Acquire total number of pages in WPF Pdf Viewer

15 Nov 20221 minute to read

PDF Viewer provides the total number of the pages in the PDF document that is being loaded into the PDF Viewer. This value can be acquired with the help of PageCount property in the PDF Viewer control, the following code example illustrates the same.

//Initialize PDF Viewer.
PdfViewerControl pdfViewer1 = new PdfViewerControl();
//Load the PDF.

// Acquiring the total number of pages in the document being loaded  
int pageCount = pdfviewer1.PageCount;
'Initialize PDF Viewer.
Private pdfViewer1 As New PdfViewerControl()
'Load the PDF.

'Acquiring the total number of pages in the document being loaded 
Dim pageCount As Integer = pdfviewer1.PageCount