How to Perform an Action while Selecting a Value?

11 Aug 20223 minutes to read

ValueChanging event will be triggered when value is changed with single thumb. ValueEventArgs has RangeSlider and RangeValue of the control.

Members Description
RangeSlider Displays the native control.
Value Displays the value when moved with single thumb.
  • C#
  • rangeSlider.ValueChanging  += (object sender, ValueEventArgs e) => 
    				float range = e.Value;
    				SfRangeSlider rangeSlider = e.RangeSlider;

    How to Perform an Action when the Range Get Changing?

    RangeChanging event will be triggered when either RangeStart or RangeEnd values are changed. RangeEventArgs has RangeStart and RangeEnd value of SfRangeSlider.


    ShowRange value must be true.

    Members Description
    RangeSlider Displays the native control
    Start It shows the start value when moved with thumb
    End It shows the end value when moved with thumb
  • C#
  • rangeSlider.RangeChanging+= (object sender, RangeEventArgs e) =>
    				float rangeStart = e.Start;
    				float rangeEnd = e.End;
    				SfRangeSlider rangeSlider = e.RangeSlider;

    How to get notifications when a thumb drag is started and completed?

    The DragStarted event is raised when a thumb is dragged. After the thumb releases the pointer capture, the DragCompleted event is raised. The IsStartThumb property of the DragThumbEventArgs returns a boolean value, which indicates the thumb used for performing drag operations.

    Members Description
    IsStartThumb Indicates the thumb used for performing drag operations.
  • C#
  • rangeSlider.DragStarted+=(object sender, DragThumbEventArgs e) =>
             //perform the operation
    	rangeSlider.DragCompleted+=(object sender, DragThumbEventArgs e) =>
             //perform the operation

    How to trigger the ThumbTouchDown event?

    The ThumbTouchDown event occurs when touching the thumb. The argument contains the state of the thumb.

    IsStartThumb - Gets the state whether thumb touch down position is start or end. If the thumb touch down position is start, then IsStartThumb state is true. If it’s end, then IsStartThumb state is false. It is a read only property.

  • C#
  • private void Rangeslider_ThumbTouchDown(object sender, Syncfusion.SfRangeSlider.XForms.DragThumbEventArgs e)
              var isStartThumb =  e.IsStartThumb;

    How to trigger the ThumbTouchUp event?

    IsStartThumb - Gets the state whether thumb touch up position is start or end. If the thumb touch up position is start, then IsStartThumb state is true. If it’s end, then IsStartThumb state is false. It is a read only property.

  • C#
  • private void Rangeslider_ThumbTouchUp(object sender, Syncfusion.SfRangeSlider.XForms.DragThumbEventArgs e)
              var isStartThumb=  e.IsStartThumb;


    ThumbTouchDown and ThumbTouchUp events applicable only for Android, iOS platform and not for UWP.