Theming in WPF Olap Chart

6 May 20211 minute to read

Theming is the process of applying particular settings to visual elements of a product. This feature provides the following theming options:

  • Office 2010 Blue
  • Office 2010 Black
  • Office 2010 Silver
  • Transparent
  • Office 2007 Blue
  • Office 2007 Black
  • Office 2007 Silver
  • Blend
  • Metro
  • Office 2003
  • Default

The VisualStyle property allows users to set the visual style of the OLAP chart control. The following code sample demonstrates how theming is added to the OLAP chart control.

<syncfusion:OlapChart  x:Name="olapChart" VisualStyle="Transparent"/>
this.olapChart.VisualStyle = OlapChartVisualStyle.Transparent;

A sample demo is available at the following location.

{system drive}:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Local\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\<Version Number>\WPF\OlapChart.WPF\Samples\Appearance\Visual Styles demo