 3 }] }] });
theme string
Specify the theme of circular gauge.
Default Value
- “flatlight”
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ theme : "flatlight" });
legend object
Options to customize the legend.
legend.visible boolean
Toggles the visibility of the legend.
Default Value
- false
legend : {visible : true}
legend.toggleVisibility boolean
Toggles the visibility of the ranges.
Default Value
- true
legend : {toggleVisibility : false}
legend.alignment enum
Specifies the alignment of the legend.
Name | Type | Description |
Center | string | Align the legend as center to the circulargauge |
Near | string | Align the legend as near to the circulargauge |
Far | string | Align the legend as far to the circulargauge |
Default Value
- “Center”. See Alignment
legend :{alignment : "far"}
legend.border object
Options for customizing the legend border.
legend.border.color string
Border color of the legend.
Default Value
- “transparent”
legend : {border :{ color :"green"}}
legend.border.width number
Border width of the legend.
Default Value
- 1
legend :{ border :{width :2}}
legend.fill string
Fill color for the legend items. By using this property, it displays all legend item shapes in same color.
Legend items representing invisible ranges is displayed in gray color.
Default Value
- null
legend :{ fill : "green"}
legend.itemPadding number
Gap or padding between the legend items.
Default Value
- 20
legend :{itemPadding : 5}
legend.itemStyle object
Options to customize the style of legend items.
legend.itemStyle.border object
Options for customizing the border of legend items.
legend.itemStyle.border.color string
Border color of the legend items.
Default Value
- “transparent”
legend :{ itemStyle :{border : { color : "green' }}}
legend.itemStyle.border.width number
Border width of the legend items.
Default Value
- 1
legend :{ itemStyle :{border :{ width : 2 }}}
legend.itemStyle.height number
Specifies the height of the legend item shapes.
Default Value
- 10
legend :{ itemStyle :{height : 20}}
legend.itemStyle.width number
Specifies the width of the legend item shapes.
Default Value
- 10
legend :{ itemStyle :{width : 15}}
legend.opacity number
Opacity of the legend.
Default Value
- 1
legend :{ opacity : 0.5}
legend.position enum
Places the legend at specified position. Legend can be placed at left, right, top or bottom of the circular gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
Left | string | Legend will be placed left side of the circulargauge area |
Right | string | Legend will be placed right side of the circulargauge area |
Top | string | Legend will be placed top of the circulargauge area |
Bottom | string | Legend will be placed bottom of the circulargauge area |
Default Value
- “Bottom”. See Position
legend :{ position : "top"}
legend.shape enum
Shape of the legend items.
Name | Type | Description |
Rectangle | string | Legend shape of circular gauge will be rectangle |
Circle | string | Legend shape of circular gauge will be circle |
Triangle | string | Legend shape of circular gauge will be triangle |
Ellipse | string | Legend shape of circular gauge will be ellipse |
Diamond | string | Legend shape of circular gauge will be diamond |
Pentagon | string | Legend shape of circular gauge will be pentagon |
Slider | string | Legend shape of circular gauge will be slider | Wedge | string | Legend shape of circular gauge will be wedge | </tr>
Trapezoid | string | Legend shape of circular gauge will be trapezoid |
Line | string | Legend shape of circular gauge will be line |
Default Value
- “Circle”. See Shape
legend :{ shape : "circle" }
legend.size object
Options to customize the size of the legend.
legend.size.height string
Specify the height of the legend. Height can be specified in pixel.
Default Value
- null
legend :{ size :{height : "100"}}
legend.size.width string
Specify the width of the legend. Width can be specified in pixel.
Default Value
- null
legend :{ size :{width : "200"}}
legend.font object
Options to customize the font used for legend item text.
legend.font.fontFamily string
Font family for legend item text.
Default Value
- “Segoe UI”
legend :{ font :{fontFamily : "Algerian"}}
legend.font.fontStyle string
Font style for legend item text.
Default Value
- “Normal”
legend :{ font :{fontStyle : "italic"}}
legend.font.fontWeight string
Font weight for legend item text.
Default Value
- “Regular”
legend :{ font :{fontWeight : "lighter"}}
legend.font.size string
Font size for legend item text.
Default Value
- “12px”
legend :{ font :{size : "14px"}}
legend.font.color string
Font color of the text for legend items.
Default Value
- null
legend:{font :{color : "green"}}
Fires before rendering the legend item. This event is fired for each legend item in CircularGauge. You can use this event to customize legend item shape or add custom text to legend item.
//legendItemRender event for circular gauge
legendItemRender: function (args) {
//Do something
Name | Type | Description |
boolean | Set this option to true to cancel the event |
object | Instance of the circulargauge model object |
string | Name of the event |
Object | Instance of the legend item object that is about to be rendered |
Fires on clicking the legend item.
//legendItemClick event for circular gauge
legendItemClick: function (args) {
//Do something
Name | Type | Description |
boolean | Set this option to true to cancel the event |
Object | Instance of the circulargauge model object |
string | Name of the event |
Object | Instance of the legend item object that is about to be rendered |
Fires when mouse moving on ranges.
//rangeMouseMove event for circular gauge
rangeMouseMove: function (args) {
//Do something
Name | Type | Description |
boolean | Set this option to true to cancel the event |
Object | Instance of the circulargauge model object |
string | Name of the event |
Object | Region of ranges |
tooltip object
Specify tooltip option of circular gauge
Default Value
- object
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ tooltip:{showLabelTooltip: true,showCustomLabelTooltip: true,templateID: null} });
tooltip.showCustomLabelTooltip boolean
enable showCustomLabelTooltip of circular gauge
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ tooltip:{showCustomLabelTooltip: true} });
tooltip.showLabelTooltip boolean
enable showLabelTooltip of circular gauge
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ tooltip:{showLabelTooltip: true} });
tooltip.templateID string
Specify tooltip templateID of circular gauge
Default Value
- false
value number
Specifies the value of circular gauge.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ value: 30 });
width number
Specifies the width of circular gauge.
Default Value
- 360
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ width: 400 });
destroy the circular gauge widget. all events bound using this._on will be unbind automatically and bring the control to pre-init state.
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
exportImage(fileName, fileType)
To export Image
Name | Type | Description |
string | fileName for the Image |
string | fileType for the Image |
Returns: boolean
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
getBackNeedleLength(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get BackNeedleLength
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ showBackNeedle: true }] }] });
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getBackNeedleLength(0, 0);
getCustomLabelAngle(scaleIndex, customLabelIndex)
To get CustomLabelAngle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | customLabelIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{customLabels:[{textAngle:30,value:"MyLabel",position:{x:250,y:300},color:"#fc0606",font:{size: "20px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getCustomLabelAngle(0, 0);
getCustomLabelValue(scaleIndex, customLabelIndex)
To get CustomLabelValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | customLabelIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{customLabels:[{textAngle:30,value:"MyLabel",position:{x:250,y:300},color:"#fc0606",font:{size: "20px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getCustomLabelValue(0, 0);
getLabelAngle(scaleIndex, labelIndex)
To get LabelAngle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | labelIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getLabelAngle(0, 0);
getLabelDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, labelIndex)
To get LabelDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | labelIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getLabelDistanceFromScale(0, 0);
getLabelPlacement(scaleIndex, labelIndex)
To get LabelPlacement
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | labelIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getLabelPlacement(0, 0);
getLabelStyle(scaleIndex, labelIndex)
To get LabelStyle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | labelIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getLabelStyle(0, 0);
To get MajorIntervalValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
getMarkerDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get MarkerDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getMarkerDistanceFromScale(0, 0);
getMarkerStyle(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get MarkerStyle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getMarkerStyle(0, 0);
To get MaximumValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
To get MinimumValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
To get MinorIntervalValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
getNeedleStyle(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get NeedleStyle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getNeedleStyle(0, 0);
To get PointerCapBorderWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
To get PointerCapRadius
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
getPointerLength(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get PointerLength
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getPointerLength(0, 0);
getPointerNeedleType(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get PointerNeedleType
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getPointerNeedleType(0, 0);
getPointerPlacement(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get PointerPlacement
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getPointerPlacement(0, 0);
getPointerValue(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get PointerValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getPointerValue(0, 0);
getPointerWidth(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get PointerWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getPointerWidth(0, 0);
getRangeBorderWidth(scaleIndex, rangeIndex)
To get RangeBorderWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getRangeBorderWidth(0, 0);
getRangeDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, rangeIndex)
To get RangeDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getRangeDistanceFromScale(0, 0);
getRangeEndValue(scaleIndex, rangeIndex)
To get RangeEndValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getRangeEndValue(0, 0);
getRangePosition(scaleIndex, rangeIndex)
To get RangePosition
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getRangePosition(0, 0);
getRangeSize(scaleIndex, rangeIndex)
To get RangeSize
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getRangeSize(0, 0);
getRangeStartValue(scaleIndex, rangeIndex)
To get RangeStartValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getRangeStartValue(0, 0);
To get ScaleBarSize
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
To get ScaleBorderWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showScaleBar: true, size: 6, border:{Width: 1.5} }] });
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
To get ScaleDirection
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
To get ScaleRadius
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
To get StartAngle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
getSubGaugeLocation(scaleIndex, GaugeIndex)
To get SubGaugeLocation
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | GaugeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
<div id="subGauge1">
$("#subGauge1").ejCircularGauge({backgroundColor: "#f5b43f",scales: [{radius: 150}]});
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({height: 500,width: 500,scales: [{radius: 250,subGauges: [{controlID: "subGauge1",height: 400,width: 200,position: { x: 200, y: 150 }}]}]});
circulargaugeObj.getSubGaugeLocation(0, 0);
To get SweepAngle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
getTickAngle(scaleIndex, tickIndex)
To get TickAngle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | tickIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getTickAngle(0, 0);
getTickDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, tickIndex)
To get TickDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | tickIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getTickDistanceFromScale(0, 0);
getTickHeight(scaleIndex, labelIndex)
To get TickHeight
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | labelIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getTickHeight(0, 0);
getTickPlacement(scaleIndex, tickIndex)
To get TickPlacement
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | tickIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getTickPlacement(0, 0);
getTickStyle(scaleIndex, tickIndex)
To get TickStyle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | tickIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getTickStyle(0, 0);
getTickWidth(scaleIndex, tickIndex)
To get TickWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | tickIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.getTickWidth(0, 0);
includeFirstValue(scaleIndex, labelIndex, value)
To set includeFirstValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | labelIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.includeFirstValue(0, 0, false);
Switching the redraw option for the gauge
Name | Type | Description |
string | redraw value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
setBackNeedleLength(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set BackNeedleLength
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{ pointers: [{ showBackNeedle: true }] }] });
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setBackNeedleLength(0, 0, 10);
setCustomLabelAngle(scaleIndex, customLabelIndex, value)
To set CustomLabelAngle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | customLabelIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{customLabels:[{value:"MyLabel",position:{x:250,y:300},color:"#fc0606",font: { size: "20px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setCustomLabelAngle(0, 0, 10);
setCustomLabelValue(scaleIndex, customLabelIndex, value)
To set CustomLabelValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | customLabelIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{customLabels:[{value:"MyLabel",position:{x:180,y:300},color:"#fc0606",font:{size: "20px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setCustomLabelValue(0, 0, "CircularGauge");
setLabelAngle(scaleIndex, labelIndex, angle)
To set LabelAngle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | labelIndex value for the gauge |
number | angle value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setLabelAngle(0, 0, 10);
setLabelDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, labelIndex, value)
To set LabelDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | labelIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setLabelDistanceFromScale(0, 0, 10);
setLabelPlacement(scaleIndex, labelIndex, value)
To set LabelPlacement
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | labelIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setLabelPlacement(0, 0, "far");
setLabelStyle(scaleIndex, labelIndex, value)
To set LabelStyle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | labelIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setLabelStyle(0, 0, "major");
setMajorIntervalValue(scaleIndex, value)
To set MajorIntervalValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setMajorIntervalValue(0, 10);
setMarkerDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set MarkerDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setMarkerDistanceFromScale(0, 0, 10);
setMarkerStyle(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set MarkerStyle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setMarkerStyle(0, 0, "rectangle");
setMaximumValue(scaleIndex, value)
To set MaximumValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setMaximumValue(0, 130);
setMinimumValue(scaleIndex, value)
To set MinimumValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setMinimumValue(0, 10);
setMinorIntervalValue(scaleIndex, value)
To set MinorIntervalValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setMinorIntervalValue(0, 2);
setNeedleStyle(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set NeedleStyle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setNeedleStyle(0, 0, "arrow");
setPointerCapBorderWidth(scaleIndex, value)
To set PointerCapBorderWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setPointerCapBorderWidth(0, 5);
setPointerCapRadius(scaleIndex, value)
To set PointerCapRadius
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setPointerCapRadius(0, 10);
setPointerLength(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set PointerLength
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setPointerLength(0, 0, 90);
setPointerNeedleType(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set PointerNeedleType
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setPointerNeedleType(0, 0, "triangle");
setPointerPlacement(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set PointerPlacement
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setPointerPlacement(0, 0,"near");
setPointerValue(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set PointerValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setPointerValue(0, 0, 10);
setPointerWidth(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set PointerWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setPointerWidth(0, 0, 10);
setRangeBorderWidth(scaleIndex, rangeIndex, value)
To set RangeBorderWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setRangeBorderWidth(0, 0, 5);
setRangeDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, rangeIndex, value)
To set RangeDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setRangeDistanceFromScale(0, 0, 10);
setRangeEndValue(scaleIndex, rangeIndex, value)
To set RangeEndValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setRangeEndValue(0, 0, 70);
setRangePosition(scaleIndex, rangeIndex, value)
To set RangePosition
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setRangePosition(0, 0, "far");
setRangeSize(scaleIndex, rangeIndex, value)
To set RangeSize
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setRangeSize(0, 0, 10);
setRangeStartValue(scaleIndex, rangeIndex, value)
To set RangeStartValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({scales: [{showRanges: true,ranges: [{distanceFromScale: -30,startValue: 0,endValue: 70}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setRangeStartValue(0, 0, 10);
setScaleBarSize(scaleIndex, value)
To set ScaleBarSize
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setScaleBarSize(0, 160);
setScaleBorderWidth(scaleIndex, value)
To set ScaleBorderWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({ scales: [{showScaleBar: true, size: 6, border:{width: 1.5} }] });
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setScaleBorderWidth(0, 3);
setScaleDirection(scaleIndex, value)
To set ScaleDirection
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setScaleDirection(0, "clockwise");
setScaleRadius(scaleIndex, value)
To set ScaleRadius
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setScaleRadius(0, 140);
setStartAngle(scaleIndex, value)
To set StartAngle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setStartAngle(0, 10);
setSubGaugeLocation(scaleIndex, GaugeIndex, value)
To set SubGaugeLocation
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | GaugeIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
<div id="subGauge1">
$("#subGauge1").ejCircularGauge({backgroundColor: "#f5b43f",scales: [{radius: 150}]});
$("#CoreCircularGauge").ejCircularGauge({height: 500,width: 500,scales: [{radius: 250,subGauges: [{controlID: "subGauge1",height: 400,width: 200,position: { x: 200, y: 150 }}]}]});
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setSubGaugeLocation(0, 0, {x:50,y:100});
setSweepAngle(scaleIndex, value)
To set SweepAngle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setSweepAngle(0, 220);
setTickAngle(scaleIndex, tickIndex, value)
To set TickAngle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | tickIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setTickAngle(0, 0, 10);
setTickDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, tickIndex, value)
To set TickDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | tickIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setTickDistanceFromScale(0, 0, 15);
setTickHeight(scaleIndex, tickIndex, value)
To set TickHeight
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | tickIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setTickHeight(0, 0, 10);
setTickPlacement(scaleIndex, tickIndex, value)
To set TickPlacement
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | tickIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setTickPlacement(0, 0, "near");
setTickStyle(scaleIndex, tickIndex, value)
To set TickStyle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | tickIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setTickStyle(0, 0, "minor");
setTickWidth(scaleIndex, tickIndex, value)
To set TickWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the gauge |
number | tickIndex value for the gauge |
number | value for the gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="CoreCircularGauge"></div>
var circulargaugeObj = $("#CoreCircularGauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
circulargaugeObj.setTickWidth(0, 0, 5);
Triggers while the custom labels are being drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
Object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
Object | returns the context element |
Object | returns the startX and startY of the custom label |
Object | returns the gauge model |
Object | returns the options of the scale element. |
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the custom label belongs. |
string | returns the custom label style |
Object | returns the current custom label element. |
number | returns the index of the custom label. |
string | returns the name of the event |
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
drawCustomLabel: function (args) {}
Triggers while the indicators are being started to drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
Object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
Object | returns the context element |
Object | returns the startX and startY of the indicator |
Object | returns the gauge model |
Object | returns the options of the scale element. |
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the indicator belongs. |
string | returns the indicator style |
Object | returns the current indicator element. |
number | returns the index of the indicator. |
string | returns the name of the event |
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
drawIndicators: function (args) {}
Triggers while the labels are being drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||
Object | returns the object of the gauge. | ||||||||||||
boolean | returns the cancel option value | ||||||||||||
Object | returns the context element | ||||||||||||
Object | returns the startX and startY of the labels | ||||||||||||
Object | returns the gauge model | ||||||||||||
Object | returns the options of the scale element. | ||||||||||||
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the label belongs. | ||||||||||||
string | returns the label style | ||||||||||||
Object | returns the label object of the gauge.
number | returns the value of the label. | ||||||||||||
string | returns the name of the event |
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
drawLabels: function (args) {}
Triggers while the pointer cap is being drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
Object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
Object | returns the context element |
Object | returns the options of the scale element. |
Object | returns the startX and startY of the pointer cap. |
Object | returns the gauge model |
string | returns the pointer cap style |
string | returns the name of the event |
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
drawPointerCap: function (args) {}
Triggers while the pointers are being drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the object of the gauge. | |||||||||||||||
boolean | returns the cancel option value | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the context element | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the startX and startY of the pointer | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the gauge model | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the options of the scale element. | |||||||||||||||
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the pointer belongs. | |||||||||||||||
string | returns the pointer style | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the pointer object of the gauge.
string | returns the name of the event |
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
drawPointers: function (args) {}
Triggers when the ranges begin to be getting drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
Object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
Object | returns the context element |
Object | returns the startX and startY of the range |
Object | returns the gauge model |
Object | returns the options of the scale element. |
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the range belongs. |
string | returns the range style |
Object | returns the current range element. |
number | returns the index of the range. |
string | returns the name of the event |
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
drawRange: function (args) {}
Triggers while the ticks are being drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||
Object | returns the object of the gauge. | ||||||||||||
boolean | returns the cancel option value | ||||||||||||
Object | returns the context element | ||||||||||||
Object | returns the startX and startY of the ticks | ||||||||||||
Object | returns the gauge model | ||||||||||||
Object | returns the options of the scale element. | ||||||||||||
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the tick belongs. | ||||||||||||
string | returns the ticks style | ||||||||||||
Object | returns the tick object of the gauge.
number | returns the label value of the tick. | ||||||||||||
string | returns the name of the event |
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
drawTicks: function (args) {}
Triggers while the gauge start to Load.
Name | Type | Description |
Object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
Object | returns the gauge model |
Object | returns the entire scale element. |
Object | returns the context element |
string | returns the name of the event |
<div id="CircularGauge1"></div>
load: function (args) {}
Triggers when the left mouse button is clicked.
Name | Type | Description | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the object of the gauge. | |||||||||||||||
boolean | returns the cancel option value | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the gauge model | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the name of the event | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the scale element. | |||||||||||||||
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the pointer belongs. | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the context element | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the pointer object
string | returns the pointer style | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the startX and startY of the pointer. |
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
mouseClick: function (args) {}
Triggers when clicking and dragging the mouse pointer over the gauge pointer.
Name | Type | Description | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the object of the gauge. | |||||||||||||||
boolean | returns the cancel option value | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the gauge model | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the name of the event | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the scale element. | |||||||||||||||
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the pointer belongs. | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the context element | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the pointer object
string | returns the pointer style | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the startX and startY of the pointer. |
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
mouseClickMove: function (args) {}
Triggers when the mouse click is released.
Name | Type | Description | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the object of the gauge. | |||||||||||||||
boolean | returns the cancel option value | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the gauge model | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the name of the event | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the scale element. | |||||||||||||||
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the pointer belongs. | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the context element | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the pointer object
string | returns the pointer style | |||||||||||||||
Object | returns the startX and startY of the pointer. |
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
mouseClickUp: function (args) {}
Triggers when the rendering of the gauge is completed.
Name | Type | Description |
Object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
Object | returns the context element |
Object | returns the entire scale element. |
Object | returns the gauge model |
string | returns the name of the event |
<div id="CoreCircularGauge">
renderComplete: function (args) {}
Fires, on double clicking the circular gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
boolean | Set this option to true to cancel the event |
object | Instance of the circular gauge model object |
string | Name of the event |
Object |
//DoubleClick event for circular gauge
doubleClick: function (args) {
//Do something
Fires, on right clicking the circular gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
boolean | Set this option to true to cancel the event |
object | Instance of the circular gauge model object |
string | Name of the event |
Object |
//RightClick event for circular gauge
rightClick: function (args) {
//Do something