Types of Syncfusion SfChart

25 Nov 202224 minutes to read

Line Chart

To render a line chart, create an instance of LineSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. The Visibility property represents the series visibility in SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the appearance.

  • Color – used to change the color of the line.
  • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the line.
  • Alpha - Controls the transparency of the chart series.
  • C#
  • [C#] 
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    LineSeries lineSeries = new LineSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    Line chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Dashed Lines

    PathEffect property of the LineSeries is used to render line series with dashes.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    LineSeries lineSeries = new lineSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    lineSeries.PathEffect = new DashPathEffect(new float[] {5, 6}, 2);

    Stacked Line Chart

    To render a stacked line chart, create an instance of StackingLineSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the stacked line appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the line.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the line.
    • Alpha - controls the transparency of the chart series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    StackingLineSeries stackingLineSeries1 = new StackingLineSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data1,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingLineSeries stackingLineSeries2 = new StackingLineSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data2,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingLineSeries stackingLineSeries3 = new StackingLineSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data3,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingLineSeries stackingLineSeries4 = new StackingLineSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data4,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue"

    StackedLine chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Dashed Stacked Lines

    PathEffect property of the StackingLineSeries is used to render stacked line series with dashes.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    StackedLineSeries stackingLineSeries1 = new StackedLineSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data1,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue" 
    stackingLineSeries1.PathEffect = new DashPathEffect(new float[]{6,6}, 4);
    StackedLineSeries stackingLineSeries2 = new StackedLineSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data2,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue" 
    stackingLineSeries2.PathEffect = new DashPathEffect(new float[]{6,6}, 4);
    StackedLineSeries stackingLineSeries3 = new StackedLineSeries() 
    	ItemsSource = Data3,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue" 
    stackingLineSeries3.PathEffect = new DashPathEffect(new float[]{6,6}, 4);
    StackedLineSeries stackingLineSeries4 = new StackedLineSeries() 
    	ItemsSource = Data3,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue" 
    stackingLineSeries4.PathEffect = new DashPathEffect(new float[]{6,6}, 4);

    100% Stacked Line Chart

    To render a 100% stacked Line chart, create an instance of StackingLine100Series and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the 100% stacked line appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the line.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the line.
    • Alpha - controls the transparency of the chart series.
    • PathEffect - used to changed the dashes of the stacked line series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    StackingLine100Series stackingLine100Series1 = new StackingLine100Series()
    	ItemsSource = Data1,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingLine100Series stackingLine100Series2 = new StackingLine100Series()
    	ItemsSource = Data2,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingLine100Series stackingLine100Series3 = new StackingLine100Series()
    	ItemsSource = Data3,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingLine100Series stackingLine100Series4 = new StackingLine100Series()
    	ItemsSource = Data4,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    StackingLine100 chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Area Chart

    To render an area chart, create an instance of AreaSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    AreaSeries areaSeries = new AreaSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    Area chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Spline Area Chart

    To render a spline area chart, create an instance of SplineAreaSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the spline area appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    SplineAreaSeries splineAreaSeries = new SplineAreaSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    SplineArea chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Spline Rendering Types

    SplineType allows you to change the spline area curve in series.

    The following types are used in SplineAreaSeries as

    • Natural
    • Monotonic
    • Cardinal
    • Clamped

    By default SplineType value is Natural.

    The following code shows how to set the SplineType value as Cardinal

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SplineAreaSeries splineAreaSeries = new SplineAreaSeries() 
    	ItemsSource = Data, 
    	XBindingPath = "Month", 
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
    	SplineType = SplineType.Cardinal

    Step Area Chart

    To render a step area chart, create an instance of StepAreaSeries and add to the Series collection property of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the step area appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    StepAreaSeries stepAreaSeries = new StepAreaSeries();
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    Range Area Chart

    To render a range area chart, create an instance of RangeAreaSeries and add to the Series collection property of SfChart.

    Since the RangeAreaSeries requires two Y values for a point, your data should contain HighValues and LowValues. High and low value specifies the maximum and minimum range of the point.

  • C#
  • [C#] 
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    RangeAreaSeries rangeAreaSeries = new RangeAreaSeries();
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        High = "High",
    	Low = "Low"

    Following properties are used to customize the range area segment appearance,

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.

    Stacked Area Chart

    To render a stacked area chart, create an instance of StackingAreaSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the stacked area appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    StackingAreaSeries stackingAreaSeries1 = new StackingAreaSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data1,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingAreaSeries stackingAreaSeries2 = new StackingAreaSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data2,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingAreaSeries stackingAreaSeries3 = new StackingAreaSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data3,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    StackedArea chart type in Xamarin.Android

    100% Stacked Area Chart

    To render a 100% stacked area chart, create an instance of StackingArea100Series and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the 100% stacked area appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    StackingArea100Series stackingArea100Series1 = new StackingArea100Series()
    	ItemsSource = Data1,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingArea100Series stackingArea100Series2 = new StackingArea100Series()
    	ItemsSource = Data2,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingArea100Series stackingArea100Series3 = new StackingArea100Series()
    	ItemsSource = Data3,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    StackingArea100 chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Spline Range Area Chart

    To render a Spline range Area chart, create an instance of SplineRangeAreaSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart.

    Since the SplineRangeAreaSeries requires two Y values for a point, your data should contain HighValues and LowValues values. High and low value specifies the maximum and minimum range of the point.

    Following properties are used to customize the spline range area segment appearance,

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    SplineRangeAreaSeries splineRangeAreaSeries = new SplineRangeAreaSeries() 
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue", 
    	High = "High", 
    	Low = "Low" 

    Spline Rendering Types

    SplineType property allows you to change the spline range area curve in series.

    The following types can be used for SplineRangeAreaSeries

    • Natural
    • Monotonic
    • Cardinal
    • Clamped

    By default SplineType value is Natural.

    The following code shows how to set the SplineType value as Cardinal

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    SplineRangeAreaSeries splineRangeAreaSeries = new SplineRangeAreaSeries() 
    	ItemsSource = Data, 
    	XBindingPath = "Month", 
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
    	SplineType = SplineType.Cardinal

    Column Chart

    To render a column chart, create an instance of ColumnSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to configure the column segment.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • Spacing - used to change the spacing between two segments. The default value of spacing is 0, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available space, respectively.
    • Width - used to change the width of the rectangle. The default value of the width is 0.8, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available width, respectively.
    • DataMarkerPosition - used to change the position of data marker.
    • CornerRadius - used to add the rounded corners to the rectangle. The TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft and BottomRight of ChartCornerRadius properties are used to set the radius value for each corner.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    ColumnSeries columnSeries = new ColumnSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    Column chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Overlapped placement

    By default, all the column series which has the same x and y axes are placed side by side in a chart. If you want place the series one over the other (overlapped), set the SideBySideSeriesPlacement property of SfChart to false and configure the Width property to differentiate the series. The following code snippet and screenshot illustrate the overlapped placement of column series.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart()
          SideBySideSeriesPlacement = false
     chart.PrimaryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
     chart.SecondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis();
     ColumnSeries series1 = new ColumnSeries()
                    ItemsSource = view.Data1,
                    XBindingPath = "Month",
                    YBindingPath = "Year2014"
     ColumnSeries series2 = new ColumnSeries()
                    ItemsSource = view.Data2,
                    XBindingPath = "Month",
                    YBindingPath = "Year2015",

    Overlapped placement support in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Histogram Chart

    To render a histogram chart, create an instance of HistogramSeries, and add it to the series collection of SfChart.

    Histogram chart provides a visual display of large amount of data that are difficult to understand in a tabular or data grid form.

    You can customize intervals using the Interval property and collapse the normal distribution curve using the ShowNormalDistributionCurve property. You can use the following properties to customize the appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • CurveColor – used to change the color of the normal distribution curve.
    • DataMarkerPosition - used to position the data marker at Bottom, Top and Center of the rectangle.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    HistogramSeries histogramSeries = new HistogramSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",   
    	Interval = 20

    Histogram chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Range Column Chart

    To render a range column chart, create an instance of RangeColumnSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart.

    Since the RangeColumnSeries requires two Y values for a point, your data should contain high and low values. High and Low value specifies the maximum and minimum range of the point.

  • C#
  • [C#] 
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    RangeColumnSeries rangeColumnSeries = new RangeColumnSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        High = "High",
    	Low = "Low"

    Following properties are used to customize the range column segment appearance,

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • Spacing - used to change the spacing between two segments. The default value of spacing is 0, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available space, respectively.
    • Width - used to change the width of the rectangle. The default value of the width is 0.8, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available width, respectively.
    • CornerRadius - used to add the rounded corners to the rectangle. The TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft and BottomRight of ChartCornerRadius properties are used to set the radius value for each corner.

    RangeColumn chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Stacked Column Chart

    To render a stacked column chart, create an instance of StackingColumnSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to configure the stacked column segment.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • Spacing - used to change the spacing between two segments. The default value of spacing is 0, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available space, respectively.
    • Width - used to change the width of the rectangle. The default value of the width is 0.8, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available width, respectively.
    • DataMarkerPosition - used to change the position of data marker.
    • CornerRadius - used to add the rounded corners to the rectangle. The TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft and BottomRight of ChartCornerRadius properties are used to set the radius value for each corner.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    StackingColumnSeries stackingColumnSeries1 = new StackingColumnSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data1,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingColumnSeries stackingColumnSeries2 = new StackingColumnSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data2,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingColumnSeries stackingColumnSeries3 = new StackingColumnSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data3,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    StackingColumn chart type in Xamarin.Android

    100% Stacked Column Chart

    To render a 100% stacked column chart, create an instance of StackingColumn100Series and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to configure the 100% stacked column segment.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • Spacing - used to change the spacing between two segments. The default value of spacing is 0, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available space, respectively.
    • Width - used to change the width of the rectangle. The default value of the width is 0.8, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available width, respectively.
    • DataMarkerPosition - used to change the position of data marker.
    • CornerRadius - used to add the rounded corners to the rectangle. The TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft and BottomRight of ChartCornerRadius properties are used to set the radius value for each corner.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    StackingColumn100Series stackingColumn100Series1 = new StackingColumn100Series()
    	ItemsSource = Data1,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingColumn100Series stackingColumn100Series2 = new StackingColumn100Series()
    	ItemsSource = Data2,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingColumn100Series stackingColumn100Series3 = new StackingColumn100Series()
    	ItemsSource = Data3,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    StackingColumn100 chart type in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Bar Chart

    To render a bar chart, create an instance of BarSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to configure the bar segment.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • Spacing - used to change the spacing between two segments. The default value of spacing is 0, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available space, respectively.
    • Width - used to change the width of the rectangle. The default value of the width is 0.8, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available width, respectively.
    • DataMarkerPosition - used to change the position of data marker.
    • CornerRadius -used to add the rounded corners to the rectangle. The TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft and BottomRight of ChartCornerRadius properties are used to set the radius value for each corner.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    BarSeries barSeries = new BarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    Bar chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Stacked Bar Chart

    To render a stacked bar chart, create an instance of StackingBarSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to configure the stacked bar segment.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • Spacing - used to change the spacing between two segments. The default value of spacing is 0, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available space, respectively.
    • Width -used to change the width of the rectangle. The default value of the width is 0.8, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available width, respectively.
    • DataMarkerPosition - used to change the position of data marker.
    • CornerRadius - used to add the rounded corners to the rectangle. The TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft and BottomRight of ChartCornerRadius properties are used to set the radius value for each corner.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    StackingBarSeries stackingBarSeries1 = new StackingBarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data1,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingBarSeries stackingBarSeries2 = new StackingBarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data2,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingBarSeries stackingBarSeries3 = new StackingBarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data3,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    StackingBar chart type in Xamarin.Android

    100% Stacked Bar Chart

    To render a 100% stacked bar chart, create an instance of StackingBar100Series and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to configure the 100% stacked bar segment.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • Spacing - used to change the spacing between two segments. The default value of spacing is 0, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available space, respectively.
    • Width - used to change the width of the rectangle. The default value of the width is 0.8, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available width, respectively.
    • DataMarkerPosition - used to change the position of data marker.
    • CornerRadius - used to add the rounded corners to the rectangle. The TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft and BottomRight of ChartCornerRadius properties are used to set the radius value for each corner.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    StackingBar100Series stackingBar100Series1 = new StackingBar100Series()
    	ItemsSource = Data1,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingBar100Series stackingBar100Series2 = new StackingBar100Series()
    	ItemsSource = Data2,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    StackingBar100Series stackingBar100Series3 = new StackingBar100Series()
    	ItemsSource = Data3,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    StackingBar100 chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Spline Chart

    To render a spline chart, create an instance of SplineSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the spline segment appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    SplineSeries splineSeries = new SplineSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    Spline chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Dashed Lines

    PathEffect property of the SplineSeries is used to render spline series with dashes.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SplineSeries splineSeries = new SplineSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"
    splineSeries.PathEffect = new DashPathEffect(new float[] {5, 6}, 2);

    Spline Rendering Types

    SplineType allows you to change the spline curve in series.

    The following types are used in SplineSeries as

    • Natural
    • Monotonic
    • Cardinal
    • Clamped

    By default SplineType value is Natural.

    The following code shows how to set the SplineType value as Cardinal

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    SplineSeries splineSeries = new SplineSeries() 
    	ItemsSource = Data, 
    	XBindingPath = "Month", 
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
    	SplineType = SplineType.Cardinal

    Fast Line Chart

    FastLineSeries is a line chart, but it loads faster than LineSeries. You can use this when there are large number of points to be loaded in chart. To render a fast line chart, create an instance of FastLineSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the fast line segment appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    FastLineSeries fastLineSeries = new FastLineSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    FastLine chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Dashed Lines

    PathEffect property of the FastLineSeries is used to render fast line series with dashes.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    FastLineSeries fastLineSeries = new FastLineSeries() 
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue" 
    fastLineSeries.PathEffect = new DashPathEffect(new float[]{6,6}, 4);

    Dashed lines support for FastLineSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart


    Since FastLineSeries can be loaded with a large number of points, the rendering of series should be smooth. This requirement can be achieved by setting EnableAntiAliasing property of FastLineSeries as false.

    Step Line Chart

    To render a step line chart, create an instance of StepLineSeries and add to the Series collection property of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the stepline segment appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    StepLineSeries stepLineSeries = new StepLineSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    StepLine chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Bubble Chart

    To render a bubble chart, create an instance of BubbleSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart.

    Bubble chart requires 3 fields (X, Y and Size) to plot a point. Here Size is used to specify the size of each bubble segment.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    BubbleSeries bubbleSeries = new BubbleSeries() 
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	Size = "Size" 

    Following properties are used to customize the bubble segment appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • MinimumRadius – used to change the minimum size of the series.
    • MaximumRadius – used to change the maximum size of the series.

    Bubble chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Scatter Chart

    To render a scatter chart, create an instance of ScatterSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the scatter segment appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • ScatterWidth – used to change the width of the series.
    • ScatterHeight – used to change the height of the series.
    • ShapeType - used to change the rendering shape of scatter series. The available shapes are Cross, diamond, ellipse, hexagon, inverted triangle, pentagon, plus, rectangle and triangle.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    ScatterSeries scatterSeries = new ScatterSeries()
        ScatterHeight = 15,
        ScatterWidth = 15,
    	ShapeType = ChartScatterShapeType.Ellipse,
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue"

    Scatter chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Fast Scatter Chart

    The FastScatterSeries is a special kind of scatter series that renders a collection with a huge number of data points. You can use the following properties to customize the appearance of a fast scatter point.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    FastScatterSeries fastScatterSeries = new FastScatterSeries()
    	ScatterHeight = 15,
    	ScatterWidth = 15,
    	ShapeType = ChartScatterShapeType.Ellipse,
    	ItemsSource = Data,	
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue"

    FastScatter chart type in Xamarin.Android

    OHLC Chart

    To render an OHLC chart, create an instance of HiLoOpenCloseSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart.

    OHLC chart requires XValue, Open, High, Low and Close to plot a point.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    HiLoOpenCloseSeries hiLoOpenCloseSeries = new HiLoOpenCloseSeries() 
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        High = "High",
    	Low = "Low",
    	Open = "Open",
    	Close = "Close" 

    You can use the following properties to customize the HiLoOpenCloseSeries segment appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.

    HiLoOpenClose chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Bull and Bear Color

    In OHLC chart, BullFillColor property is used to specify a fill color for the segments that indicates an increase in stock price in the measured time interval and BearFillColor property is used to specify a fill color for the segments that indicates a decrease in stock price in the measured time interval.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    HiLoOpenCloseSeries hiLoOpenCloseSeries = new HiLoOpenCloseSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        High = "High",
    	Low = "Low",
    	Open = "Open",
    	Close = "Close", 
        BearFillColor = Color.Blue,
        BullFillColor = Color.Purple

    Bull and bear Color support for financial series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Candle Chart

    To render a candle chart, create an instance of CandleSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart.

    Candle chart requires XValue, Open, High, Low and Close to plot a point.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    CandleSeries candleSeries = new CandleSeries() 
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        High = "High",
    	Low = "Low",
    	Open = "Open",
    	Close = "Close"  

    You can use the following properties to customize the candle segment appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • Spacing - used to change the spacing between two segments.
    • Width - used to change the width of the candle.

    Candle chart type in Xamarin.Android


    In Candle Series, EnableSolidCandles property is used to specify whether the candle segment should be filled or hollow. The default value of this property is false.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    CandleSeries series = new CandleSeries();
    series.ItemsSource = viewModel.FinancialData;
    series.XBindingPath = "Date";
    series.High = "High";
    series.Low = "Low";
    series.Open = "Open";
    series.Close = "Close";
    series.EnableSolidCandles = true;

    Bull and Bear Color

    In Candle chart, BullFillColor property is used to specify a fill color for the segments that indicates an increase in stock price in the measured time interval and BearFillColor property is used to specify a fill color for the segments that indicates a decrease in stock price in the measured time interval.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    CandleSeries candleSeries = new CandleSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
        High = "High",
    	Low = "Low",
    	Open = "Open",
    	Close = "Close", 
        BearFillColor = Color.Blue,
        BullFillColor = Color.Purple

    Bull and bear Color support for financial series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Radar Chart

    To render a radar chart, create an instance of RadarSeries and add to the Series collection of SfChart.

    Draw type

    DrawType property is used to specify the radar series rendering type. Following are the two options you can set to this property,

    • Line – data points are visualized using line series.
    • Area – data points are visualized using area series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    RadarSeries radarSeries = new RadarSeries();
    radarSeries.ItemsSource = Data;
    radarSeries.XBindingPath = "XValue";
    radarSeries.YBindingPath = "YValue";
    radarSeries.DrawType = PolarChartDrawType.Line;

    Draw type support for radar series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Customize the appearance

    You can use the following properties to customize the appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series, when draw type is set to Area.
    • PathEffect – used to render lines with dashes when the draw type is set to ‘Line’.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    RadarSeries radarSeries = new RadarSeries();
    radarSeries.ItemsSource = Data;
    radarSeries.XBindingPath = "XValue";
    radarSeries.YBindingPath = "YValue";
    radarSeries.Color = Color.Aqua;
    radarSeries.StrokeWidth = 3;
    radarSeries.StrokeColor = Color.Blue;

    Customizing the appearance of radar series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Closed Series

    Closed property is used to determine, whether to connect the first and last data point of the series. By default, value is true.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    RadarSeries radarSeries = new RadarSeries();
    radarSeries.ItemsSource = Data;
    radarSeries.XBindingPath = "XValue";
    radarSeries.YBindingPath = "YValue";
    radarSeries.Closed = false;

    Closed radar series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Radar start angle for primary axis

    The start position of the radar series can be set by using PolarAngle property of axis. Default value of PolarAngle property is Rotate270. PolarAngle property can be set for primary axis, secondary axis, or both axes.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    chart.PrimaryAxis = new CategoryAxis()
        PolarAngle = ChartPolarAngle.Rotate0

    Radar start angle support for primary axis in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Radar start angle for secondary axis

  • C#
  • [C#]
    chart.PrimaryAxis  = new CategoryAxis();
    chart.SecondaryAxis =  new NumericalAxis() { PolarAngle = ChartPolarAngle.Rotate0 };

    Radar start angle support for secondary axis in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Radar start angle for both axis

  • C#
  • [C#]
    chart.PrimaryAxis  = new CategoryAxis(){ PolarAngle = ChartPolarAngle.Rotate0 };
    chart.SecondaryAxis =  new NumericalAxis() { PolarAngle = ChartPolarAngle.Rotate0 };

    Radar start angle support for both axes in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Polar Chart

    To render a polar chart, create an instance of PolarSeries and add to the Series collection of SfChart.

    Draw type

    DrawType property is used to specify the polar series rendering type. Following are the two options you can set to this property,

    • Line – data points are visualized using line series.
    • Area – data points are visualized using area series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    PolarSeries polarSeries = new PolarSeries();
    polarSeries.ItemsSource = Data;
    polarSeries.XBindingPath = "XValue";
    polarSeries.YBindingPath = "YValue";
    polarSeries.DrawType = PolarChartDrawType.Line;

    Draw type support for polar series in Xamarin.Android Chart


    You need to set XBindingPath and YBindingPath properties, so that SfChart would fetch values from the respective properties in the data model to plot the series.

    Customize the appearance

    You can use the following properties to customize the appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series, when draw type is set to Area.
    • PathEffect – used to render lines with dashes when the draw type is set to ‘Line’.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    PolarSeries polarSeries = new PolarSeries();
    polarSeries.ItemsSource = Data;
    polarSeries.XBindingPath = "XValue";
    polarSeries.YBindingPath = "YValue";
    polarSeries.Color = Color.Aqua;
    polarSeries.StrokeWidth = 3;
    polarSeries.StrokeColor = Color.Blue;

    Customizing the appearance of polar series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Closed Series

    Closed property is used to determine, whether to connect the first and last data point of the series. By default, value is true.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    PolarSeries polarSeries = new PolarSeries();
    polarSeries.ItemsSource = Data;
    polarSeries.XBindingPath = "XValue";
    polarSeries.YBindingPath = "YValue";
    polarSeries.Closed = false;

    Closed polar series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Polar start angle for primary axis

    The start position of the polar series can be set by using PolarAngle property of axis. Default value of PolarAngle property is Rotate270. PolarAngle property can be set for primary axis, secondary axis, or both axes.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    chart.PrimaryAxis  = new CategoryAxis(){ PolarAngle = ChartPolarAngle.Rotate0 };
    chart.SecondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis();

    Polar start angle support for primary axis in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Polar start angle for secondary axis

  • C#
  • [C#]
    chart.PrimaryAxis  = new CategoryAxis();
    chart.SecondaryAxis =  new NumericalAxis() { PolarAngle = ChartPolarAngle.Rotate0 };

    Polar start angle support for secondary axis in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Polar start angle for both axis

  • C#
  • [C#]
    chart.PrimaryAxis  = new CategoryAxis(){ PolarAngle = ChartPolarAngle.Rotate0 };
    chart.SecondaryAxis =  new NumericalAxis() { PolarAngle = ChartPolarAngle.Rotate0 };

    Polar start angle support for both axes in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Pie Chart

    To render a pie chart, create an instance of PieSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the pie segment appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • DataMarkerPosition - used to change the position of data marker. Default position is Inside.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    PieSeries pieSeries = new PieSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",


    You need to set XBindingPath and YBindingPath properties, so that SfChart would fetch values from the respective properties in the data model to plot the series.

    Pie chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Changing the pie size

    You can use CircularCoefficient property to change the diameter of the pie chart with respect to the plot area. It ranges from 0 to 1 and the default value is 0.8.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    PieSeries pieSeries = new PieSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	CircularCoefficient = 0.5f

    Changing the pie size in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Exploding a pie segment

    You can explode a pie segment using ExplodeIndex property and specify the explode radius using ExplodeRadius property of PieSeries.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    PieSeries pieSeries = new PieSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	ExplodeIndex = 1

    Exploding a pie segment support in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Exploding all the segments

    Using ExplodeAll property of PieSeries, you can explode all the pie segments.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    PieSeries pieSeries = new PieSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	ExplodeAll = true

    Also, the segments can be exploded by touch using ExplodableOnTouch property of DoughnutSeries. Default value of this property is false.

    Exploding all the segments of pie series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Sector of Pie

    SfChart allows you to render all the data points/segments in semi-pie, quarter-pie or in any sector using StartAngle and EndAngle properties.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    PieSeries pieSeries = new PieSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	StartAngle = 180,
    	EndAngle = 360

    Sector support for pie series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Group small data points into “others”

    The small segments in the pie chart can be grouped into “others” category using the GroupTo and GroupMode properties of PieSeries. The GroupMode property is used to specify the grouping type based on slice Angle, actual data point value, or Percentage, and the GroupTo property is used to set the limit to group data points into a single slice. The grouped segment is labeled as “Others” in legend and toggled as any other segment. The default value of the GroupTo property is [double.NAN], and GroupMode property is Value.

    Doughnut Chart

    To render a doughnut chart, create an instance of DoughnutSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the doughnut segment appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • DataMarkerPosition - used to change the position of data marker.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    DoughnutSeries doughnutSeries = new DoughnutSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue"

    Doughnut chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Stacked doughnut

    Doughnut segments can be separated as individual circles using the IsStackedDoughnut property. The following properties are used to customize the stacked doughnut chart:

    • CapStyle - Specifies the shape of the start and end points of the circular segment. The supported values are BothFlat, BothCurve, StartCurve, and EndCurve. The default value of the this property is BothFlat.
    • Spacing - Changes the spacing between two individual segments. The default value of spacing is 0, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 correspond to 100% and 0% of the available space, respectively.
    • MaximumValue - Represents the entire span of an individual circle. The default value of the this property is double.NaN.
    • TrackColor - Changes the color of the track area.
    • TrackBorderColor - Changes the color of the track border.
    • TrackBorderWidth - Changes the width of the track border.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    DoughnutSeries doughnutSeries = new DoughnutSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
        XBindingPath = "XValue",
        YBindingPath = "YValue",
        IsStackedDoughnut = true,
        CapStyle = DoughnutCapStyle.BothCurve,
        Spacing = 0.4,
        MaximumValue = 100

    Stacked doughnut type in Xamarin.Android

    Changing Doughnut inner radius

    You can change the doughnut chart inner radius using DoughnutCoefficient with respect to the plot area. It ranges from 0 to 1 and the default value is 0.4.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    DoughnutSeries doughnutSeries = new DoughnutSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	DoughnutCoefficient = 0.6f

    DoughnutCoefficient support for doughnut series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Changing the doughnut size

    You can use the CircularCoefficient property to change the diameter of the doughnut chart with respect to the plot area. It ranges from 0 to 1 and the default value is 0.8.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    DoughnutSeries doughnutSeries = new DoughnutSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	CircularCoefficient = 0.5f

    CircularCoefficient support for doughnut series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Exploding a doughnut segment

    Exploding a specific doughnut segment, you have to set the index to be exploded using ExplodeIndex property of the series.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    DoughnutSeries doughnutSeries = new DoughnutSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	ExplodeIndex = 1

    Exploding a doughnut segment support in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Exploding all the segments

    To explode all the segments, you have to enable ExplodeAll property of the series.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    DoughnutSeries doughnutSeries = new DoughnutSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	ExplodeAll = true

    Also, the segments can be exploded by touch using ExplodableOnTouch property of DoughnutSeries. Default value of this property is false.

    Exploding all the segments of doughnut series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Sector of Doughnut

    SfChart allows you to render all the data points/segments in semi-doughnut, quarter- doughnut or in any sector using StartAngle and EndAngle properties.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    DoughnutSeries doughnutSeries = new DoughnutSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	StartAngle = 180,
    	EndAngle = 360

    Sector support for doughnut series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Group small data points into “others”

    The small segments in the doughnut chart can be grouped into “others” category using the GroupTo and GroupMode properties of DoughnutSeries. The GroupMode property is used to specify the grouping type based on slice angle, actual data point value, or percentage, and the GroupTo property is used to set the limit to group data points into a single slice. The grouped segment is labeled as “Others” in legend and toggled as any other segment. The default value of the GroupTo property is [double.NAN], and GroupMode property is Value.

    Add view to the center of doughnut chart

    Any view can be added to the center of doughnut chart using the CenterView property of DoughnutSeries.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    TextView label = new TextView(this);
    label.Text = "CenterView";
    DoughnutSeries doughnutSeries = new DoughnutSeries()
    	ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	CenterView = label

    CenterView support for doughnut series in Xamarin.Android Chart


    The InnerRadius property of DoughnutSeries is used to get only the inner radius. Using this InnerRadius value, you can provide CentreView for series to avoid the view from being cropped outside the series.

    Pyramid Chart

    To render a pyramid chart, create an instance of PyramidSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the pyramid segment appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    PyramidSeries pyramidSeries = new PyramidSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue"

    Pyramid chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Pyramid Mode

    You can render the pyramid series as linear or surface mode. In linear mode, height of the pyramid segment is based on the Y value and in surface mode, area of the pyramid segment is based on the Y values. The default value of ChartPyramidMode is Linear.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    PyramidSeries pyramidSeries = new PyramidSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	PyramidMode = ChartPyramidMode.Surface

    Pyramid mode support in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Gap between the segments

    You can control the gap between the two segments using GapRatio property. Its ranges from 0 to 1.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    PyramidSeries pyramidSeries = new PyramidSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	GapRatio = 0.1f

    Gap between the pyramid segments support in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Exploding a pyramid segment

    You can explode a pyramid segment using ExplodeIndex property, and ExplodeOffset property is used to specify the exploded segment’s distance.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    PyramidSeries pyramidSeries = new PyramidSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	ExplodeIndex = 2

    Also, the segments can be exploded by touch using ExplodableOnTouch property of PyramidSeries. Default value of this property is false.

    Exploding a pyramid segment support in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Funnel Chart

    To render a funnel chart, create an instance of FunnelSeries and add to the series collection of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the funnel segment appearance.

    • Color – used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth – used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor – used to change the stroke color of the series.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    FunnelSeries funnelSeries = new FunnelSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue"

    Funnel chart type in Xamarin.Android

    Gap between the segments

    You can control the gap between the two segments using GapRatio property. Its ranges from 0 to 1.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    FunnelSeries funnelSeries = new FunnelSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	GapRatio = 0.1f,

    Gap between the funnel segments support in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Exploding a funnel segment

    You can explode a pyramid segment using ExplodeIndex property and ExplodeOffset property is used to specify the exploded segment’s distance.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    FunnelSeries funnelSeries = new FunnelSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	ExplodeIndex = 1

    Also, the segments can be exploded by touch using ExplodableOnTouch property of FunnelSeries. Default value of this property is false.

    Exploding a funnel segment support in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Changing the minimum width of the funnel

    You can change the minimum width of the funnel neck using MinWidth property of FunnelSeries. Default value is 40.

  • C#
  • FunnelSeries funnelSeries = new FunnelSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
    	XBindingPath = "XValue",
    	YBindingPath = "YValue",
    	MinWidth = 160

    Minimum width support for funnel series in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Waterfall Chart

    WaterfallSeries clarifies the cumulative effect of a set of provided positive and negative values. The series is represented by a rectangle and a connector between the rectangles.

    • SummaryBindingPath – Gets or sets the string value that indicates the sum of previous segments in series.
    • SummarySegmentColor – Changes the color of summary segment in series.
    • NegativeSegmentColor – Changes the color of negative segment in series.
    • AllowAutoSum – Enables or disables the segment that has been drawn based on the sum value of previous segments. By default, the value of this property is true. When disabling this property, it renders the segment by using the y-value of provided ItemsSource collection.
    • ShowConnectorLine – Enables or disables the connector line of series. By default, value of this property is true.
    • ConnectorLineStyle – Customizes the appearance of connector line style.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    WaterfallSeries waterfallSeries = new WaterfallSeries()
    	ItemsSource = RevenueDetails,
    	XBindingPath = "Category",
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
    	AllowAutoSum = true,
    	SummaryBindingPath = "IsSummary",
    	NegativeSegmentColor = Color.Pink,
    	SummarySegmentColor = Color.Gray,
    	ShowConnectorLine = true

    Box and Whisker Chart

    BoxAndWhiskerSeries plots a combination of rectangles and lines to show the distribution of data sets. To render a box and whisker(box plot) chart, create an instance of BoxAndWhiskerSeries and add to the series collection property of SfChart. You can use the following properties to customize the appearance.

    • Color - used to change the color of the series.
    • StrokeWidth - used to change the stroke width of the series.
    • StrokeColor - used to change the stroke color of the series.
    • Spacing - used to change the spacing between two segments. The default value of spacing is 0, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 corresponds to 100% and 0% of the available space, respectively.
    • Width - used to change the width of the rectangle. The default value of the width is 0.8, and the value ranges from 0 to 1. Here, 1 and 0 corresponds to 100% and 0% of the available width, respectively.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    BoxAndWhiskerSeries boxPlotSeries = new BoxAndWhiskerSeries() 
        ItemsSource = Data, 
        XBindingPath = "Department", 
        YBindingPath = "Ages",
        ShowMedian = true

    BoxAndWhisker chart type in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Customize the series box mode

    The series box plotting mode can be changed using the BoxPlotMode property of BoxAndWhiskerSeries. The plotting mode of series can be calculated as follows:

    • Exclusive - The quartile values are calculated using the formula (N+1) * P (N count, P percentile), and their index value starts from 1 in the list.
    • Inclusive - The quartile values are calculated using the formula (N−1) * P (N count, P percentile), and their index value starts from 0 in the list.
    • Normal - The quartile values are calculated by splitting the list and getting the median values.

    By default, BoxPlotMode value is Exclusive.

    The following code shows how to set the BoxPlotMode value as Inclusive.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    BoxAndWhiskerSeries boxPlotSeries = new BoxAndWhiskerSeries() 
        ItemsSource = Data, 
        XBindingPath = "Department", 
        YBindingPath = "Ages",
        ShowMedian = true,
        BoxPlotMode = BoxPlotMode.Inclusive

    BoxPlotMode support for BoxAndWhiskerSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart


    The Median values of given data set is viewed by enabling the ShowMedian property of BoxAndWhiskerSeries. By default, ShowMedian value is false. The following code demonstrates how to enable the ShowMedian property.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    BoxAndWhiskerSeries boxPlotSeries = new BoxAndWhiskerSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
        XBindingPath = "Department",
        YBindingPath = "Ages",
        ShowMedian = true

    ShowMedian support for BoxAndWhiskerSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart


    The outlier is used to display the outlier point that lies either below the lower whisker or above the upper whisker line and it is an observation that is numerically distant from the rest of the data.


    The outlier value in the box plot can be viewed by enabling the ShowOutlier property of BoxAndWhiskerSeries. By default, ShowOutlier value is true. The following code demonstrates how to disable the ShowOutlier property.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    BoxAndWhiskerSeries boxPlotSeries = new BoxAndWhiskerSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
        XBindingPath = "Department",
        YBindingPath = "Ages",
        ShowMedian = true,
        ShowOutlier = false

    ShowOutlier support for BoxAndWhiskerSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart


    The SymbolType is used to display the outlier point with different types of symbols. The available symbols are Cross, Diamond, Ellipse, Hexagon, InvertedTriangle, Pentagon, Plus, Rectangle and Triangle. By default, SymbolType value is Ellipse.

    The following code shows how to set the SymbolType value as Cross.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    BoxAndWhiskerSeries boxPlotSeries = new BoxAndWhiskerSeries()
        ItemsSource = Data,
        XBindingPath = "Department",
        YBindingPath = "Ages",
        ShowMedian = true,
        SymbolType = ChartSymbolType.Cross

    Outlier for BoxAndWhiskerSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Error Bar Chart

    ErrorBarSeries is graphical representations of the variations of data and used on graphs to indicate the errors or uncertainty in a reported measurement. To render a error bar chart, create an instance of ErrorBarSeries and add to the Series collection property of SfChart.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    ScatterSeries scatterSeries = new ScatterSeries ()
    	ItemsSource = CarDistributionDetails, 	
    	ScatterHeight = 20, 
    	ScatterWidth = 20, 
    	ShapeType = ChartScatterShapeType.Ellipse,
    	XBindingPath = "Country", 
    	YBindingPath = "Value" 
    scatterSeries.ColorModel.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Natural;
    ErrorBarSeries errorBarSeries = new ErrorBarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = CarDistributionDetails,
    	XBindingPath = "Country",
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
            Type = ErrorBarType.Fixed,
    	Mode = ErrorBarMode.Both,
    	HorizontalErrorValue = 0.5,
    	VerticalErrorValue = 4

    ErrorBar chart type in Xamarin.Android


    The Type property is used to define the error bar type value in Fixed, Custom, Percentage, StandardDeviation, and StandardErrors. The default value of this property is Fixed. For all types, you have to set the values for HorizontalErrorValue and VerticalErrorValue except Custom.


  • C#
  • [C#]
    ErrorBarSeries errorBarSeries = new ErrorBarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = CarDistributionDetails,
    	XBindingPath = "Country",
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
            Type = ErrorBarType.Fixed,
    	Mode = ErrorBarMode.Both,
    	HorizontalErrorValue = 0.5,
    	VerticalErrorValue = 4

    Fixed type for ErrorBarSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart


  • C#
  • [C#]
    ErrorBarSeries errorBarSeries = new ErrorBarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = CarDistributionDetails,
    	XBindingPath = "Country",
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
            Type = ErrorBarType.Percentage,
    	Mode = ErrorBarMode.Both,
    	HorizontalErrorValue = 1,
    	VerticalErrorValue = 8

    Percentage type for ErrorBarSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Standard Deviation

  • C#
  • [C#]
    ErrorBarSeries errorBarSeries = new ErrorBarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = CarDistributionDetails,
    	XBindingPath = "Country",
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
            Type = ErrorBarType.StandardDeviation,
    	Mode = ErrorBarMode.Both,
    	HorizontalErrorValue = 1,
    	VerticalErrorValue = 4

    StandardDeviation type for ErrorBarSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart

    Standard Errors

  • C#
  • [C#]
    ErrorBarSeries errorBarSeries = new ErrorBarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = CarDistributionDetails,
    	XBindingPath = "Country",
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
            Type = ErrorBarType.StandardErrors,
    	Mode = ErrorBarMode.Both,
    	HorizontalErrorValue = 1,
    	VerticalErrorValue = 4

    StandardErrors type For ErrorBarSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart


    If Type is Custom, you have to set values for HorizontalErrorPath and VerticalErrorPath as shown in the following code snippet.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    ErrorBarSeries errorBarSeries = new ErrorBarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = CarDistributionDetails,
    	XBindingPath = "Country",
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
            Type = ErrorBarType.Custom,
    	Mode = ErrorBarMode.Both,
    	HorizontalErrorPath = "HorizontalErrorValues",
    	VerticalErrorValue = "VerticalErrorValues"

    Custom type for ErrorBarSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart


    The error value shown on the chart is based on the Mode property. It have the values of Both, Horizontal, and Vertical. The default value of this property is Both.


    To display horizontal and vertical error values, you can set the Mode as Both as shown in the following code.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    ErrorBarSeries errorBarSeries = new ErrorBarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = CarDistributionDetails,
    	XBindingPath = "Country",
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
            Type = ErrorBarType.Fixed,
    	Mode = ErrorBarMode.Horizontal,
    	HorizontalErrorValue = 0.5,
    	VerticalErrorValue = 4

    ErrorBarMode support for ErrorBarSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart


    To display horizontal error value only, you can set the Mode as Horizontal as shown in the following code.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    ErrorBarSeries errorBarSeries = new ErrorBarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = CarDistributionDetails,
    	XBindingPath = "Country",
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
            Type = ErrorBarType.Fixed,
    	Mode = ErrorBarMode.Horizontal,
    	HorizontalErrorValue = 0.5,
    	VerticalErrorValue = 4

    ErrorBarMode Horizontal support for ErrorBarSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart


    To display vertical error value only, you can set the Mode as Vertical as shown in the following code.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    ErrorBarSeries errorBarSeries = new ErrorBarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = CarDistributionDetails,
    	XBindingPath = "Country",
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
            Type = ErrorBarType.Fixed,
    	Mode = ErrorBarMode.Vertical,
    	HorizontalErrorValue = 0.5,
    	VerticalErrorValue = 4

    ErrorBarMode Vertical support for ErrorBarSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart


    The HorizontalDirection and VerticalDirection properties are used to set the direction of error bar lines. The default value is Both.

    • Both - used to set error value in positive and negative directions.
    • Minus - used to set error value in a negative direction.
    • Plus - used to set error value in a positive direction.
  • C#
  • [C#]
    ErrorBarSeries errorBarSeries = new ErrorBarSeries()
    	ItemsSource = CarDistributionDetails,
    	XBindingPath = "Country",
    	YBindingPath = "Value",
            Type = ErrorBarType.Fixed,
    	Mode = ErrorBarMode.Both,
    	HorizontalDirection = ErrorBarDirection.Both,
            VerticalDirection = ErrorBarDirection.Both,
    	HorizontalErrorValue = 0.5,
    	VerticalErrorValue = 4

    ErrorBarDirection support for ErrorBarSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart


    You can customize the ErrorBarSeries with the following style properties.

  • C#
  • [C#]
     errorBarSeries.HorizontalLineStyle = new ErrorBarLineStyle();
     errorBarSeries.HorizontalLineStyle.StrokeColor = Color.Cyan;
     errorBarSeries.HorizontalLineStyle.StrokeWidth = 4;
     errorBarSeries.VerticalLineStyle = new ErrorBarLineStyle();
     errorBarSeries.VerticalLineStyle.StrokeColor = Color.Cyan;
     errorBarSeries.VerticalLineStyle.StrokeWidth = 4;
     errorBarSeries.HorizontalCapLineStyle = new ErrorBarCapLineStyle();
     errorBarSeries.HorizontalCapLineStyle.StrokeColor = Color.Green;
     errorBarSeries.HorizontalCapLineStyle.StrokeWidth = 4;
     errorBarSeries.HorizontalCapLineStyle.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
     errorBarSeries.VerticalCapLineStyle = new ErrorBarCapLineStyle();
     errorBarSeries.VerticalCapLineStyle.StrokeColor = Color.Green;
     errorBarSeries.VerticalCapLineStyle.StrokeWidth = 4;
     errorBarSeries.VerticalCapLineStyle.Visibility =  Visibility.Visible;

    Customization of ErrorBarSeries in Xamarin.Android Chart