Selection Value configuration in Xamarin Range Slider (SfRangeSlider)

11 Aug 20222 minutes to read

Various customization options are available to configure the selection value in SfRangeSlider.

Set Minimum Value

Gets or sets the minimum possible value of the range. The thumb could not move beyond that value.

<range:SfRangeSlider x:Name="rangeslider" Minimum="0"/>

Set Maximum Value

Gets or sets the maximum possible value of the range. The thumb could not move after that value.

<range:SfRangeSlider x:Name="rangeslider" Maximum="24"/>

Set Tick Frequency

The TickFrequency property is used to decide the number of ticks to be displayed along the track based on Minimum and Maximum values.

<range:SfRangeSlider x:Name="rangeslider" TickFrequency="4" />


When the SnapsTo property is set to Ticks, the TickFrequency is used to specify the interval between snap points.

Set Interval between Snap Points.

The StepFrequency property is used to specify the interval between snap points.

<range:SfRangeSlider x:Name="rangeslider" StepFrequency="4"/>


When the SnapsTo property is set to StepValues, the StepFrequency property is enabled.

Set Snapping Mode

The SnapsTo` property determines whether the RangeSlider snaps to steps or ticks. Available options for this property are

  • StepValues - The StepFrequency property will be used to specify the interval between snap points.

  • Ticks - The TickFrequency property will be used to specify the interval between snap points

  • None - The thumb is moved independent of any values.


The default option is Ticks.

<range:SfRangeSlider x:Name="rangeslider" SnapsTo="Ticks"/>